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Everything posted by Texzilla58

  1. I like your thinking. Lots of ways to go. If I had time and patience Grilled jumbo Gulf shrimp and grits Huevos rancheros with refried beans and eggs over easy Brisket and smoked sausage hash Chicken fried venison backstraps with jalapeno gravy Fresh homegrown tomatoes and cantaloupe
  2. I as a little kid when this came out and got dragged to it then had to watch it numerous times. It was always put on a pedestal of wholesomeness but…the father was schtupping the hired help. The escape from the Nazis was actually getting on a train for a scheduled tour in the U.S. thru Italy as Georg was an Italian citizen by way of him being Croatian in the defunct Austro-Hungarian empire. They had been married 11 years and the professional singing started as a need for income when the family fortune was wiped out in the great depression. Also they didn’t get shit from the huge revenue of the movie as Maria had signed the rights away to a German company years earlier. They actually considered an opportunity from the Nazis for George to take a commission in the German navy, as well as getting state support for their music, and other perks. Their issues with the Nazis wasn’t political but religious; they had seen the growing persecution of the church in Germany.
  3. It is the responsibility of the communicator to insure message is received correctly by the communicatee. If refs got it wrong it’s the fault of Big Dumb Dan Skipper and Aggy Dan for coming up with goofball plan to confuse the Cowboys but confused the refs instead. If they had just fucking had 68 check in normal they might have won the game. This crew should be being criticized for that tripping call and the no holding calls on Parsons and Tank. Campbell can keep saying that he told the ref in the pregame meeting but the the white hat guy wasn’t there.
  4. Why don’t you just read the episode blurbs on IMDb and you’re fine in three minutes
  5. My problem I hit the tiny window in Italy at 16 and nothing here is close. I don’t even try them now. Like eating sandstone
  6. Lotta angry wimmens out there wanting to kill him or at least get that money.
  7. Until last night I was just hoping for Roy and Gator to die slow agonizing deaths. List has expanded now to Roy wife #3, all his spawn, and his asshole old man. Lars should just have his worthless dick removed with a sand wedge. The show always has an oddball death so maybe he stumbled into some Darwinian bamboozlery. It was good to see Indira strip down; her hot bod has been buried in those Minnesota cop in winter clothes. Timelines with Scotty is she belongs to Wayne. Left Roy 11 years ago, Scotty is 9. I don’t know why Danish ignored numerous calls from Lorraine and then went to the ranch alone.
  8. Hiroshi is Bill Randa’s stepson. Keiko is his mother. I wasn’t aware she had a kid when she met Shaw and Bill. I don’t recall her mentioning it in any of her scenes. The timelines are screwy. If Hiroshi was born in 52 then he’d be in his 60’s in the present day scenes and he looks late 40’s.
  9. That’s good news ! He’s a master at the pit. Sounds like smart location and smart he’s branching out from a traditional bbq joint making it more of a bistro. The vac seal ready made is a great idea, there was a joint in Mansfield that had vac sealed meats but also brisket, ham, and pork trimmings you could buy that I used for pots of beans or greens, burgers, and other things. Smart to offer more options when you’ll have some dependence on neighborhood clientele eating there more often. Need multi rev streams.
  10. I’ve got him in my dead pool. Shot bar owner is not a good career choice.
  11. Again all that trickeration for 2 yards. Why wouldn’t you just tush push it through the weakass Dallas middle? Again another coach getting too cute because of a cool play he drew up on a whiteboard. And in that position because of a dc playing cute with a prevent defense. Who was doing that because of criminal stupidity in playcalling and clock management by Fat Mike. Also the ref was not in the officials meeting with the lions so he never heard the cool play from Dan. He was talking to a back judge or something and then claims he told them all. Uhh the dude with the white hat wasn’t there.
  12. Yep. Racking wins in early season is important to secure playoff position but how a team plays in December is the most important indicator of success. Ravens look mighty good right now.
  13. This is my issue with the current trend of Madden-type offensive minds and I believe overreliance on scheme and “neat-o” plays. The belief in the whiteboard over the actual field of play. I believe at its root football is about imposition of will on the team and individual across from you. It can come from better stamina in the fourth quarter, executional excellence, scheme, or coaching or lots of other things. Maybe this is from my football days playing single wing ball and watching Texas destroy folks running basically a set of 3 or 4 plays out of the Wishbone. There was no scripting. It was pure power football. We’re going to run Steve Worster straight up your ass over and over until you stop it. Nothing fancy but executional excellence combined with an ingenious concept. A lot of the folks calling plays today don’t test this part of the game anymore. This past weekend was full of this. Mike McCarthy with endgame playcalling so brain dead it nearly costs a game. Texas failing to use the run to neutralize Penix, Bama simply bamboozled into dumb plays thru a game to lose. Several instances of prevent defenses used to basically lose games. The explanations for these overcoaching decisions usually are shaken off with coaching gobbledygook.
  14. There are ten episodes. I got tied up and haven’t watched this weeks yet
  15. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/39230920/nfl-video-reminds-players-clearly-report-eligible-receivers# NFL lecturing teams, pointing out lions were idiots.
  16. If I have to choose I’m going H57. Especially on a burger. I also had a father in law who thought well done was rare. The planks of charcoal he would grill as steaks needed something. I would make a H57/butter/worschestershire sauce thing that enabled wife and I to eat them. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
  17. Penix is going to be a bigtime millionaire top draft pick in a few months.
  18. Most French toast is awful. Well made French toast is wonderful like fried bread pudding. There was a joint when we lived in Portland that made French toast with this great homemade bread that was stale and then soaked overnight in the custard, and served with these carmelized bananas, spicy pecans, and a lemon cream that was one of the best breakfast things I ever ate.
  19. Bears fans chanting “we want Fields!” At today’s game. They will fuck it up. Whomever is the next Mike Glennon is who they will draft
  20. All the real employees died of listeria and crappy attitudes. I don’t eat Chipotle just like u don’t eat fucking blue bell or Dickeys bbq. Complete disregard for killing customers. If you do eat there have some fun at their expense by adding so much shit to a burrito they can’t fold it. They will usually spit nails at you.
  21. The Maid Rite I was taken to was awful. Plainer than what they’d serve in a hospital. On the other hand, my time in Des Moines had lots of great food such as pork tenderloin sandwiches, Ted’s Coney Island, great Italian, and 801 Steakhouse.
  22. Fuck Michigan. Media keeps sucking Harbaugh’s cheating cock. Fuck em. Fuck you blue.
  23. Fuck did the Bama db not report as eligible?
  24. You can have Holly Rowe. Laura Rutledge is mine.
  25. I hear Bo Nix’s son will be signing wherever he plays next season.
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