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Everything posted by Texzilla58

  1. Bullshit. The Lions fucked up with their 3 man deception crew going to the ref. It backfired. Do you not think the fact Dallas D was told “70 is eligible” by the ref put the defense at a disadvantage? Whether the ref crew fucked it up or not had 68 been the only one to go to the ref instead of 3 they might have avoided the issue. The NFL will put the blame on Detroit. Besides if Campbell had kicked a FG instead of failing on 4th down a couple times he might have won. Or kicked Pat and gone to overtime. They got two more chances to make the 2 and failed. So fuck em. Plus the tripping call. Plus all the missed holds on Parsons and Tank.
  2. If you haven’t noticed college isn’t developing a number of positions because most college players think a playbook is a few pictures of Buc-ee, Spider-Man, or a slurpee. O linemen cant run or pass block, WRs don’t know what a route tree is or how to block, and most QBs don’t know what reads are or a progression.
  3. Washington fans like most pac teams don’t travel. It’s why no bowl wants to get them.
  4. The Reliaquest Bowl folks were so cheap they just gave LSU generic “champions” hats. No need to send unused LSU champion hats to Ghana. Used to be the outback bowl. Before that the hall of fame bowl. Hopefully the expanded playoffs and the portal just kills these stupid minor bowls. They can be used by the conferences left behind.
  5. Yep. I like the concept of the little seedless watermelons but all bad. Wife’s grandpa grew really good melons in Tennessee so she’s cool with big seeded ones but they’re no good either lately. When I was a kid they would have these watermelon stands in most towns. They would just have a lighted lot and some big troughs filled with ice water and melons. Pick red or yellow, whole, half or quarter. Sit at the picnic table and chow down. A great memory and the best watermelons. Dad would take a whole one home for later.
  6. Uhh lots of folks round here make lots of enchiladas and queso with Velveeta which is not much different than CheeseWhiz. The real issue is the total lack of seasoning in these, not even salt or pepper. Also the typical Yankee practice of using flour tortillas in enchiladas….blecchh. It does say in the fine print… “make it modern! Sub cheddar cheese for the cheese whiz!” A 1/4 cup of green onion and an entire teaspoon of chili powder is all the flavoring in the dish. I worked for a company based in Des Moines and they can make some blandass shit. These hot dishes are typical. I love the concept when it’s 3 degrees outside but can we actually season the food? Also Loose Meat. Plain ground beef, no seasoning, on a plain white bun.
  7. I have my various chile powders like ancho, guajillo, chipotle, etc but I always have a bottle of Fiesta and Gebhardts on hand for quick dishes or simple adds. Same as I have garam masala, tony cachere’s Cajun seasoning, and Thai curry pastes on hand.
  8. But why do you care if someone does? Who gives a shit if someone likes ketchup in their hot dog or pineapple on their pizza or sauce on their barbecue?
  9. Without Baylor that joint is out of business in a week. I’m sure the owner loves counter help spouting off with stupid opinions about probably 2/3 of their customers.
  10. That’s part of the joke on Shaw as he is in his 90’s but looks like he’s in his early 70’s. It’s been mentioned a couple times. He finally referred it to “an incident”. So maybe she looks like she did when she was lost.
  11. Apples have gotten crazy expensive. But I always have a few on hand, either honey crisp or fujis usually. Mandarin oranges, bananas, red grapes, strawberries, blueberries, mangos are usually around. You can see how to cut a mango on YouTube. It’s easy. I had some pears in Italy in high school that were unlike any I’ve had since. Super sweet, full of juice, soft not grainy. Have never found anything close here. I love melons but it’s so hard to find good ones these days. I think seedless watermelons are usually bad and all seem to be too cucumbery or mushy. And it’s hard to get great cantaloupes. In Japan I would always eat the green muskmelon they prize there. Some can go for $15k! They are perfection. Super sweet and full of juice. Nothing like them here.
  12. Christ another no sauce nazi. I guess that’s why Aaron Franklin has sauce; his barbecue sucks. Or Goldee’s. They sell theirs at WalMart. Or Just about every other top pitmaster on earth. Why the fuck do you care whether someone puts sauce on barbecue or ketchup or Hershey syrup? You ain’t eating it.
  13. Wyatt gets to act with adults with a more interesting story line. Kurt has a bunch of shitty kids with bad lines deserving of some snake Pliskin action. I’m wondering if Dr Keiko is alive beyond the portal. She might be a hot 90 year old too. She and Shaw can hook back up.
  14. The referee told the Cowboys that 70 reported as eligible. No mention of 68. Hence they defended the play differently. They had practiced it as the lions do a lot of tackle eligible plays.
  15. The ref said 70 reported eligible and lined up ineligible so drew the flag. The interview is posted. Calvin Watkins has it. 68 was covered so he wasn’t eligible.
  16. 70 reported and liked up ineligible, hence the second flag.
  17. Regardless of whether 68 was covered or not, 70 reported eligible and was covered up, which drew the second flag on the play. Lions fucked it up.
  18. It was like they altered the recipes at that location for more local tastes as I’d sometimes eat at otb on trips back here. It was different.
  19. But he evidently did. Also Campbell said he was told two can’t report as eligible. Pollard was held a dozen times that weren’t called. Fat Mike had he run the fucking ball and burned clock would not have nearly lost the game. Lions will go deeper in playoffs than Dallas.
  20. I would say Jimmy would coach that group of old men to a win against any crew of nine the current cowboys and lions put out there
  21. And how would you change it? Dont fucking fumble the ball into the end zone. Fumble it out of bounds.
  22. Read Jimmy’s book. He wasn’t staying for a threepeat. He was hating life. He wanted equity in his new contract. He knew how hard he drove the team for a repeat and how much harder it woukd be. The collapse was drunk and ugly but it was going to happen from Jimmy’s side. He never stayed at any gig more than five years. He was toast and never got his mojo back at Miami. And I have followed Jimmy so once his days are arkansas. My favorite coach. Those two egos built a dynasty and then couldn’t maintain.
  23. Dan is the guy that drafted Mazi then had him lose 40lbs. Wtf. We need a fireplug in the middle
  24. He ain’t recovered from that broked leg. He’s gone.
  25. Jerry is tired of his kids and media and fans asking him over and over about when, ever since Jimmy went in the HoF. These two have an interesting history going back to their time at Arkansas. Jimmy was leaving after the second Super Bowl. The pressure of a three peat he wanted to leave. Could have been managed better if they both hadn’t been pretty drunk back then.
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