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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Gatorubet

  1. Oil prices gonna go up, inflation gonna worsen, and the mortgage and real estate thread will be showing continuous footage of acts of poster Seppuku.
  2. This TaliBaptist also has the ideal man. 1) You avert your eyes at females; 2) and you have no female friends. If you were writing a “How to Become an Incel” instruction manual, that would be the way to start. And as is noted, commander dip shit says the girls must be virgin, but not the “I can’t look a woman in the eye” guy. This guy definitely needs the government to give him a Handmaid, because he will never get a woman on his own.
  3. But when they pass, their other organs are harvested and supplied to richer people. It’s the circle of life.
  4. The Walrus is energized tonight. John Bolton on CNN Blaming America for the strike and strongly recommending that Israel goes in hard and destroys any potential nuclear capability of Iran. He disregards any concerns with escalating the war. Neocon’s gonna neocon.
  5. Anyone late to the party on this latest Iranian attack on Israel, I have breaking video that summarizes it:
  6. With the Dawn comes the ground attacks…
  7. so it looks like fewer drones will be going to Russia after Israel destroys their drone factories, no?
  8. I don’t understand why it’s nationality has anything to do with this…
  9. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1989-09-29-sp-458-story.html All I know Doc is that it was a big thing in the day - and led to special legislation, preventing it in Florida.
  10. Bullshit. Brisket and I have been living on the ledge so long we’re in the same subdivision and have almost paid off our mortgages. he was there earlier, so he has the nicer view though.
  11. I do not disagree at all. But as everything in the world has not gone to hell yet, I stand on the verbiage
  12. I swear to God guys and gals, every day I wake up it looks more and more like I’m living through some kind of “The Winds of War” novel - and this is the start of the novel before everything in the world goes to Hell.
  13. I, for one, am willing to open up my entire bank of thoughts and prayers for this poor person.
  14. Say what you want to about early man, but this undoubtedly spurred on the invention of flour
  15. I’ve been trying to keep Ohio State out of it
  16. That is the correct and reasonable moral reaction for sure. But that is not what the bankruptcy trustee has a duty to do. And the bankruptcy trustee runs the show mostly. A trustee cannot say “this will really fuck Alex Jones. I’ll do that even though the creditors would get more money if he continues his broadcast. But fuck that guy…I hate Alex Jones.” The other thing is that there are many creditors. I would assume many of them want Jones out of business no matter how much they get. Money can’t bring their beloved children back. But some of the families could probably use as much money as they can get out of Alex because they were awarded that by the court. A bankruptcy is a weird intertwined set of people with their own individual agendas that the trustee has to wade through and come up with the best compromise for everyone. just because we hate Alex that doesn’t mean we change the program. The vacation story is just Clickbait.
  17. he always banged his Christianity drum whenever he could, despite being one of the dirtiest coaches in football throughout his tenure. Some people find that kind of hypocrisy annoying. As an ordained Elder in my church, I certainly do. One of his players brutally raped and beat an FSU coed. Bobby sent a letter to the judge, saying what a good kid he was, and requesting leniency. The FSU Co-ed never got a letter. Bobby correctly knew that as long as he continually told everybody what a great Christian he was that he would get absolute passes from people like you. He wasn’t dumb. Are you telling me it’s common that at the University of Texas your players do not attend a single day of class their last fall semester? That would be news to me.
  18. That was God, leaving out the chapters in the Bible about how many school snow days Jesus and his disciples missed….in order to test your faith.
  19. Trump has the most beautiful disclaimer ever, buried deep in the paperwork, that refers to the currency he’s talking about being 1919 Deutschmarks. So it’s on the up and up.
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