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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Gatorubet

  1. You Texans do know that Prime did not go to a single class the entire fall season of his last year at FSU… Dad gum, wonderful Christian and good old boy Bobby Bowden did not have an issue with Dion not going to a single class at FSU the entire semester. So as a Gator, I threw up in my mouth a little bit when I saw him giving a speech about academics
  2. Did I say that? DID I SAY THAT!??? No, I never said I ate half of that donut and left it out, only to eat it later….or said I put on the Barry White 8 Track and made sweet, sweet, non-GMO love to the other half that is now tantalizingly lower than a living human’s temperature…No!! I hope you know the old saying - when you ASSUME something you make…a mess…. of bad assuming junk….?
  3. I think that Trump’s death will see the aggie roller coaster. They will all pledge to go forward against the deep state because Trump died to protect them from woke Libs , and junior will try to be the new face going forward. Meatball Ron and Marge and Teddy Cancun will all try to step in the void to oppose Don Junior, but the passage of time that core group of Maga idiots will choose sides between the pretenders to the throne. Once that happens, they will not win elections, and they will be too busy fighting each other or get too frustrated and drop out, snd will not be much of a force going forward. Pockets of these maga idiots will continue to give city councils and school boards a problem, but I see their national influence waning.
  4. On a sidenote, I’ve noticed on X that a lot of bots, and or Magas are going off on Mike Johnson, and calling him just another Paul Ryan, and a neocon at heart. Johnson should agree to a new speaker vote and have about 10 of his buddies vote for Hakeem Jeffries. The deal would be to pass funding bills for government debt and a Ukraine. After that is done they have another speaker vote. I think enough MTG types would be so angry that Johnson will not get enough votes to win, which might lead to Jefferies become a speaker again. I will now put down the vape pen.
  5. if you say that about The Third Man, I’ll cut you!
  6. I think that a spotlight on the vulnerabilities to our national defense and economic interests we’re given a kickstart by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine - and our realization that a few bad actor states can cause horrific damage to the world’s economy, and that the fallout of that damage can lead to political unrest and a change in leadership to people favoring the bad actors. When you look at how the combat drone effectiveness is limited by chip availability, and then look at how we do not have a robust domestic chip manufacturing technology in our country, well, that has to give you pause - and a new found desire to make sure the USA has the native industries required to defend our country in future fights.
  7. I was about to train for a half marathon this morning, but when I staggered into the kitchen I found a half eaten doughnut from last night. It’s really weird how that happens almost every day.
  8. I think that was a Mormon defense. In other words, blowjobs and anal don’t count as “sex”, where God says sex is inserting Adam’s wiener in Eve’s lady parts for procreation - the only reason to have sex. A guy Elvis’ age with 20-year-old male sexual desires and an army of women willing to give it to him is not going to be totally celibate for years. He very possibly would consider frequent skilled Hummers as an acceptable option.
  9. Lance Ito was perhaps the worst judge of a major trial I have ever seen. Judge Cannon is a dark horse on the outside corner, gaining some ground however.
  10. “it’s just like confederate money! Trump likes the things that I like.” - MAGGATS, probably
  11. He was so staunchly anti-abortion that he only married prepubescent children. Why do you libs hate this godly man?
  12. in other words, he always expected the stock would drop to high teens/low 20s, but neglected to tell all of his followers who bought it at 70
  13. What I take from all this is that people do not watch porn involving nude people without souls.
  14. Feel free to go fuck your dipshit moron self. My cancer co-signs this post.
  15. i’m disappointed I would’ve yelled at everyone in the front of the plane “to make sure they check the seat pockets before they leave - because a lot of times important things are left in the seat pockets..”
  16. That’s a valid point. Still, I myself haven’t seen it in 35 years of practice. I take that back. A murdering cop killed my client’s husband and I was able to get the DOJ involved. They let the murder slide, but got him on criminal perjury in my depo on the civil matter. So I’ve seen it once in 35 years of practice. Because I was like a starving dog with a bone and would not let it go. Plus, murder and all.
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