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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Gatorubet

  1. This comes across as an attempt to validate both sides issues, and to present unsupported nutter arguments as being victims of Bailey discrimination. That may be true in general or in past years, but now we often find that the person we disagree with is way more nuttier than they appear to be - and they appear to be nutty.
  2. you’d think there’d be a lot of weapons lying on the ground after the meat attacks they could recover and use
  3. come on. You are obviously smarter than the shit you just posted. I just explained that the central issue in all fraud cases is proof that a party had knowledge of the falsity of what they were doing before they did it That has absolutely nothing to do with your retort. It’s like me saying a doctor intentionally committed assault on me because of some deviation of the standard of care in a surgery. You would tell me sometimes bad things happen without intentional malice, and I would reply “if you’re saying the doctor did not fuck up the surgery intentionally how do you explain it? No MD level of competency is expected and malpractice is obviously rewarded!!” Don’t be that fucking guy.
  4. I think you just cut to the core of the problem, Buddy. The law usually does not give a shit what people believe. The law cares about what people can prove. What is your proof it was knowingly false when submitted? Assuming is not allowed.
  5. lawyers should always do everything correctly. But they don’t. And if they don’t, the courts do not usually leap to fraud as an assumption. Courts usually assume you are an incompetent dumbass. “Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence”
  6. 🐊 got 🧹 by Mizzou.
  7. No. This is just another shitty take. From the article: IOW, this is in the final part of the bankruptcy. Even Alex Jones is asking to be allowed to pay 5.5 million a year to them to let him stay afloat. If he doesn’t do it, they liquidate his stuff. The purpose of a bankruptcy is not to let the debtor guy have the worst things happen to him just because he is a bad guy. The purpose of a bankruptcy is to get money into the various creditors’ hands. As much money as possible. THAT is the main duty the trustee has. That often requires a reorganization to do this. Yet again, the legal process has been grinding forward and is almost at the end where either they sell everything Alex owns - or negotiate millions of dollars a year to the victims and he stays afloat. Nothing about this bankruptcy process was unduly long, given the factual circumstances and the complexity of the business. Just because Alex is a dip shit does not mean he does not make a ton of money from his companies being a dip shit. In a re-organization, the company CEO usually retains his or her salary unless it significantly drains the assets and there is no continuing income stream. Whatever that is for Alex, in a chapter 11 reorg that does not mean no one is allowed to go on vacation. Jesus.. They have Jones by the nuts, and he is begging. This is a success in the system and not a failure
  8. My question is whether Biden bought up all the advertising spaces when he had the money and the Orange Shit Gibbon didn’t. It doesn’t make any difference how much money you have if someone has already bought the ad spaces on the best venues and times.
  9. “Really Serious Ex Parte Motion to Strenuously Object Bigly to the trial being in state court in New York instead of in Fort Pierce, Florida in front of that federal woman I like because…… election interference.”
  10. All of that money is going to try to get Trump elected and/or going to pay off Trump legal bills. He and his family do not give a shit if every other down ballot Republican loses…at least if it means Trump has to give them some of the money.
  11. pancreatic is a sneaky some bitch because it is often very hard to find at an early stage. Best of luck to your uncle.
  12. Artists gonna artist…
  13. You always toss out facts like that daily beast article (good article, thanks) and then declare that the court should rule on the bond immediately because the other side should lose without a hearing because you read an on-line article and its true. That’s my beef. No one has said that his bond is adequate. So you going on and on and on about how there are no consequences to the suspicious bond is premature. Come back and rant when the court approves the bond and I’ll join you. Finally, if you rely on articles in magazines and newspapers for what is really going on in any legal case you will find yourself disappointed. Journalists are known for rushing to get articles out. And if they’re not lawyers, they don’t really know what’s going on and often misstate the law - or the facts - or both. I lean towards assuming the Trump camp is telling a lie on anything - but just because I think that doesn’t mean that the justice system needs to immediately leap into action and rule against him because his enemies want a quick conviction. That’s not how this works. Finally, not disclosing an actual valid offer to fund the appeal bond at a higher amount would be on his lawyers, not Trump. I could offer to do the same thing, but it doesn’t make a difference if I offer, the crucial point would be do the people who issue bonds feel that the person who is the surety have the type of assets that they want. I have no idea about the granular details of the bond search process and the timing and the validity of the surety to meet the bond companies requirements, so until I do, I’m gonna sit back and wait to see what happens. that is why the court has hearings
  14. You don’t deny that you are the Rainey Street Ripper throughout your long post. Interesting.
  15. I see that you are proffering that legal doctrine from Old English common law that says if your aunt had balls she’d be your uncle. Well played. You do realize the interests that the court most cares about is the party prevailing in the lawsuit who is being protected by the bond, don’t you? And therefore a bond is preferable to no bond if at all possible to fix it, because the purpose is to protect E. Jean Carroll…..and not to do negative things to Trump to make you happy? Also, it doesn’t make any difference if it’s a fraud case or not a fraud case. Only in your noggin does the technical issue of bond adequacy get enhanced because of the underlying nature of the lawsuit. Either the court will deem that it meets the technical requirements of a bond in New York or it won’t. Nobody has to rule on that in a time span that satisfies you personally. Your whole stick about a “fraudulent” bond is laughable. It may not be adequate, but if it’s not, it’s just inadequate. Only in your fever dream can you prove that Trump had intent to not meet the technical requirements of the bond. I guarantee you that stupid fuck played no part in that. He would not understand the process if you explained it to him. BTW, I just looked up New York bond cases, and the first two I found involved challenges to an appeal bond, where the decision took about six months. I understand that you personally demand that the courts rule on this within weeks, but the courts don’t seem to care what you think. Because they are treating this like any other case in most respects.
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