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Everything posted by AUinHsv

  1. All I can say is to avoid that era Lincolns that are convertibles. Apparently the power top has multiple motors and other parts that all have to work together or you get a top stuck up in the air like a sail. And there are very few people left who understand how to fix the issues
  2. Not to pile on but this is a good reason to discuss the word "backup" with him and others. And keeping the backup somewhere else like a fire safe. The real question is how much stuff does he have that is not replaceable. Depending on how email was set up - it may all be saved on the server of the provider. The photo albums of the grandkids may be replaceable if he sent copies to someone. I would not pay money until I figured out what was encrypted. Also there is no honor here - they may not send the key to decrypt.
  3. How about Miami Vice. Maybe every week for the first couple of years. This one still rocks. Love the relfections of traffic lights on a black hood.
  4. First glance I thought the roof actually was seating and deiced the architect was insane. Never mind.
  5. I said it before - it is only about an hour detour to play Grand National at Auburn versus Ross Bridge. Both are part of the Trent Jones Golf Trail. I love Grand National way more than Ross Bridge but if I had the time I would play both
  6. Remember some of these are the same ones that booked 4 Seasons Landscaping.
  7. Ran into a tournament in 90's at the course I belonged to in Mississippi. Playing a quick 18 and finishing near dinner and I notice on 18 that it's insane. People zooming all over and others running into fairway. Played anyhow and the second shot to the green had all sorts of crap with people yelling and carts whizzing by. Still consider the approach shot one of my best ever. Suddenly it dawned on the clowns that I was not in the tournament. A few apologies etc from the drunken masses. The real kicker was that this was the state District Attorney tournament and half of the legal talent was there. Semi seriously though of getting the state police to set up a DUI roadblock on the one highway back to town.
  8. Just to get the thread back to classic cars. Here's 3 in one picture. I really liked the color of the Camaro but I think it was a one year wonder and not very popular since I think I have only seen 2 or 3 since. Hard to see in picture but it was light beige not white. Dad bought it used and i swear it must have been bought originally by Hertz. Neutral color, small v8 but vinyl top. Inside pointed out that you could order cars back then with "odd" options. It had something like AC, power locks but manual windows, shifter was on the column and white vinyl seats.
  9. Only someone who has owned one would recognize the rear end of the black car as a Corvair. Spare tire over the engine was a unique design feature
  10. Why move? According to some you can be dead and still vote for her from possibly a different state
  11. Miss my old Jeep Commanche. 5 speed, manual windows but the bullet proof straight 6.
  12. Good luck when you take a shower. I know the feeling of underestimating what might happen.
  13. Did someone ram them at the dock? I have to think that an opening like that in open water would sink it
  14. Arthur Schlessinger's book "Robert Kennedy and his Times" is still excellent. Written about ten years after his death
  15. A lot of debate around whether he would have even been the Democratic candidate. His win in California was critical but McCarthy had a lot of support and probably a lot better organization than RFK. Plus the Democratic party was headed by LBJ who greatly disliked RFK. His power was evident by the party choosing Humphrey over Mccarthy. RFK versus Nixon would have been very interesting
  16. Still rocking my HP41 - one at home and one at work. Have 11 is a desk drawer
  17. No kidding. A few years ago I was "plinking" with a friends .357 with .38's. He reloaded it for me and slipped one .357 in just for fun. Darn near put the hammer in my forehead from the unexpected recoil.
  18. Auburn played FSU almost every year in the 80;s and those were some of the best games I ever went to. The 85 game is still in my top 5. each coach tried to top the other one. If FSU ran an end around then Auburn did the same the next series. Final score was something in the 50's. I remember thinking we had an off year in 88 since they weren't on the schedule for some reason and we got them in Sugar Bowl instead. The entire legacy of FSU started with him. RIP coach.
  19. and never mind. Thought he said carpet not carpeted mats.
  20. Make sure they include preformed portions for things like transmission humps etc. Otherwise you might as well get a roll of carpet and DYI, I did one in the 90's on a Izuzu Trooper and it wasn't too difficult.
  21. I miss the SEC Thursday night game. A lot of times it was not the lower tier teams. It was fun to be the only game in town and freed up the weekend. Also you could start drinking on Thursday night
  22. Which is fine unless you are already in a dive that needs stops when the computer quits. I don't mean to only rely on charts but for two bucks they fit iocely in the BC
  23. Absolute plus on getting the reg. The only time I ran out of air was on a "brand new from factory" reg that the NASA scuba club bought. This was in 70's when a pressure guage was a luxury. Got one breath - guessing it was set to 30 psi and not 300. Luckily I had been taught very well (see earlier in thread for what we had to pass). Did a quick look at Dad and he was 20 feet away so I elected to do a free ascent from about 50 feet. I still only have had 3 regulators and once deosn;t count (see picture of double hose). My 30 year old US Divers Conshelf is just fine as long as I can get parts As far as computers go - not trying to sound like the "old diver yells at cloud" but I dove for almost 20 years without one. I like them but I also carry the dive tables just in case. Get a decent entry model unless you plan to do a lot of exotic diving - 150 ft, mixed gas etc.
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