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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Atticus

  1. You know that Ovie Oghoufo got shoved hard in the back when Tech rushed the field this year? Why should he be the one at risk when he is where he is supposed to be? He’s already tired and possibly banged up. He’s the one with all of the adrenaline and, after a loss, anger. If Burton ran up into the stands and smacked her, he should be kicked from the team. She had no business out there and she found out why in a much gentler way than she could have.
  2. That was clearly just a half speed walkthrough, but maybe my meter is busted this morning
  3. It’s a relative nothing burger considering all the circumstances, he didn’t even knock her down. Weve had professional athletes tackling people who run on the field in the middle of the game. Fans should not run on the field while tensions and emotions are still high, during a college game with college athletes. You are a spectator, if you choose to put yourself in the fire, then you need to understand the risks involved.
  4. 13-27 is fucking trash, sorry for not clarifying. But the context matters too. For instance, Brent Venables going 6-6 this year is worse than Sark’s 5-7 last year imo Texas has been a loser program for most of the last 12 years, I’d bet we were a shitty road team during that span Sark took over a shitty UW team, I’m not surprised they didn’t do well on the road I see positive trends from last year to this, and at this point, that’s enough for me because I think this shit will snowball once we consistently hit the 8-10 win mark. How many road games do we have to win to get there? The Tech game felt frustrating, but fluky to me. I’m interested to see how this team responds on the road this time.
  5. News flash! Teams play worse on the road than they do at home. I would be interested in seeing how coaches other than Dabo, Saban, Meyer, Stoops, Day, and Riley have done though
  6. Conner doesn’t look good considering it is his second year in the program and he was an EE, but he’s massive. He just needs to learn how to use his size better
  7. Recalibrate your sarcasm meter The point was that some of these guys aren't ready to play. Some of them are starting to get looks, but most of them aren't ready yet. Ford had his moments last year, but he looked pretty horrible at times too.
  8. This. I can't believe we let Brewer and Wiley play all last year while we let a stud like JT Sanders sit on the bench. Sark should be fired immediately for doing that
  9. Hutson is starting because Angilau got hurt. If they decided to move Angilau to C and start Hutson, then they would have likely switched back to Majors at this point. No quality OL was gonna transfer here to be a backup.
  10. What the fuck does this even mean? We don’t even have a twitchy edge guy ready to play that can also hold up against the run. DMo was the short term answer to that, but Tuck isn’t nearly good enough to free him up to play that role more often.
  11. The throw that is made is not the entire play call. Most if not all plays have multiple reads to it. Execution matters, it's Sark's job to call plays his guys can execute.
  12. Noel was cooking our young guys. We stopped their running game, but Dekkers made a lot of throws today that he normally hasn't. Hutchinson eats up zones, but we couldn't match up with him at all. It was bad. Makes me worry about TCU's guys a lot more. Terrence Brooks, here is your opportunity.
  13. Hutchinson went apeshit on us. We pissed down our leg on multiple critical moments, Ewers was not at his best, but we still pulled out the win. This is a double digit loss last year. Nail biter, but good shit Horns.
  14. Consistency is taken for granted. QE1 isn't locked in yet, Rojo is dancing instead of running through guys, the OL has made some shitty plays, the DL isn't dominating like it should be. If these trends continue, we'll lose. I don't think they will.
  15. Gabriel has two more years to play unless he retires due to concussions. I doubt Arnold would unseat him that quickly.
  16. We’re likely to have a good QB every year from now on. Either from HS recruiting or via the portal. I wouldn’t be too worried about it at this point. Top guys will be lining up to QB this offense if we have any sort of opportunity available
  17. He’s following his passion, he knows the risks. Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
  18. Spy? You mean have someone cover him?
  19. JJs issue was that he was a tweener and his production/effort against the run was shitty. He wasn’t the most athletic guy to make up for his lack of size either. He’s doing well in the CFL and still didn’t get another shot in the league for a reason.
  20. I'm sure Arch will stay 5 years if need be. He isn't going to the NFL before he's fully ready. Not only will he/his family want to go 1st overall, but they will also want a good franchise if possible. If Arch goes to the NFL early and busts, they will lose more than he will gain by staying an extra year or two.
  21. He’s likely to take Helms spot and Helm could take Karic’s. Now, those guys are bigger receiving threats than before Helm has been a good blocker, but not appreciably better than JT if at all. I haven’t watched Karic enough to see if he’s been irreplaceable.
  22. OU sent a fair amount of pressure, but we picked it up and Ewers did what he had to do to beat it.
  23. Gary Bryant Jr. will likely be a solid option for a one year "prove it" season. Stewart's connections on the team could make it hard for Sark to resist, but the kid has terrible vibes written all over him. Others to consider are Nathaniel Dell (if he doesn't go pro), Jordan Hudson (once Kelly leaves), and Tyrese Chambers
  24. Rojo is gone. Not even worth discussing really. I could see him as a mid day 3 guy unless he really impresses at the combine/pro day. His blocking is really good, he’s versatile, and he hits the hole hard with quickness
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