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Everything posted by Cornpop

  1. They didn't know we s'pose to be SEC!!
  2. Why can't we just punch it in like everybody else?
  3. This. I did enjoy the episode but the whole Mr crab guy thing was stupid. We didn't get any backstory, the battle scene was weak, Daemon running through a ridiculous gauntlet with barely a scratch, ect. It just seemed like useless filler and I'm glad that little subplot is done
  4. Yeah that's a weird nickname for some titties. Peanut butter wtf?
  5. Not "allowed" to see a video of your kid being assaulted at school? Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. Here with that bullshit.
  6. I love showing up to the little church/community pasture skeet shoots and smoking everyone with my Beretta xtrema 12 ga duck gun.
  7. For about 6 weeks or so I've been trying to get to get some pics/video of a black coyote I've seen on my ranch. I used a wild hog carcasses to lure him in and finally got him on camera last night. The infrared flash makes him look quite a bit lighter then when I've seen him in daylight.
  8. That probably would've got you shot
  9. Quit trying to demonize the gheys with your politics!
  10. This. Can I get the cliffnotes or highlights version please?
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