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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Tom

    Beto 2020

    Your vote is only wasted because of the two-party system. A third party candidate is never going to win the general unless we completely reform democracy in this country. The best chance for a third party candidate to get his views to the mainstream is the Ron Paul or Bernie Sanders playbook. Run under the banner of the major party that's closer to your goals and try to win there. A Gary Johnson vote is just a vote to waste your gas driving to your local voting station.
  2. Tom

    The Beach Boys

    I could name every song including the alternative title to one of the songs (I Know There's an Answer/Hang on to your Ego). I had the CD when I used to have CDs, and I also own it on vinyl. Songs from Pet Sounds have appeared in tons of TV shows and movies, so I'm pretty sure plenty of people could recognize and hum them. Sorry it's not your cup of tea, but it doesn't suck and it's objectively as good or better than anything from Motorhead. And sorry you can't pick out your favorite guitar licks on an album written on a piano and performed by an orchestra. I could share some of my favorite harpsichord riffs with you.
  3. On the previous page of this thread, there's literally a picture of her inside the facility hugging a detainee, you Kansas State halfwit.
  4. I know plenty of Trump supporting conservatives under 40. This idea that their politics will be buried with the boomers and Luby's crowd is wishful thinking.
  5. This movie was set in what, 1992? Some of these characters are going to age like shit in the next decade going by the originals.
  6. Carter was before my time. I was born in the 1980's. But I've heard my entire life how terrible of a president he was. I've believed it for decades and always thought of him as a great, kind man but a poor president. Kind of comparable to Charlie Strong as a coach at Texas. Now, after hearing the way the right talks about Obama as being just as bad for the economy and everything else while living though it and knowing it's bullshit, I'm questioning everything and am skeptical whether Carter was half as bad as the right made him out to be.
  7. I realize it takes an ounce more effort to grab a lemon slice, but nobody's forcing you to wait tables for a living.
  8. Tom

    Black Mirror

    I must be the only one who really enjoyed Smithereens. Probably my favorite of the three.
  9. Found it. Not sure how I even did that. Must have accidentally done it when changing some other setting. Thanks.
  10. Maybe the Chicago people can figure out a way to get the drive thru wait to under half an hour.
  11. Was there an Android update or did I fuck up the settings on my phone? The three on-screen buttons at the bottom of my S8+ are now just little straight lines and they are much less responsive than the old buttons. I sometimes have to press the back button two or three times before it works.
  12. I'm pretty much all in on the Bernie/Warren train at this point. I don't care who's on top of the ticket and who's VP, but these two need to win. I think pretty much any Democrat beats Trump in 2020. It would be such a waste to nominate an uninspiring centrist like Biden when we have a chance to nominate some real progressives against possibly the most beatable Republican candidate in history.
  13. Would you like the number to the suicide prevention hotline now or closer to when Tulsi realizes she's irrelevant in this contest and drops out?
  14. I used to think Footloose was an exaggeration until I went to a wedding at the Southwestern Baptist Seminary. No dancing at all at the reception. It wasn't allowed. We even had to sneak in our own booze.
  15. There needs to be a forced retirement age for congressmen, senators, judges, and presidents.....probably around sixy-five to seventy. Non-biased computers need to draw districts getting rid of gerrymandering. Citizens United needs to be reversed. There needs to be a maximum voting age for nearly the same reasons we have a minimum voting age.
  16. Not to keep beating a dead horse, but the Zack Morris clip is completely out of context. The two episodes with him in it were two of my favorite, but the clip by itself doesn't really make sense without seeing the show and what led up to that moment.
  17. I wish. According to the JRE podcast he was on recently, he started with Vibram Five Finger shoes before his trainer/doctor made him switch to regular running shoes.
  18. Sure, Herschel could be lying about his 1000 pushup/situp/sprinting workout a day routine. He could be at 24 hour fitness hitting the bench 4 times a week while inserting steroids into his ass. But I have a hard time believing in this day and age he wouldn't have been photographed and internet shamed if he were lifting weights unless he has some private home gym. Looking at his body, there's nothing to suggest he's "juicing" or not natural. Transvestite comedian Eddie Izzard ran 47 marathons in 47 days with very little training. Then he did another 20-something in Africa a few years later. The body is capable of amazing things when you don't spend your days on a couch binging Ozark eating Blue Bell Ice Cream. Herschel Walker is a beast and it's okay to admit that at 50 he looks better than you've ever looked in your entire life.
  19. Hey y'all, so KJU is testing his missiles leading to fear from neighboring countries, but no big deal because he too comes up with cool nicknames for my political opponents in 2020. The U.S. and our traditional allies in Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Russia, Turkey, and Venezuela (depending on who you believe is leading the country) are all quite strong!
  20. Daman Wayans Jr. chose this show over New Girl after being offered pilots in both. I'm not sure what race Junior Miller is, but sorry if the show isn't black enough for you.
  21. As if I'm going to listen to the opinion of the guy who made Billy Bob play concussed and would just inject cortisone into Wendell Brown's knee to keep him on the field. Honestly, it's weird to me how many Republicans today invoke Lincoln as "their guy" while half of them simultaneously wave their confederate flags.
  22. . Fuck him too. Well, I gotta have respect for any man in the latter half of his life built like this without lifting a single weight: Also, thanks to Herschel Walker the Dallas Cowboys went from one of the worst teams in the NFL to 3 time Superbowl Champions.
  23. i'm old enough to remember when Will Smith was cool and sold movies.
  24. I apologize if I brought on comparisons to Friends. I don't think the shows are anything alike. Just the pilot descriptions and it ends there. I'd like to say Happy Endings is the show Friends wishes it could be. Unfortunately, Friends probably gets more views on Netflix in a month than Happy Endings got in its entire run. It's a shame, because Happy Endings is such a better show and it's not even close.
  25. I'm not judging the OP. I had a dalliance with a 19 year old at the age of 30. Neither of us took it as more than casual sex. This thread reminds me of the late night commercials on Comedy Central for the "We are 18" phone sex lines. Like seriously, who would call those even if you were desperate and wanted to talk to a woman. What the fuck would a random 18 year old have to say to me that's interesting? What's the warm up conversation like? Is she going to talk about what happened in her freshman English class that day? I've forgotten more about sex than any 18 year old girl knows about it. Where are the "We are 30" phone sex commercials?
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