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Everything posted by locodos

  1. enjoy! https://www.npr.org/2023/03/17/1163072864/bono-and-the-edge-tiny-desk-concert
  2. There are more than just a few reasons that is a stupid idea The Cloakroom is that way =>
  3. It might also be a 2fer situation. The article I read said there where 2 migs. It also stated that the migs were also dumping fuel in front of the drone. May be to force it down maybe to interfere with cameras and sensors? The US needs to support Ukraine and let Russia spill her blood and treasure there, because it seems apparent their ambitions extend well beyond Liev.
  4. What really blows me away is if they are 5th generation (very unlikely) then they're "5th Generation Mexicans from Germany. Dios mio!"
  5. 1979 blows... Melancholy was such a let down save Zero and Bullet with Butterfly Wings 1a) Gish 1b) Siamese Dreams After this it's just pop rock
  6. That intro though.... Can't hear the song without seeing the opening sequence
  7. I'm good... Saw them back in the day. He's getting perhaps to old to pull off "Vibrator Dependant" Lol... found a version from '09 Christ he looked old back then...
  8. You want to talk overrated? Had some time to kill in Paris... so I went to see the Communard's wall and figured I would stop at a few of the popular grave sites. I expected Morrison's grave to have some tribute flowers, mourning hispters, and maybe a guy playing a few tunes on a guitar... Nope just a shitty unkempt grave with a busted up crowd control fence. Also the Cimetière du Père Lachaise feels like a nice place to get mugged
  9. Complies with thread title... I didn't care for Petty's music when I was younger, so I fully understand the sentiment. The Limp Biscuit guy is on his own.
  10. 1. 2. 3. 4. STD & Profit?
  11. If you like this check out Richard Ayoade's Travelman... it's a better cheaper version imho Slow Horses... good so far
  12. I think of this way more than a normal person... just about every first sip of beer/wine
  13. Van Halen Clash Led Zeppelin Doors Johnny Lee Hooker SRV Muddy Waters Tom Petty & Heartbreakers Black Keys Pink Floyd 10 just off the top of my head
  14. "In this corner, weighing in at 110 pounds and pushing 89 years of age and the recent recipient of a brand new plastic hip, Joseph "Blue" Polaski"
  15. Black Flag is a great brand not a good band... Damaged was great, the rest was crap. But you'd think they're the Beatles by how ubiquitous their symbol is.... I've seen rappers and tiny boppers with the black flag tat These are some indy mofos
  16. I didn't say that it does. Believe me I'm intimately aware of Richardson's performance or lack thereof. My point was that the kid has undeniable physical talent, but he needs more time to develop as a QB. I think it's a smart move on his part to leave early, but man oh man, I would have loved see him stick for around for another year and see what he could do behind an improved oline and with better quality receivers.
  17. counter point Richardson only started 13 games... and is leaving for the league asap. Kid is crazy physically gifted, I'm rooting for him, but he made some plays that'll make you think at a minimum he needs more practice/PT. 4.44 40 @ the combine Also there are some plays where trucks a db then out runs the others ... Bigger than Cam, and faster than Cam, less felonious than Cam, and with a cannon for an arm.
  18. I'm calling BS on that. Perhaps they have sold an average of 45k tickets, but average attendance is nowhere near that number. I seem to recall years that single game tickets cost more than a 3 game ticket pack (or something like that). So those big games had fans from other teams buying multigame tickets because it was cheaper. counter point, don't know, don't care
  19. Chapter 4... 14:30ish this guy also taught at the Sorbonne and lived in France half the time. RIP
  20. The Germans didn't put french jews on trains east. The french people did. All the Germans had to do was ask.
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