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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Royalfan5

  1. Someone should tell my mom she needed a gun instead of the crowbar she’d beat animals that needed killing to death with.
  2. Somebody should tell the Minneapolis contract since it's losing premium fast.
  3. It also rained in France, we caught up a bunch on spring wheat planting, and low volume makes wheat do dumb shit when the algos push it. Even the SovEcon Russia grain shill doesn't believe it will happen, but algos are still programmed to take Russia at it's word for some reason.
  4. Your employer shedding office leases would be one reason you shouldn't go back, since there wouldn't be anyone else there.
  5. Just going to point out that wheat has dropped 2.60 a bushel from where we trading when everyone was sharing the world is running out of wheat story
  6. Unfortunately it always seems multiple goes from 3 to 13 in a hurry.
  7. The fall isn't long enough in the north to get corn down to storable moisture levels without the helps of propane powered dryers in most years, let along a late year. You generally don't see big dryers south of Nebraska anymore as northern milo acres have faded. Guys still have them between 1-70 and 1-80, just might use them 1 out of 10-15 years.
  8. At these prices, guys will mud stuff in as long as they can. Those areas affected this year took a lot of prevent plant in 2019, and have multiple PP claims in a 5 year window means you have to mark a zero for your rolling yield average and will fuck you going forward. That being said we will be shedding yield in those areas without a good run of heat, and it’ll probably be a real bitch to cut because those guys will have to dry everything. Good news is the I states should be off to a great strong start which will can offset ND losses except for spring wheat
  9. It still kills me that the right wants to trot out the mental health canard like they have any fucking interest in doing anything about that either. At least the ones that drop the mask with a so what are being semi-honest for once.
  10. Just think of the logistics of trying to harden a t-ball league at a local park.
  11. Given that power, a large chunk of society would only want to deploy it against anyone they suspect of unspecified gender stuff instead of what folks hope for here.
  12. I'll just note here that wheat is down 1.40 a bushel from a week ago, and is putting carry into the market.
  13. Also that area of the world doesn’t drain worth a good goddamn because it flows north with little drop, and the Red River Valley is flatter than a table top, so besides wondering why they stopped there the floods just slowly spread out
  14. Because it’s too fucking wet to plant in much of ND, MN, SD. On the other hand when it gets in, there is actually moisture unlike last year.
  15. So I say this last night, no mushrooms but still really enjoyed the theatre experience. Next week the are running Smokey and the Bandit, so I'll probably have to go see that too, along with The Fifth Element later in June, and The Wrath of Khan will be there around Labor Day.
  16. The Chip N Dale movie is way more fun than I thought it’d be
  17. Not going to be the best wheat crop ever but domestically we will still have a 600ish million bu carryout on a 1.7 billion bushel crop. Canada should do ok this year too. Western Europe is taking a hit with late dryness but it won’t be awful. Biggest issue is logistics/financing when the obvious Russian friendly people don’t need to import wheat currently and are poorly located to launder it on to the world market.
  18. Only if you don’t consider that the northern hemisphere that is bulk the harvest starts cutting in the next 4 weeks.
  19. Sounds to me like some people in that county never learned how to build a decent fence and he got fucking tired of it.
  20. At this point, he's pretty much the Ron While bit about having the right to remain silent but no the ability to.
  21. I believe it’s mostly tied to Kurdish refugees with PKK ties, which grinds the Turkish gears since they dislike them and what not.
  22. I’ll note the India has stated they will allowed booked wheat export to proceed, so it will still be an above average export year for them.
  23. Or a guy could think it’s cooler to keep a kleptocracy with him at the top
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