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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Royalfan5

  1. Funds getting run the fuck over to the downside, and not wanting to margin, + rain in Iowa-Illinois. We were down 2 million on soybean acres on the report and we puke 2 bucks is something that wouldn't usually happen. Old crop is still inverted with strong basis for the most part, and generally speaking we either bounce or the inversion has to die once the fund rout is over.
  2. Depends on who you are asking for. US fertilizer prices are generally sharply off the spring highs as well.
  3. Just going to point out that corn, soybeans, and wheat are now at lower prices than when Russia first invaded Ukraine.
  4. I hope they touch on how comically inept the county was in dealing with the lawsuit. Some of the Surly lawyers would probably stroke out if they go into depth on it.
  5. As a side note to this, their recreations of 1980’s Beatrice are completely spot on. Also, the bow tie wearing lawyer is partners with the local Saul Goodman type who I really hope turns up in later episodes. Also had some of the best bbq I’ve had in Nebraska in the hotel where the robbery/assault that set things in motion occurred served by a guy whom I’m pretty sure was just squatting in the closed motel restaurant
  6. https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2022/06/27/heavy-police-presence-surrounding-18-wheeler-on-southwest-side/ This looks like it might be Triangle Shirtwaist type horrific
  7. I figured I would probably just watch Walk Hard again instead.
  8. That Ertl F14 was about the only thing I played with that wasn’t an Ertl Farm toy from ages 4-6
  9. I realize that seeing members of my extended universe on TV is a pretty niche market
  10. Hey they are one of the best community theatre groups in the state. My younger cousin got to be Scut Farkas in their production of a Christmas Story, and was a Who a different year.
  11. First episode was out on Monday about a group of 6 people coerced into confessing to a murder they were later cleared of via dna evidence. Some of the convicted still claim guilt. They also won a large lawsuit vs. the county. The murder took place in Beatrice, Nebraska in 1985, which is about 11 miles from the farm I grew up on, and I know a ton of people in this, so it’s very trippy to watch for me.
  12. And folks are probably gearing up for another run to reverse that
  13. My fertilizer selling clients are being told from up the chain that they don't expect early prices to be worse than spring, and there are a lot of moving parts on this years production and forward demand still.
  14. Urea prices at the gulf are down about 60% in the last 6 weeks.
  15. If it is going to be a musical, I wish it would have been kept under wraps until the release
  16. If their plan is to kill and relocate people no matter what, Ukraine will have no incentive to not make them do it to take as many Russians with them as they can.
  17. You say that like there is child care to be had.
  18. Finally caught it this afternoon. Enjoyed it thoroughly. Was kind of hoping they would have rolled out Clarence Gilyard Jr. as Jon Hamm’s sidekick. Will second the posts about getting older folk to the movies. The couple next to my wife and I was 70ish and it was the first time they had dealt with the recliner seats that have been in place for half a decade here.
  19. I think it's the ties to cervical cancer that are the big issue for women. Which is why we have Guardasil now.
  20. Seems like a good move by Ukraine as they probably don’t want our leaky ass leakers blabbing about it.
  21. Tsushima has to be one of the funniest things that has ever happened in war. Sail all the way around the world to avenge your Pacific Squadron under miserable conditions, and then take a world class ass kicking immediately upon arrival.
  22. Bottlenecks in refining, and regional inventory issues, especially on diesel.
  23. When you run shit flat out, you tend to have problems at times. Plus you are generally working with shit that will burn slash blow up regularly. That being said, he had the biggest individual one day run through beef packing plants in almost 3 years, and starting to run significantly ahead of last year's levels with more capacity to come this summer. Pork production is has improved significantly into the tightest number time of the year as well, and chicken numbers have almost caught back up to pre-bird flu levels. Wholesale beef and pork prices are below year ago levels as well, with cold storage stocks almost at pre-pandemic levels. If you want to be scared be scared, but the meat side of food processing is kicking ass right now under the circumstances.
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