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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Royalfan5

  1. Not one of the headline names, but shared with the guy who got the first interview with Hitler after the fall of France and the number 2 guy in the Stasi at the end.
  2. Historically speaking that hasn’t been a major issue for the Germans.(I say as someone with a very German last name that pops up in uncomfortable spots in history books) Can’t speak to the Hungarians
  3. If I was a suicidal pilot, it feels like easing it into a hillside would be a better play than a nose dive.
  4. Me too. Being on an ag trade type trip, we all noted we were being loaded on the prop plane like you would a flatbed, and the airport was basically a ok farm shop. That being said they had the best ham salad sandwiches I've ever had.
  5. I've flown on a 737-800 on China Eastern Airlines into the departing airport before in 2017. At the time it seemed like they were a reasonably competent group compared to some of the other flights in China, and well ahead of Lao Airlines.
  6. Need to get them some more Fendts as they are the best for hauling tanks of shit, whether livestock manure, or Russian military hardware.
  7. When I was in Laos they said something 35-40% of US bombs didn't go off during the Vietnam era which is why we are still generously funding prosthetic clinics to this day,
  8. Or they could join NAUTO, the North Atlantic-Ukraine Treaty Organization which is obviously completely different.
  9. Wheat and corn working on a big reversal lower right now after being up huge overnight.
  10. It’s spring maintenance season, so I’m guessing the bottom end plants won’t restart after that if mandate goes or we can’t get stocks down. Fertilizer wise, I have no idea where that’ll end up other than my guys with that keep the pig shit custom wise, or have slatted cattle barns will be feeling good
  11. Also just came out that we might be getting a renewable fuels mandate waiver with already massive ethanol stocks. For commodity ags I’ve got massive 2008 flashbacks on going.
  12. Cargill’s massive plant in Blair, NE is no bid til June, everyone else has puked 18-36 cents the last 24 hours. I don’t know if you could get a legitimate nearby wheat bid of any class anywhere right now. We’ve got a massive premium to Euro wheat, and aren’t going to moving anything until they catch us or we correct.
  13. Funds are pushing the futures price to all time highs, but the actual cash prices are not keeping pace, and the end users aren’t stepping up to buy right now so futures will need correct lower or cash price will need to catch fire.
  14. That’s why It’s good we had a record fall run of application.
  15. Wholesale beef prices are at 18 month lows though.
  16. Grain situation not as bad in the cash markets as the futures and some of the dire chatter out there. Going to end badly for a number of speculators.
  17. Fuck LSU, you have to send Wisconsin and Wazzu fans.
  18. Since it relates to this thread, with the wild amount of fund buying piling into corn and wheat with everything going on the US cash markets for corn and wheat have ceased to function normally. For wheat basis has dropped sharply and most places are bidding off back months in a inverted market so the 1.50 futures move is almost flat cash price. Corn saw similar action today, and a number of corn processors have went no bid. 2008 meltdown is really the only other time we’ve seen this before. So it looks like demand is being rationed right now.
  19. I'd be nice if he's going to stick with blatant bullshit, that he'd declare they won and the boys are coming home, and we deal with it from there.
  20. If in ends up a room by himself by doing this, couldn't they just lock him in it?
  21. Well the 2010 crop failure in Russia/Ukraine helped spark the Arab Spring. I will note that Russia had been actively limiting exports all fall and winter, and on a grain basis while South America had struggled with soybeans this year, the corn behind beans has the weather set up as of right now to be massive, which would more than offset Ukraine. The spring wheat areas in the Dakota's and Canada are looking like they could bounce back big this year to off of a bad year. I'll note we blew out N/U spreads in wheat out over a buck today, and N/N a buck fifty at times, which indicates we maybe feeling a little better on the back end.
  22. Towing them to Scapa Flow and scuttling them next to the WWI German High Seas fleet would work for me too
  23. It’s like that asshole that got himself killed small town Missouri in broad daylight on Main Street with a ton of witnesses that saw nothing
  24. I'd assume the Finns would be more than ready to update their cocktail recipes.
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