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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Royalfan5

  1. Zinky Boys wasn't a term that came about from being competent and disciplined.
  2. That being said, pork is still fucked up because of lower numbers due to disease and omricron fucking up belly and ham processing.
  3. The good beef is cheaper than the less good beef. It takes longer and better feeding to grade out choice vs. select, so if select is worth more lighter weight cattle go to town sooner. If choice is soft you aren't moving the better cuts of beef for good restaurants and grilling like you should. Right now reported whole sale prices are the cheapest they've been since fall 2020 for the most part.
  4. Maybe they'll even drunk drive the tanks into town single file like they did to help the Chechen's shooting out.
  5. To be fair, the Massey was a Canadian design, and ripping off 50 series Massey's was enough punishment in and of itself.
  6. As an aside for this thread, we are now trading wholesale select boxed beef above choice which should pull lighter weight cattle forward, and is also probably a bad sign for food service demand.
  7. Let’s not ignore the tax the Russia imposes on themselves in these cases by being drunk fuck ups that don’t build things good.
  8. Why do I give a shit what a bunch goose fuckers do in their frozen hellscape?
  9. I’ll just note that hog packing margins are very near going negative. This could stifle hog herd expansion short term if they throttle back kills. Flip side coming forward is a stupid amount of money is being thrown at domestic soybean crushing capacity for “renewable distillates” which if realized would throw off a fuck load of cheap meal to boost hog producer margins.
  10. Driver bounced his head pretty good off the ice. I hope the kept an eye on him
  11. My wife’s been pretty excited about the mono-bob since Humphries is married to one of her college track teammates.
  12. It's far easier to buy in bulk if that's what you want to do. Being a retailer that sells smaller increments is just a pain in the ass. If you want local stuff, the best bang for you buck is going to take at least a quarter of a steer or half a hog.
  13. In general, local lockers are heavily booked a year out in the current environment, so you'll need to find some who wants to split an existing date, or get on a list, and hope something breaks a leg and you can snag an emergency kill.
  14. Cattle wise we are on the downside of the cattle cycle which is going to shrink ready packers numbers for another 18-24 because we’ve started the herd liquidation due to drought and cow/calf profitability and biology doesn’t let you change that on a dime. Some additional bigger packing capacity has started to come on line which is important because there is no slack for cattle right now, which is the biggest thing hurting producers. (Although most are making money now) Boxed beef remains well of the highs which should help after we come off the peak of seasonal tightness in April. Adding small processors helps at the margins but it takes a lot of them to move the needle when we need to kill 125-127k head of cattle per day. Hog wise we are past the Prrs issues of last years and have plenty of capacity it’s just going take more labor to keep up as numbers of ready hogs pick up post summer. Takes more skilled labor to process a hog and while packers are paying more a lot people don’t like working in packing plants
  15. The wife and I are die-hard Olympic people(she's coached track and was All-Conference in college, and we donate to the USOC team fund) and we've struggled to enjoy it. Hopefully once we get to women's bobsled it will help because she knows one of the sled drivers whose married to one of her college teammates. But between the empty venues, and NBC's shitty shitty coverage it's sucked so far. It's seems to me the only athlete they like is the Chinese-American freestyle skiier, and then they just try to create pointless drama and pressure around the rest. I hope Shiffrin wins a medal in the remaining evens and slowly skies by the announcers and/or cameras with both middle fingers extended.
  16. Wild story up here, after pulling over after a high speed chase, guy ends up stealing the cruiser from the officer that doesn't shoot the guy advancing and claiming he has a gun, after stealing the cruiser with the K-9 in it, stops one more time, and then takes off again at high speed into a moving train and driving another vehicle wait at the crossing into the train killing the occupant who was local High School Basketball coach, the dog, and himself. https://nebraska.tv/news/local/york-crews-respond-to-fiery-crash-involving-stolen-k9-police-cruiser-fire-train-19th-north-delaware-avenue
  17. Got my deal done. Still ended up under msrp and a better trade value than I expected
  18. The wife and I have been kicking around the idea of a late spring/early summer trip down to Lake of the Ozarks/Eureka Springs/Hot Springs or other locations. Probably focus mostly on hiking and such. I’ve canoed the White River years and enjoyed that but I’m probably not getting her in a canoe. Any places that you folks would recommend?
  19. Pleasantly surprised that I'll be picking it up tomorrow.
  20. I'm a farmer oriented commodity broker in Nebraska with clients in Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, and Minnesota. Feed cattle from time to time too. I'd agree we are due for a good year, which why were making sure guys are getting more ahead than they usually are.
  21. Most my guys can make 5.40 work pretty well on forward corn for 23 as well. I think we will catch up a little if we pull back wheat acres a bit and swing more to soybeans
  22. It'd be a lot more concerning if a record amount of ammonia didn't go on last fall at much cheaper prices, and with forward pricing for fall still very profitable at those input levels.
  23. A lot of smoke that my expected delivery this week is going to be bumped to May
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