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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Royalfan5

  1. Only if you don’t consider that the northern hemisphere that is bulk the harvest starts cutting in the next 4 weeks.
  2. Sounds to me like some people in that county never learned how to build a decent fence and he got fucking tired of it.
  3. At this point, he's pretty much the Ron While bit about having the right to remain silent but no the ability to.
  4. I believe it’s mostly tied to Kurdish refugees with PKK ties, which grinds the Turkish gears since they dislike them and what not.
  5. I’ll note the India has stated they will allowed booked wheat export to proceed, so it will still be an above average export year for them.
  6. Or a guy could think it’s cooler to keep a kleptocracy with him at the top
  7. Pretty much a rounding error on the world scene. In a good production year they might hit 10 MMT, in a poor year they might import that. In any event nobody is relying on Indian wheat on a regular basis besides India.
  8. If you read the fine print, they are have a ton of loop holes in the ban, and they will still likely be a net exporter this year.
  9. Giving the infant mortality rates before formula, nothing that was terribly effective.
  10. Maybe Putin has a woman he loves there named Ramona though?
  11. For people moving back to rural areas, housing is still going to be an issue, as anything worth a shit is occupied, and everything else has been methed out and or pushed in, and nobody that isn't held there by family is going to want to put a house up unless they are close enough to a bigger employment hub to guarantee some semblance of resale value.
  12. Probably try and pick your pocket while they are hanging around too.
  13. If Putin really is sick, I hope State Media has Swan Lake cued up at all times, just in case.
  14. CIH was selling rebadged side by sides as Scouts but they must have just been leasing the trade mark back from Navistar.
  15. Nebraska and Kansas too. It's how we got the Runza. They settled a bunch in western Nebraska because it was sugar beet country, and they figured they'd be used to the desolation.
  16. Herbster managed to come in second in the primary, so we will see how he reacts from here
  17. I would guess it probably depends on how close it is to supply line factors, otherwise wouldn’t you want to keep pressing in the direction of ejecting more Russians from your country until you can threaten the supply lines of bigger areas
  18. Starting to see a bunch of reports that Ukrainian forces have reached the Russian Border near Kharkiv.
  19. More gutted than down. Dug a hole in a cattle lot dumped the remains in later and set it on fire again, and had to scramble for cover when a bunch of aerosol deodorant cooked off.
  20. They sure struck while the iron was hot on this
  21. Then everyone else can leave and join new NATO without them.
  22. Fucking outside of a tent ain't that difficult either.
  23. My moms side of the family is stacked with eccentrics, but the sequence of events that stands out is the the Christmas that one of my Uncles burned another of my Uncles house down on Christmas Eve. Uncle A had just returned to Nebraska after getting divorced in Ohio because he couldn’t stop drinking or gambling. (Also a Granada Vet, and somehow worked for Billy Sims at one point). Uncle B goes to Ohio to take Christmas presents and to cheer Uncle A’s kids up. Uncle A decides this means Uncle B is fucking his ex-wife, gets several gallons of diesel, sets Uncle B’s house on fire after stealing a couple hundred dollars in half dollars that Uncle B collected, and leaves a note at the door saying I did this. We run into Uncle A on the way over to Christmas Dinner and my mom and I talk Uncle A into turning himself in. (Which he did with 100+ half dollars in his pockets) In a series of epilogues to this event, Uncle A got away with violating his probation to go to a Nebraska Michigan State road game, quit gambling, had another kid? with ex wife after moving back to Ohio before keeling over from a brain hemorrhage, but by this point 5 years later he got along so well with Uncle B it was up to him to pull the plug. For the funeral his ex-wife Fedexed his ashes back to Nebraska, but they misplaced him so he didn’t make the funeral, so we just had the legion fire the salute in the Church parking lot, and went and drank lukewarm Coors Light at the farm while listening to the Husker fight song on repeat because that’s what he would of wanted
  24. Do you know anyone who likes being sued just because they do their job?
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