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Everything posted by NWBuck

  1. Sure, but being dp'ed by D.P.s would be a special moments
  2. I talk with college students about "markers of adulthood". Knowing the difference between having something to say and 'having to say something' is near the top of the list. (also? Differentiating between 'can' and 'should')
  3. All I read is "something something this girl something a whip something"
  4. Today's Seattle Times weighs in on the "praying coach" again (nice tattoo as well)
  5. I use this story to teach first amendment stuff in the school of education... And the local coverage from the Seattle Times has been lights out. And from this week... .
  6. Here's how you know you're stupid: Cut all your peppers and onions and such for chili. Scrape seeds and stems and stuff into the sink/garbage disposal. Turn on the disposal. Profit.
  7. I think that snake is the one they call "Hector". TIFWIW
  8. Sounds like we're all sharing a drink they call loneliness But it's better than drinkin' alone
  9. Huh. I typically make a woman laugh in private when I'm fucking her. Wait...
  10. Oh, it's going to widen that gap alright.... Probably dislocate a hip or something.
  11. Agreed... And Rosario/Ahsoka seems to have zero emotional engagement with her "friends"... even in the animated series, you could get that she cared for people- expressing passion, concern, joy, sadness. To this point, Ms. Dawson hasn't shown that she can out-act a literal two dimensional cartoon characterization.
  12. Talk about being appropriately named... Here's her Insta (with new last name) for ..uh.. research purposes.
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