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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bartles

  1. The 50 game season won't happen, neither will 114. Both are kind of preposterous under the circumstances. But at least the owners have put prorated salaries back on the table. Just need to find the number of games to work for both and then we can get going.
  2. Since it's come up a lot on this thread, here's how one epidemiologist would deploy testing. I don't think most of the country has this kind of access to testing yet, and it may be more expensive than the $50 per test noted in the article. But by September it may be realistic.
  3. Reporting from Philly, the mayor actually said today he hates the Rizzo statue and it will be removed within a month. They bumped us up to a 6 pm curfew and cops are clearing streets even an hour before than. Just watched them set up a rolling detention center in front of my building. Like 100 cops, mostly on bicycle, swarmed in chasing a very benign "No justice, no peace" group of protesters. Most of the people scattered but a few got tackled and handcuffed. Detention vans sitting with doors open in case they swoop up anyone else. I need to walk the dog, guess I better do it before curfew. I was thinking they wouldn't fuck with me after dark just taking a dog to the park, but after seeing them in action I probably should reconsider.
  4. The players lose the most because the owners are much richer already and can easily pivot their moneymaking to some other area. They can keep the team and re-tool it as they wish whenever the game comes back, or they can sell the team for a profit when the time is right. Even in the depression, live sports TV rights are a valuable commodity. The players would still have a lot of negotiating leverage over the winter, but the hit they take from almost zero salary in 2020 will hurt. Not to mention the glut of minor leaguers who will need new careers if the stoppage drags into summer 2021. A lot of fans would say we're done with MLB, but if the 2021 spring weather comes around, along with maybe a working COVID vaccine, we will have a hard time not going back. A lot of places would probably have cheap season tix deals as an olive branch.
  5. A trend to keep an eye on -- police departments know their budgets are in jeopardy like every other city line item. So encouraging looting works in their favor because it looks like crime is out of control.
  6. Because of the clear and shocking video, this ultimately meaningless police procedural fuck-up will probably dominate the news today, taking the story further and further from George Floyd and racial violence by police in general.
  7. I know it looks sad, but it's a step up from the house concerts. And really it can double as an improved house concert if they livestream the show, maybe with a donation link to help the venue staff or something. So many positives to doing this - if it can be done safely as it looks like the Arkansas folks did. Some revenue to keep small venues alive, a chance for lesser known artists to be seen/heard, a chance for music fans to go to a show again. (And short girls can see the stage for once!) It's like sports, if we are 1-2 years from the experience we are used to having, we take what we can get. A lot of fans won't go near it but that's kind of the idea. Many more fans are fine being in small venues with small crowds, even before all this. Hope it catches on nationwide.
  8. It can pretty much be debunked from reading the url. This thread has been pretty good about letting some inevitable politics in without getting turned into whatever happened on Daily Texan forum. Anyway, college football is definitely "opening things up" pretty much on time if the virus allows. Details will take longer than we'd like, and there will be much debate when those details are revealed (like if the SEC indeed will not test players unless they show symptoms).
  9. Agree with this, and I would add this group felt much more threatened by having a black president than they will facing four years of Joe Biden in charge. I'm more concerned with violence related to voter suppression than post-election.
  10. Outbreaks take more than two weeks to show up in the data. But even if they never show up, that's not a green light to pretend there's no danger in crowding together among strangers. It doesn't have to look like Queens, Ecuador or Bergamo, Italy for local governments to impose strong restrictions on crowds.
  11. Football practice counts as on campus instruction
  12. The 70-game local TV money grab seemed like a stretch. The league can save a lot of money on testing and lodging by just bringing the playoff teams. Not to mention way safer environment.
  13. Great idea...I doubt $1,500 per night keeps them afloat but props for being creative
  14. Bartles

    2019-20 NHL

    NHL board approves 24-team playoff tournament upon return Top four seeds get a bye, but will still play each other to stay sharp, and those games might count in standings depending on negotiations. Vital details like when, where and how this will happen are still TBD.
  15. Agree ^ , beaches and parks shouldn't be a huge problem. But their communities aren't built for distancing - the shops and restaurants will be crowded. If hotel and AirBnB occupancy is high, there's gonna be some outbreaks as guests swap out with little time to let the room sit empty.
  16. That's a great observation. Can't spring for a scaled down studio show? At least on the first day? Pretty major event for those of us that aren't into motor sports, UFC or impressed by a handful of dudes playing golf.
  17. Dudes are out here openly plotting out their seating plans. I don't care if it's Austin, Berkeley, East Lansing (LOL) or wherever...statehouse pencil pushers aren't gonna stop ticket sales if it's being done successfully elsewhere.
  18. I'm in stores 3-4 times a week up here in Philly, since all our shopping is walkable. Quick, careful trips and wash hands immediately when I get home. I go mid-morning when it's not crowded, so I rarely have to wait more than a minute in any checkout line. People in my part of the city are great about masks and distancing. And I have noted the same clerks have been working the whole pandemic...no PPE in the beginning but got more and more safety measures during April.
  19. Pretty sure I saw that most teams have a lot of money at stake in completing something like 70 games for their local TV deals. That would mean everybody still plays around 5-10 more games, then they can go into playoffs which may be slightly shorter series in the beginning. But all of that is TBD. What would be crazy is if they are trying to play 3-4 games simultaneously. Disney has plenty of space to do that, but imagine how many personnel would need to be on site especially since all would presumably be televised. Not exactly a small gathering
  20. The Athletic reports Orlando (Disney) is the clear frontrunner to host the re-started season with training in mid-June and games in July. Sounds like all 30 teams would be there, not split with Vegas or Houston. I read MLS is also looking at the ESPN Disney complex, wonder if the NBA will "box them out" of hotels and facilities.
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