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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Neonmoon

  1. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4440504-2024-election-biden-leads-trump-growing-gender-gap-quinnipiac-poll/ Women don't like their rights being taken away? NO WAY
  2. Just had a huge loan bail thanks to today’s good news. Fuck my life
  3. Maybe others don’t find racism entertaining? If you need good old boy racists to sustain life, maybe it’s time to smother the damn thing and reassess.
  4. Can’t wait for the spin to “We uncovered huge crimes” in press conference
  5. Weird Rate cut was pushed back to May in past week, but looked this morning, and it's back to March today. Everyone is still placing their bets
  6. Massive corporations create jobs whether they are located in Vermont or Texas. The reason they move to Texas is because Texas is saying you don’t have to pay shit in taxes. Taxes pay for roads, schools, and hospitals. Texas is bribing corporations with money stolen from their poor and middle class, and like old company stores, forcing them to live in shitty conditions because at least they have a job.
  7. Neonmoon


    That’s just two whales fucking
  8. Treasury quarterly refunding announcement https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy2054 Less borrowing by treasury than previous estimate. Which is good news for stocks and MBS
  9. Treasury estimated Q1 at 760 billion, down 55 billion from prior estimate. MBS up. Treasuries down.
  10. Um, the VP ain't delaying cert. But to your point, Trump hasn't expanded his base since 2020, and has alienated independents. I was reading that his path to victory has to involve reducing Biden turnout or dividing the turnout. That's why Republicans have funded RFKjr campaign and Marianne William's crazy ass. I wonder if they're funding Dean Phillips too? Trump will continue to try and push "border crisis" and Israel/Hamas conflict to try and reduce Biden turnout.
  11. So this is fun Sep 30 - 10K https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1318605/000162828023034847/tsla-20230930.htm#ib5ff2de9b5b0458894a3412674c85416_16 Sep 30 - Tesla desk https://ir.tesla.com/_flysystem/s3/sec/000162828023034588/tsla-20231018-gen.pdf 2024 8K https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1318605/000095017024007073/tsla-ex99_1.htm Customer Deposits (aka orders for cars) has vanished from reports. Looks like they buried that bad news in some other number
  12. No, the party is pretty open about being anti-education and pro-ignorance
  13. Who wants to spend their weekend going to a political rally?
  14. Republicans already withdrew from debate system I thought? Yeah no debates are happening. You can’t moderate a narcissistic sociopath
  15. Does Russia have enough tanks to make it to 2025?
  16. If this was a Democrat, you would be hearing about it for years. There would a congressional investigation
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