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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hookem2010

  1. Replace Boebert and MTG with a couple of Australopithecus and the average house majority intelligence shoots up substantially.
  2. One of the true joys of being a new homeowner is discovering unexpected problems during projects or when getting "minor" repairs done. The previous owner apparently fashioned himself a DIY king. Painting the ceilings and removing the AC vent- Oh shit, there's mold in the ductwork. Replacing a gfci outlet- Well, the one that tripped is actually on the ceiling, where it's not meant to be and by the way, your entire breaker panel, and even the box itself is completely fucked because he cut a hole in it for this random power source. Also, it appears all of your outlets are backstabbed so they'll probably start giving out soon, because they're old and they used the wrong gauge wire. Gas leak that is fortunately just within the oven itself- By the way, your water heater, despite being only 2 years old, is a disaster waiting to happen because it was installed by a moron. Somehow, much of this was undiscovered during the inspection, or chalked up to a bunch of little things that you can slowly fix over time. And I'm sure there is some upsell by the repair people who have been out here. But other than the HVAC unit, the universal, and immediate, response to anything they've looked at is pretty much "Wow, uhhhh.... that's interesting."
  3. For those that refaced your kitchen cabinets, did you bite the bullet and do the interiors as well? I'm torn between not having that nagging annoyance when I open the cabinets and not wanting to chug paint thinner by adding more time on to this project.
  4. Putting the toddler down when it's bright outside will go off without a hitch, I'm sure. The guy has been a real asshole about bedtime, and just about everything else, as it is. Getting an early start on the terrible 2's, I guess.
  5. I heard some "good" news on NPR the other day. They had a researcher studying ice loss in the Antarctic on, and he said when Thwaites goes, they now believe the ice shelf it's holding in place won't lead to abrupt sea level rise (10 ft) measured in years. It will instead take place over several decades! We've seen how great we are at adapting to gradual (on a human timescale) climate change and taking the necessary steps to avoid catastrophe. I'm sure we will respond appropriately to the world's largest glacier breaking off and melting, and not just let our coastal cities and island nations gradually drown, right?
  6. Are we sure that was the real rebuttal and not just some random Moms for Liberty SOTU reaction video?
  7. The other fucking guy is nearly as old, and far less healthy. It's like complaining that he's a white man, or an east coast elite. If the only other opponent is the exact same thing, how is that an argument?
  8. So what im gathering from this and the presidential thread is there's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and staying to fight is going to get us all killed. Great. If this is how we're all feeling today, imagine how waking up on 11/6 is going to feel.
  9. If it's daylight and I'm not working on something with the house, I NEED to be outdoors. I get so restless, and even depressed, when I'm cooped up for any period of time.
  10. I find most of my political news here or listening to NPR. And I've gotta say, this place gives me the warm fuzzies compared to national media reports. I might need to tune out for a few months to let my brain recover.
  11. Yea, I feel like the "traditional" Republicans brought back into the fold by a non-Trump ticket would be greatly outnumbered by the true believers who wouldn't bother to vote if Trump wasn't the candidate.
  12. I wouldn't say exactly the same, seeing as they have at least elected a democratic senator. We can't even get rid of Ted.
  13. It would be nice if those people were in shorter supply though
  14. I just looked her up to confirm. I'm guessing her recent aneurysm/stroke didn't unfuck her already scrambled brain?
  15. Is that the fucking haircutter from one of the hellhole north DFW suburbs?
  16. I did my best to turn Decatur blue that year, but only 457 other people (20%) in my precinct were with me. These maps are really cool.
  17. I think it's a Wagner 3500, but I also have to use the fine detail attachment to get in all those little grooves and I think I've gotten too close or was too stationary a couple times and got a slightly raised splatter.
  18. I think a tiny bit of the grain may shine through, but it seems almost entirely covered up with sanding p80 +p180, then adding 2 layers of primer. I've had to spot-sand some splatter areas after priming as I get the hang of the paint sprayer. I'm afraid the first door or two may not look perfect. I'll see how everything looks after the 2nd coat of primer dries to determine if I really need to sand in between primers. Ugh.
  19. First time in this thread. We bought a house a year ago that was built in 1994. I've done some small light fixture replacements, painting walls, etc. but just embarked on my first big project this week. Our kitchen cabinets are offensively orange and glossy honey oak. We had the counters and backsplash replaced, but the cabinets were too great an expense. I put off starting the project for months, but now I've got some doors off, sanded and primed so there's no turning back. Expect some pictures of the finished project sometime in the next 3 years.
  20. How long do you think we have left? I'm sure we will fuck most other creatures up big time before we get our own comeuppance, but it seems like we are well into the back back half of human history. I think Mother Nature has too big of a lead on technology and/or common sense for the species to endure for another 200,000 years. We got another millennium left in us?
  21. Thanks for making the rare photos I post look good by comparison!
  22. Listening to that, followed immediately by the pod save America episode discussing those in Trump's inner circle pushing for a much stronger Christian nationalist agenda, doesn't have me feeling great this morning.
  23. Incels upset they aren't getting any, and think if they aren't, nobody should.
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