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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hookem2010

  1. It really is haunting to hear the very last bird of a species sing a forever unanswered song.
  2. Hawaiian birds have, and continue to be totally fucked, unfortunately.
  3. Did he even last long enough to get a head of lettuce to compete with?
  4. I'm going to my first home game in at least 5 years this weekend with my 77 y/o FIL. Recs on getting in and out of the stadium to minimize his walk as much as possible? I live in Round Rock and could potentially have my wife drive us, if that would be the best option. He doesn't drink so getting there early to go to Scholz or something isn't in the cards.
  5. Much happier with our 2nd attempt at finding a daycare, but these daycare germs are kicking our little guy's ass, just like the first time around. I thought he turned a corner over the weekend, but now he's waking up crying with every cough. It's gonna be a looooong night.
  6. Calling Trump a student of anything implies that he has taken an interest in something besides himself, and spent time and energy attempting to learn something new. It's an insult to the thousands of pre-K students across the nation who are hard at work shitting their pants and picking their noses.
  7. Wow, I spent valuable seconds of my life watching this game and missed most of Texas' drive down the field.
  8. Uh oh, now they have to score on offense Correct, but Iow about still has some work to do
  9. I think taunting is fun and should be allowed, excepting an injured player.
  10. I am a stupid person who doesn't know how to embed videos, but there is a perfect Onion video for this. https://www.theonion.com/nation-of-andorra-not-in-africa-shocked-u-s-state-dep-1819594692
  11. Daycare, Take 2 is going much better for our now 16 month-old. We made it about 2 days into the first attempt before feeling like we had to pull him due to seeming staffing and communication issues. He's almost through the first week at his new place and feeling much more at ease. Definitely worth the 3 month delay to feel better about where he's at.
  12. Finally got out unencumbered by baby or dog and spent a few hours out at Granger Lake. Not huge numbers of fall migrant shorebirds and waders, but there were some decent finds, including a flock of avocets, a number of both black-bellied and American golden plover, a buff-breasted sandpiper, stilt sandpiper, and this little Merlin, waiting for an opportunity.
  13. CSB, I almost moved to SF for at least 16 months for my wife's clinical rotations. I was very much looking forward to wandering around the mountains and skiing while she was preoccupied with school. At the last minute, they decided they no longer wanted Greenspoint-style nursing students. We were instead sent to beautiful Decatur, Texas, where some friendly neighbors wrote racist shit on our cars and drextras. So I can't speak much to NM (10,000 waves was still there and still awesome in 2019), but I would advise avoiding the Fort Worth exurbs.
  14. There's been a single presidential yard sign in my Round Rock neighborhood for months, and it's for RFK Jr. It really would be glorious if the crazies help to save us from ourselves in 2024.
  15. Cross-post from climate thread. Can we just turn off our lights when not using them? It's not hard. Window strikes of single Chicago building kill 1,000 birds in one night
  16. Didn't see a thread on this. I would love to see commentary on the props in particular, from people who know more than I do.
  17. Speaking of light pollution... Bird window strikes in Chicago How hard is it for businesses to turn off their lights when closed, at least during migration, but really all the time?
  18. Feeling surprisingly zen after that gut-wrenching loss. It always sucks to lose ot ou, but it's a pretty big fucking wake-up call and we get an extra week to get our minds right. A second loss changes everything, but barring a miraculous season by WVU, this just gives us ammunition for the sweetest revenge in the B12 title game
  19. I don't know, I already see a 90 creeping back into my 7-day. I'll be damned if I'm going to let that slide in mid-October without bitching about it.
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