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Everything posted by Wiler77

  1. I don't think they ever actually got divorced. The $1.2mm doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Aside from his 10+ years being the star of his own TV shows, he's written like 10 books. He's been famous for a long time. I know he's stated he's terrible with money and didn't save anything until his mid-40's, but that was more than 15 years ago. I wonder if he has been putting money away in a family trust, or in his daughter's name, or something that isn't visible when he dies because it's not his money to distribute.
  2. I don't function in the morning without a bowl of cereal with berries on top and a glass of OJ. In the summer, nothing beats a 50/50 mix of Wheat Chex and plain Life, topped with blueberries and a ripe peach. I prefer 1% milk with it. Other times I like Frosted mini-wheats, topped with whatever berries are in season. And lots of them.
  3. So was riding a bike on a track. She deserved to get hit.
  4. What is brown and sticky? What do you call a camel with 3 humps?
  5. Celebrated with my dad at ABGB on Saturday at lunch. Had a fantastic pulled pork sandwich and a couple of beers. Sunday night I cooked burgers. Garlic peppercorn burger from HEB cooked over combo of oak lump and hickory chunks. Topped with caramelized onions and slice of Swiss for the last minute on the grill. Toasted an onion roll and dressed with whole grain mustard, guacamole, and some greens. On the side were some tots and hushpuppies.
  6. Not really all that curious. You misquoted. The quote is: "Shared what they want the university to know" And if you watch the video, the answer is "they messed with the wrong girls. I'm not letting it go."
  7. I really have no idea why this video stuck with me, maybe because it was on MTV 30 times a day, or maybe because the effects were absolutely horrible. But when I think 80's videos, this is the one that jumps to the front.
  8. Neither. Adding a bunch of refried beans is a good way to end up with soggy nachos. I prefer a crisp chip with the simple gooiness from the cheese and heat from the jalapeno.
  9. Not sure about restaurants, but I'm a minimalist when it comes to nachos. Chips. Cheese. Jalapenos. Layer it and pop in the oven
  10. I would have to think they wouldn't have called it a definitive suicide if he was found with his pants at his ankles and a rope around his neck.
  11. According to this page: https://texassports.com/roster.aspx?rp_id=5134 Taylor started all 12 games as a Sr and 11 games as a Jr. Not defending giving him a scholarship, but apparently he was the best option we had at center his last 2 years here.
  12. I would have thought their skin actually thinned when stretched like that
  13. Wiler77

    Father's Day 2018

    Hopefully a kitchen pass to go out to Flat Creek Crossing Ranch for a good ride followed by a nap, sex, and beer. And then maybe I'll cook some burgers and finish with a couple hours of mindless TV before I fall asleep. That would be a pretty good day.
  14. Like a boss. Why didn't she take a picture of the dude and put his face and micro-dick on blast?
  15. I started telling my oldest from the age of 3 that he should assume every other driver on the road is not paying attention and is stupid. If he drives a car with those 2 assumptions, he'll be alright.
  16. Worked a Burger King ad campaign into a McD article, and typed the phrase "extra squirt of special sauce"--all in one sentence. Well done. As for the lawsuit, this is beyond retarded and the lawyers should be shot.
  17. Stove-top popcorn was the first thing that came to mind. Other than that, I'm a big fan of homemade butter. Shake some cream, scrape out the butter, and add some salt. Super easy. I also enjoy homemade flour tortillas over just about anything you can find at the grocery store. And for that matter homemade bread is the fucking bomb, especially focaccia.
  18. The first line of the story goes well with the OP's avatar of a girl who looks like she's taking a picture of her tits against her will.
  19. I'm 41 so quite a bit away from retirement, but I'm watching opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to my parents vs in-laws. My parents: My dad retired at age 55 back in 2001. Never had a concern about being bored and hasn't had an issue with it. But he and my mom stay active. My dad golfs 1x a week, goes flying 1x a week, they take 2-3 fairly good vacations per year (minimum 2 weeks), they go out to eat with friends a few times a month, they have grandkids in Houston they go visit, and I have 3 kids they babysit a couple times a month. They also try to go out to Town Lake a couple times a week to go for a walk than out to eat somewhere. Up until 2 years ago, they had a boat on Lake Austin, and they'd just go out cruisin' during slow hours during the week. And my dad reads a ton, and always has, and that hasn't slowed down at all. They've had a great retirement and he hasn't thought twice about it or even halfway considered taking a part-time job. My in-laws: My FIL is a 71 year-old OB-GYN and will die at the hospital. He took an Administration job at his hospital a few years ago (in addition to running his own practice) and the hours have just about killed him. He "resigned" from that position a few months ago to be effective June 1, but unbeknownst to the family until 2 weeks ago, he rescinded that resignation. So he's going to keep working 14 hour days for the next 2 years until his contract expires, and then he'll be back to just his one job running his practice. The family is completely bitter over the whole thing since he was absent for every major event when his kids were growing up, and now history is repeating itself with his 7 grandkids (#8 on the way). The problem is when I step back and look at him, he doesn't have any real hobbies. He likes fixing things, and I'm sure he could stay busy for a few months getting things done around the house, but eventually the work dries up. My guess is he's scared to death of not working. Being a doctor is about the only thing he truly loves doing, his patients love him, he can't stand spending time with his wife--so he figures, "why retire".
  20. From my experience, Papasitos on Sunday morning at 11:30 was the nexus of their universe. I think they'd all meet there and test out new ways to find ordering loopholes and work the waitstaff over, all with the end goal of savings $0.75. Then they'd take their new learnings and go execute on the rest of the city. Wood nailed it--Sunday morning was the worst. Slammed the entire shift, but somehow I'd end up with less tips than a random Wednesday night. 18 drinks refills of their free waters or $2 cokes/teas would earn me a shiny quarter.
  21. I've got 3 young boys, and my wife are on the same page as far as letting them make their own decisions in life. But I am going to insist that all 3 have both manual labor and experience in the food service industry under their belt before they finish college. Opens your eyes to what real work is and how to treat other people.
  22. I did about a 9 month stint at the Austin Papasitos back in the late 90's, and it always amazed me at how many repeat customers we'd get that were surprised by the menu prices. They's bitch on comment cards or leave shitty tips with a note on the receipt. And I bet half of what I served were enchiladas, which happened to be the cheapest thing on the menu. Why would you wait for 30-45 minutes to eat at Papasitos and then order fucking enchiladas? Always puzzled me. Anyway, my favorite customer memory was this heffer that came in with her fatass husband and scarfed down 3 bags of chips with a large queso. Then they ordered chicken fajitas and specifically asked to not pour butter on it (yes, butter was poured before serving and a little cup was put on the skillet) because "she didn't need those extra calories". The chicken is served with the skin on, so I asked if she wanted me to have them cut the skin off the chicken as well. Nope, she was good with the skin. Great--less work for me and the kitchen. So I put the order in and call out no butter, and it comes out with the butter in the cup but not poured on the chicken. She throws a fucking fit. "I asked for no butter! It's not that hard to understand. Take this back and get it right." I explained to her that there is no butter on the chicken or any of her food, but it was left on the side in case her husband wanted it for something. "No, he doesn't need butter either. It's ridiculous that butter is even served with fajitas." OK, well how about I just take this to the back and get it off the table? "No, some might have spilled on our food. Take the whole thing away and bring us a completely fresh one." I just laughed and told them I'd bring them a fresh bag of chips so they wouldn't go hungry while waiting on a fresh food order. Husband's glare told me he was not amused by my comment, but he didn't have the heart to explain it to his wife.
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