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Everything posted by Buzzrock

  1. I enjoyed the race but one thing was notable: where were the fans? You couldn’t see or hear them at all.
  2. One more and I’ll shut up, but it’s nice to be going in the right direction
  3. The shitshow continues, a parade car leaks oil all over the grid
  4. $2M in damage to Sainz’ car That’s shitty
  5. I heard from a friend that there were no supporting races this weekend, can anyone confirm?
  6. I honestly thought we were gonna fuck that up.
  7. Do not look at the Jordan Travis injury. Yeesh.
  8. Probably just couldn’t get in to Vanderbilt
  9. I’m not saying I’m rooting for it, but if Louisville fucks this up I will laugh.
  10. Interesting top 10. Sucks for Sainz. WTF McLaren.
  11. I wonder how much more power the cold air is making for the cars.
  12. I read somewhere (thought it was this thread) that Vegas said spot welding would have been illegal.
  13. I wonder if that’s hangover from the Max/Lewis drama in the final race in 2021.
  14. It’s cool, they are on Europe time.
  15. The stuff they are doing with the sphere is cool, and some of the liveries and helmets are dope. That’s the only positives I have so far.
  16. Favorite comment from the broadcast team when they were wondering why Sainz stopped: “Maybe he saw a $20 blackjack table.”
  17. I’ve had similar feedback from locals in my last couple trips. And been caught in that construction traffic. It absolutely sucked. I wonder if they didn’t understand downforce. It’s my understanding that those cars suck themselves to the track using the aero, and that could have pulled the cover off.
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