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Fat Bastard

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Everything posted by Fat Bastard

  1. I don’t care for much of anything else they serve at breakfast but Buffalo Grill here in Houston makes great pancakes.
  2. That’s why everyone chose him. Same reason they would’ve chosen Jon if not for the unsullied not accepting it.
  3. Everyone complaining previously of Bran’s story arc being worthless (until now) don’t see it for what it was. He manipulated everything to become king. Why do you think he said “Why do you think I came all this way?”? He masterminded his whole fucking ascension
  4. Probably belongs in the unpopular opinions thread, but tortillas around my eggs is not a great foil IMO. The eggs are already soft, as is the tortilla. If given the choice, I’ll take a toasted croissant or almost any bread that is toasted on the outside yet still chewy on the inside for my eggs all day. I love the contrast in textures. Still love breakfast tacos, but if I had to choose the bread, tortillas are down the list.
  5. Not cool. Arnold’s supposedly on Coumadin from a valve replacement surgery. That could’ve fucked him up bad
  6. I make it a point to never change lanes with a shitty car behind me in the lane I want to enter. 100% chance they have no insurance and want to make it a point to not let me in. I always look for a higher end foreign car or fleet driver to merge with.
  7. Maybe Jon should’ve taken one for the team and kissed Dany at the beginning of the show
  8. Some way or another the Dothraki and Unsullied need to leave Westeros either by boat or on a funeral pyre by the end of next week. No way that’s happening unless somehow Snow turns the dragon on them. I have a feeling the new seat of government will likely be in the north and there won’t be any more dragons in Westeros (save for a few unhatched eggs they show somewhere on a fadeout)
  9. That dude pitching today reminded of Roy O. I’m all in. Fuckin aggy, but I was all in on Ray Childress too
  10. Her death, or lack of theatrics of it, is my only gripe. Hell, Clegane could’ve just knifed her in the ribs as she casually walked past him
  11. Save for the Battle of Blackwater Bay, Tyrion has fucked up every move he’s made as Hand to two monarchs. He’s not as smart as he thinks he is. And Dany said it herself last week, he’s not the only clever one.
  12. I find it hilarious the tech dropout above is complaining of horrible writing. Dumbfuck wouldn’t know what good writing was if it slapped him in the face. Show was entertaining as fuck. What more can you ask for? Dialogue in a show that was entirely dedicated to a cataclysmic buttfucking of kings landing?
  13. Fantastic episode. Best of the season by a long shot. Anyone who couldn’t enjoy that is a miserable fuck. We all knew Mad queen Dany was coming and she didn’t disappoint. I enjoyed the scene when Grey Worm turned to look at Jon Snow when he told the Northerners to stop attacking when the unsullied attacked the Kings Landing army after they dropped their swords. Wished Cersei had a more miserable death like someone cutting out her fetus while she was still alive and showing it to her and then slitting her throat, but whatever, I’ll take it. Kings Landing being in ashes was prophecied in a dream or some shit like 3-4 seasons ago. This was expected. Can’t wait to see the Dany vs Jon confrontation next week.
  14. Not sure. All the ones I saw were black with the blue painted calipers. Maybe one of the BMW aficionados here might know better. I definitely dig the all black exterior and these rims appear easier to clean than the pain in the ass one I had previously
  15. I like to think of it as Steve Patterson burnt orange
  16. Pics: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Just pulled the trigger on an M5 Competition. Goddamned thing was just too loud and too fun to drive not to buy. Will post pics later
  18. Got my wife an e400 cabrio last summer. Sticker was 78, got it for 71
  19. Just rewatched. Appears when NK reanimates the dead after Dany lights him up all those who get up were originally on the side of the living. No former zombies get up. It’s an unsullied, a Dothraki, the night watch guy, and lyanna Mormont they show.
  20. Amazing episode. Arya has long been my favorite character and glad it was her and not Snow who killed the NK. Awesome sequence. She’s pure fucking bad ass one question I had was regarding the dragon glass. Throughout all their other battles with the WW they’ve been killed with conventional weapons and of course re-animated by the NK. I thought dragon glass was supposed to kill these fuckers forever and not allow them to be re-animated. Could’ve used all that time building a 1/2 mile wide trench and filling it with oil to ignite instead of making those weapons if they had the same result
  21. Miles is one of the biggest bitches on the boards and it dates back to HF days. And for the record, the Onion headlines are lame AF, which, is appropriate for miles, I guess.
  22. Went to 1751 last week. Sat at the raw bar. Got the large iced platter. Was absolutely amazing. Can’t wait to go back
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