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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pyrohornIII

  1. I understand that. I mean that if the Republicans are dead set on doing away with abortion, then they should be willing to stand up and pay for the consequences, and not just stand on the abstinence bully pulpit. It's not so much legislation to legalize abortion, but to set up a system that hopefully would reduce unwanted pregnancies and provide better for those children and mothers who have to go through it.
  2. Indeed Pelosi should start pushing legislation concerning this. Not only the rape and incest clauses, but also for reform and bolstering of programs like Planned Parenthood. If the courts want to revisit and reform the legality of abortion, then the legislature should be looking at reforming the programs intended to support mothers of, and unwanted children. Start with sex education and birth control and run it all the way through setting higher standards for foster care systems in states, particularly those who outlaw abortion, like Texas. Make these fuckers who are so concerned about those zygotes financially accountable for their well being pre and post natal, up until they are at least 18. Notice I said accountable, not responsible. That means safety nets for those kids to fall back on for physical and mental health. Picture little Marie going to her first day of school in Podunk, Texas, and already she's labeled as the kid of that slut who got raped. Well just move then, right. Have the mom start a new life somewhere else. Way away from family and home. Makes tons of sense. There is definitely a disconnect in how much we care for a fetus and how much we want to shame the fuck out of people, even the innocents. I maintain that most of those carrying the anti abortion banner are actually more anti-sex. Their sex lives suck (due to a variety of reasons) and unwanted pregnancies are often the result of unprotected sex, so punish those who have sex for any other purpose that procreation.
  3. In my mind, at first humans learned just to survive on their own, or in small groups or families. Then they began to learn to work cooperatively and share different workloads. But then they needed laws to work under.. and that led to religion and laws for morality which tied to gods and fate.
  4. Trump always says he loves the uneducated, but I think it's more the morally bankrupt he caters to. The insecure and willfully ignorant who instead of elevating their own lives through education, they seek to tear down others who choose that path. It's a race to the bottom which isn't there. But yet there are no Dem candidates worth voting for...ever. smdh.
  5. houses that guilt built.
  6. That race in AL between Ivey and Trump's choice of Blanchard will be fun to watch too. It's like they all have to out-deplorable each other.
  7. One of my favorites, And another that seems pretty tame vs the later outlaw type music to come. Webb wrote it as a protest song, and Campbell's version turned it more into a patriotic tune. Either way it didn't hurt the namesake city's tourism. https://www.wideopencountry.com/galveston-glen-campbell/
  8. And Trump, courtesy of Putin has just as much kompromat on all of them, including some Dems like Manchin. Madi just got too big for his britches and thought he could force them to elevate his standing by playing the same game of blackmail. He can't run with the big dogs. Or little dogs, for that matter.
  9. What is that? A can of air freshener?
  10. I'm reading the book now. Hopefully by the time I finish, I can find the documentary. The chemistry between Guy and Susanna and TVZ is like something out of Shakespeare. What a time for great music in America. Soon to be overrun by disco. Sigh.
  11. I have none of the skills you guys have. I am impressed. I watched a documentary by Tom Douglas last night. Very nicely done hour on the ups, downs and angst of song writing. But in the end the reason why you guys keep doing the craft. https://www.amazon.com/Love-Tom-Michael-Lennox/dp/B09QFK74K3 I'll close the door on my way out.
  12. This from a Time article that dropped today: That's pretty amazing, that amount of interest. And even if Navient did make a mistake and you could prove it, you couldn't find a lawyer to sue them, unless you could whip up some class action thing. The banks and lenders hold all the cards. It was part of a bigger story on middle class Americans and inflation. A good read. https://time.com/6171292/middle-class-falling-behind-economy/
  13. Reform for sure. The way I see it they first pulled the money out of funding state institutions of higher learning which pushed more financial burden to the students and parents. Then they start making money off the student loans. In so doing they basically sign millions of young Americans into indentured servitude. And where are they investing the income from the loan scam? Into housing, which further freezes the young out of the American dream. Next on the block is public education k-12. Handwriting's on the wall. Despicable fucks and the deplorable idiots who keep them empowered.
  14. Tim Roth did ok in carrying Tin Star.
  15. The Three Burials of Milquiades Estrada promotes the vastness and power of west Texas, particularly Big Bend and friendships so strong that boundaries mean nothing. Places in the Heart was our To Kill a Mockingbird about racism. Alamo Bay was a sleeper about about the clash between cultures when the Vietnamese refugees were assimilated into the shrimping ports of Texas. That hit pretty close to home for me in South Texas as I was in high school about that time and our town "adopted" a refugee family. Raggedy Man with Sissy Spacek was another set in South Texas, WWII era. It's pretty interesting that two of our more powerful and enduring movies were set in the rather desolate West Texas in LPS and Giant. But two different outlooks. The documentary on the making of Giant was well done. And though it's not a movie, every few years I like to post this link, the culmination of one musician and one photographer and their admiration and love of West Texas. RIP Doug Smith.
  16. Same for South Texas. But it was in the 5th grade the girls got cloistered in a room for an afternoon of period talk. Boys never got anything. I got a rudimentary idea of the inner female plumbing from the instruction sheet I pilfered from a box of Tampax. Probably wanked over it too. About that time Susan S. and I were riding our bikes toward home and she asked me what "fucking" meant. I told her in very elementary terms and she blushed hard and rode away crying. That was sex education in our town.
  17. At least in Texas one of the biggest stumbling blocks for the Dems to carry this banner better is the Catholic church. Between gender and abortion issues, its a hard needle to thread.
  18. A) Then grooming applies to Amway and cults like Q. I've lost great friends because I chose not to sell Amway under them. And we all know what Q is like. B) There is as much if not more abuse being foisted on these kids by parents who are too scared of what their own peers think to stand up for their kids until it's too late. Go watch Joe Bell.
  19. Add to that that kids come into their sexuality at different ages. I know I was pretty curious well before most of the kids in my class. I mean I got smacks for looking sticking my head under the dress of my kindergarten teacher because the opportunity arose. But then I was weird, since I never really was part of that 'he man woman hater" club that was made popular by the Lil' Rascals and REO Speedwagon. So really, what is the problem with this? That the world won't repopulate if everyone goes same sex? Or is it an issue that someone's lineage might dry up if their kids don't procreate and pass on the family name? Helluva a thing to worry about while we slowly make our planet more and more inhospitable.
  20. You are all right. I still think her biggest mistake was underestimating Trump's chances. Which were pretty shitty up until Comey pulled out the emails again at the last moment.
  21. Don't ever doubt that this isn't about taking control of our schools and indoctrination. The DeVos types making money off of private schools that teach people to vote against their best interests, repeatedly. Dumb question amnesty here, please. But some people are naturally Bi-sexual or pansexual right? So they can choose to engage in relationships with members of differing genders. So for some is it a choice? I'm old, all this gender talk is confusing, but I am trying. They might know better if we actually taught them something about sex and relationships, instead of leaving it up to religious leaders who make a good deal of their income off of counseling people over guilt. And guilt over sex and gender is the easiest sell. Who knows? Those educated kids might grow up to be better parents and eventually all this recedes. Imagine that, teaching people more about themselves, their interrelations with others, acceptance and parenting...instead of how to be a good cog in the capitalistic machine?
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