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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pyrohornIII

  1. Plus it wasn't like Trump was a shoo in for winning in 2016. She would have had to resign in the beginning of Obama's 2nd term to have a chance to be replaced by his choice because of McConnell. Most likely she put her money on Hillary winning.
  2. Does Galindo stand 3 feet away from the mike and yell at it all the time? For those of us older fans we've gone from "Get that idiot off the goalpost." to "Tell us about the Moody Center....again!" From intelligent dry wit to knob slobbering inanity. Did anyone else catch Griff talking about Card's throwing motion leading to flatter arcs on the deep balls, not giving the receivers that cushion to run under? Something about always ending up on his tiptoes at the end of those long throws. Griff had said Sark had seen this and pointed it out at some point.
  3. BM did himself in with all his self promotion. Much like Johnny Football. It started in high school for both of them. Neither one could live up to the hype and the price of hubris was paid. People probably would have forgiven either of them a bad year or two but we were all tired of their shit by the time they even took the field in Cleveland. Just products of sensationalistic journalism.
  4. I'm frankly surprised Trump wasn't double registered in at least NY and FL.
  5. Just like immigration and border issues. All for flash and pop.
  6. I enjoyed Jim's Big Burger. It's neat how Victoria has held on to it's independent burger joints.
  7. Trump has a LOT of dirt on all these fuckers. Putin gave it to him.
  8. There is no counter to Fox, OAN and whoever else is pushing that GOP schlock, nationally, statewide or locally. And Trump and his crusade to discredit MSM has done its damage too. The D's can have the best message ever, but getting it delivered consistently is difficult. Because years ago when the indoctrination started with Fox, Rush, etc., the Dems felt that these people were fringe and the voters would see through their schtick. But it just grew and now it's near insurmountable.
  9. I don't think the response was what he thought it was going to be.
  10. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2022/04/13/five-things-to-know-today-about-the-supply-chain-crisis-at-the-us-mexico-border/?utm_source=pushly At least some media is trying to get the facts out. Hopefully more jump on the bandwagon.
  11. I'm so tired of this shit where Biden is getting blamed for all this when a good deal started due to poor management of Covid by Trump. It's like a fucking smash and grab and we as consumers are paying for it and Biden shoulders the blame. I went in for my annual eye exam last week. One year ago it cost $90. This year they did the exact same tests, took the same amount of time. $145. That's a 60% increase in one year. No consumables used, except maybe the tissue used to clean the chin rest. And I am pretty sure that extra money isn't being passed through to his employees in substantial raises of 30% or more. Same for big oil doing all these stock buybacks. But hey...let's go brandon, right?
  12. Not sure to put this here or the graft thread. It's a helluva read.
  13. She's out on bond already. I feel for her, because her life and the lives of her family is about to be in the middle of a shitstorm. I don't think she did this as a publicity stunt, but I guess we will find out. I just hope that the fucker who knocked her up without b/c gets called out too.
  14. Abbott figures if he has to clear the prison system of all the pot cases, then he's got a lot of vacancies to fill. Viola! 2 birds with one stone. Or is it 3?
  15. I gave up on them after they didn't raze Baylor to the ground.
  16. I'm headed to Houston for the College Dems' convention with Beto as a keynote spkr. What are the odds this comes up?
  17. Tragic. What a way to have to end such a full life. The pride of Freer. I remember riding the elevator in Jester with him several times. Always a smile on his face.
  18. I bet they know where those missing phone logs from 1/6 are though. Probably have a recording of every call.
  19. Jimmy is running a by the hour motel next to the Mary Magdalene scrip club in Shreveport, I hear. I'd love to see the responses to this...and see what else she's been up to since October. I wonder what kind of children result from hate fucks.
  20. Trump was too dumb to capitalize on the office, and Cruz is too unlikeable to get voted in, even his own party detests him. Our real danger lays somewhere in between these two men whose biggest common trait is having no moral center.
  21. Johnny 'Football Coach?' - Manziel Teases a Return to Aggieland Johnny 'Football' Manziel said that although he's done with pro football, he'd love to return to help the Aggies win a national title. https://www.si.com/college/tamu/football/texas-aggies-johnny-manziel-return-to-aggieland-coach-sec#gid=ci029d3353a0002613&pid=johnny-manziel-1 So in other words he's wanting to go back to the only place that ever liked him. Seems reasonable. Will be interesting to see how this plays out with Jimbo.
  22. I thought that whole cuck thing was a Republican right of passage, like Ted, Stone and Manafort. Seems there were at least a dozen more out there I've been able to forget.
  23. Following is an article on a young woman living her best life, in my opinion. It's an interesting read from several standpoints. It gets into the new lifestyle of those who choose to live and work on the road; it gets into real life examples of voter problems caused by SB1, and it talks about her own journey of family discovery as a young black woman in Texas. (Hopefully i got it all in the long cat quote. I couldn't edit it out of rich text without it screwing up the formatting) Tayhlor Coleman Didn’t Know How Hard Texas Made It to Vote—Until She Started Living the #Vanlife The seventh-generation Texan is roaming the state to register voters—and digging into her family's history in the long struggle for voting rights. https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/tayhlor-coleman-voter-registration-vanlife/
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