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Everything posted by CooterBrown

  1. Until the first challenge that runs through the courts.
  2. It's totally a let them eat cake attitude. You're applying a single example to the masses. For example, I have the top PPO plan my Fortune 500 company offers and my ER bill a few months ago was $1,700 out of pocket for being there 3 hours. It's literally the best insurance I can get. Due to a heart condition, I am uninsurable outside of a work group plan or Obamacare. That same plan refused to pay my $210,000 bill for stents 7 years ago because I should not have been admitted to the hospital for undetermined chest pains, the blockage should have never been discovered. That's literally what the denial letter stated. Luckily, their contract with Seton said the hospital had to eat any costs beyond my copay limits. The entire system is broken.
  3. The issue is people have to choose if medical care is worth the cost. The average American can't afford shit. Going to ER, knowing you will get a bill pushing $2,000 even with insurance, causes many people to put it off. This potentially makes it worse. When you've got 50 bucks to your name, that choice becomes more difficult. It's easy to say "take my money" when you have money because you know can make more money. For the working poor that mentality and ability doesn't exist. Medical debt is something they can rarely, if ever, get out of.
  4. A cop pulled over a car with two catholic priests inside. The cop tells the driver “I’m looking for two pedophiles.” The driver turns to the other priest and they whisper back and forth. He turns back to the cop and says “Ok. We’ll do it.”
  5. Have you heard of the BerenSTAIN Bears!?!?!?
  6. Fuck them schools. They don't need nothing but the Bible to learns from anyways.
  7. The next Texas GQP platform: The obvious answer to assure minimized wait times is to have separate hospitals for citizens (white) and for potential non-citizens (non-white).
  8. Bridge's living room looks like it smells like skunk weed and stale beer. My spiritual home.
  9. Stoops out interviewed Elko. It's that simple. Stoops was the pick. The interview panel obviously agreed because a decision was relatively quick. If it was a toss up, there would've been additional interviews and vetting. There wasn't. So, even in aggy eyes, Elko is a distant runner up.
  10. After everything that has transpired in the past 24 hours, how little self respect must one have to work for these clowns?
  11. They’re about to do way worse. No coach with options will choose aggy. It is now only viewed as a career ending golden parachute retirement plan.
  12. I can’t keep up. Has it come out that Stoops signed a contract already and now aggy is paying his buyout along with Jimbo’s? That would be the most aggy like thing aggy could do.
  13. What Jimmy said is accurate. They are a fantastic live band and they’ve recorded some great rock songs on their 4 albums. Their drummer engaged the crowd more than any drummer I’ve seen. It ranged from taking over the lead mike to berate a dumb ass that was fighting and having him escorted out to, during a bass solo, leaving his kit and climbing down into the crowd to take a picture with three little kids that were rocking out in the side of the stage.
  14. I was sick and missed going to Thanksgiving dinner. I made myself some chili. I think I may have had a better meal.
  15. This has been a season of some ugly unimpressive football but if it wins a trophy or two, I’ll take it.
  16. With our injury issues, I’d worry about Arch throwing his shoulder out with that twitch he keeps doing.
  17. Both Leinart and Urban looked like “these regards” when aggy was mentioned.
  18. My buddy I was at the game with said it best “he’s a man among boys.”
  19. If it’s between us and the Ducks, it’ll come down to what’s more valuable…the TV viewers Texas brings or the inflated fee Nike will bribe, uh pay, for commercial slots.
  20. Arch walks out and the stadium is like
  21. Not a good sign when the other head coach goes over to the other head coach.
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