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  1. glad I wasnt a procrastinator this year. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/irs-electronic-filing-system-breaks-down-hours-before-tax-deadline/2018/04/17/4c05ecae-4255-11e8-ad8f-27a8c409298b_story.html?utm_term=.6f6ed0f669c0
  2. Holy fucking shit. I can't even... https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/texas-child-protective-services-waco-heather-wallace-b2226799.html Texas mother lost her home and job and was threatened with jail after asking eight-year-old son to walk home alone Texas mother who asked her misbehaving eight-year-old son to walk half a mile home through a quiet suburban neighbourhood says her life was upended after she was charged with child endangerment. Mother-of-three Heather Wallace, 37, a qualified teacher and child sleep therapist, faced up to 20 years in prison if convicted of the second-degree felony charge. Rather than risk jail time, Ms Wallace told The Independent she admitted the offence and carried out a community service programme. She was forced to resign from her job and is now barred from working with children. She and husband Scott have sold their family home to cover legal and medical bills, and both have sought treatment for stress as a result of the incident, she said. Ms Wallace told The Independent the nightmare began one afternoon last October when her eldest son, eight-year-old Aiden, began throwing a tantrum while she was driving home from karate practice with younger brothers Liam and Declan. Ms Wallace said she asked Aiden to get out of the car and walk the short distance back through an area that he knew well and often rode his bike around unsupervised, with sidewalks and little traffic. “When he gets like that we have our routine, we can’t engage with him. He calms down just fine after that and we can kind of move on. “I opened the door and he got out. There was no shouting, there was no argument, I know not to argue with a child in that state of mind.” Ms Wallace says a woman who lives a block away from their home spotted Aiden and called the police. Two patrol cars responded and a few minutes later, officers from the Waco Police Department knocked on the door and questioned her at length on her porch while Aiden remained in the back of the cruiser. “Aiden’s still upset that they treated him like a baby — he’s adamant he could work home,” she says. Ms Wallace says the officer told her that sex trafficking of minors was an issue in downtown Waco, a world away from their quiet residential area. She says the officer asked her prying questions about why her house was so messy. When he inquired if she would allow her children to walk home again now that she had been informed about sex traffickers, she was arrested, handcuffed behind her back and put in the back of a patrol car as her three kids watched on. Ms Wallace said a case worker from Texas Child Protective Services arrived and grilled her about her parenting habits while she was still handcuffed in the back of the cruiser. “I think they were trying to figure out what to do with me — and whether what I had done was illegal or not.” Heather Wallace says she tries to give her sons Aiden, Liam and Declan the freedom to be independent Around three hours after police had turned up at her doorstep, she was taken to McLennan County Jail and booked on charges of endangering a child, a second-degree felony that carries a mandatory two year prison sentence. Ms Wallace’s husband Scott posted her $300 bail the next day. After her release, child services forced the parents to agree to a safety plan, which meant they were not allowed to be alone with the children. Ms Wallace told The Independent the children’s grandmothers took turns spending the night at their home for the next two weeks until the order was lifted. “At the time we didn’t know anything about (child protective services) or what we should or shouldn’t agree to do,” Ms Wallace said. She hired an attorney, who told her that if convicted she faced a minimum of two-years in prison and could be sentenced to up to 20 years. “I wanted to fight the charges, but I didn’t really know what my rights were.” Ms Wallace agreed to plead guilty and carried out a diversion programme which included 65 hours work at an early childhood centre. She was forbidden from being there during weekdays when children were around, and instead worked weekends, carrying out cleaning duties and helping to develop the school curriculum. Ms Wallace said she also had to undergo random drug testing, and was forced to leave her children alone to travel to testing centres. Scott and Heather Wallace are trying to rebuild their lives after she was charged with child endangerment Due to the child endangerment conviction, she was forced to resign from the pediatric sleep consultancy firm where she had previously worked and is barred from finding work as a teacher. Under the strain of thinking they might lose their kids, both parents sought therapy, an added expense after their income had already been shorn in half. The financial toll forced the family to sell their home, and they are now living in a rented duplex nearby. They hope to eventually build on a one-acre plot of land they have purchased, where the three boys will be able to roam outside. Ms Wallace’s sister Britt has set up a GoFundme page to help ease their financial burden. Ms Wallace also said she lost confidence in her own ability as a mother, something she has been working hard to regain. “It’s all very painful. I know I need to be confident in the parenting decisions I make because they’re mine to make, instead always worrying about what other people are thinking.” She says she wants other mums and dads to know their rights and also respect other people’s parenting choices. “We’re all trying to do what’s right for our kids, they have their own personalities, and have different needs.”
  3. Without a doubt, my family's favorite Christmas movie. We make it a point to watch it every year. "You have such a pretty face. You should be on a Christmas card.”
  4. i understand wanting to be coached by Deion, but this seems really, really stupid on this kid's part.
  5. Beautiful day in Fort Worth to stomp some cockroaches and laugh at sweaty coaches. Let's get this shit started.
  6. Creating chaos for travelers. Spiked overnight from 9 confirmed deaths to 17. Wuhan ain't a rocking. Did not see a post on this but would love to know what the group think is on this one. Reports today stated experts think people were eating bats. We need to learn to stop eating bats. From BBC. Wuhan, a Chinese city of nearly nine million people, is to temporarily shut public transport as it tries to halt the outbreak of a new strain of virus. Those living in the city have been advised not to leave, in a week when millions of Chinese are travelling for the upcoming Lunar New Year holiday. The respiratory illness has spread to other parts of China, with some cases in other countries including the US. There are more than 500 confirmed cases and 17 people have died. Known for now as 2019-nCoV, the virus is understood to be a new strain of coronavirus not previously identified in humans. The Sars (severe acute respiratory syndrome) virus that killed nearly 800 people globally in the early 2000s was also a coronavirus, as is the common cold. All the fatalities so far have been in Hubei, the province around Wuhan. Chinese virus: How worried should we be? Wuhan: The London-sized city where the virus began New China virus: Your questions answered Meanwhile, after a day of discussions in Geneva, the World Health Organization's (WHO) emergency committee has announced it will not yet declare a "global emergency" over the new virus. Director general Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus said more information was needed about the spread of the infection. The committee of health experts will meet again on Thursday. A global emergency is the highest level of alarm the WHO can sound and has previously been used in response to swine flu, Zika virus and Ebola. What measures have been announced? Chinese officials said that from Thursday, all flights and passenger train services out of Wuhan would be stopped. Bus, subway and ferry services would also shut down from 1000 local time. A special command centre in Wuhan set up to contain the virus said the move was meant to "resolutely contain the momentum of the epidemic spreading". https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-51215348
  7. damn, even at the bulk postage option thats easily a $30,000 mistake by the loan company. My favorite part of the article is the USPS literally telling the guy he has to deal with the physical letters himself. Student Loan Company Accidentally Sends Ohio Man 55,000 Copies of Same Letter About Daughter's Tuition
  8. This is a fun episode where we talk through a lot of our journey in NIL, we have as special guest the Bad Mother Fucker award recipient Jonathon Brooks where we get to learn a little bit more about who he is as a person. For those that want to download it here: Season 5 Episode 1 - Jonathon Brooks.mp3
  9. Okie lite lost to aggy, ISU blown out by domers, and OU was blown out by LSU. We'll see how Baylor does against Georgia and KState still has to play but regardless I think it's already clear this conference had a down year, and we could only muster 5-4 in this dumpster fire. I just wanted to vent. I'm sure others feel my frustration. Make or break for Herman and co. in 2020. Big 12 champ game or bust
  10. I would go to 1968 Whisky A Go Go to see The Doors first, then 1967 Monterrey Pop Festival, and then CBGB in 1977 to see The Ramones with Blonde to open. Where would you go?
  11. Hey folks, my ~50 y/o female cousin (same age as me) from DFW with tons of adopted special needs kids is getting her first night off from the kids in almost two years and is driving down to Dallas to see Tears for Fears (her favorite band) at the Moody center with me. I'm taking the afternoon off and since she never gets alone-time, I want to make sure she has a great time as it'll just be her and myself! This Monday afternoon/night will be all about her and she really, really deserves it! What should we do? We'll be taking an Uber from my house in Round Rock down to the Moody center. She's not familiar with the area and I never go there for anything other than see Longhorns football games. What should I take her out to do and where should we eat? We're both on budgets (I'm paying for her tickets & the uber). Also, any tips on where to Uber to/from for the concert? I haven't been to the Moody center before.
  12. Let's put someone in there who will get the job done! Get the varmints who have scurried from the drain'ed swamp.
  13. So I have a personal phone with AT&T and a T-Mobile phone for work. In the last few weeks I've either gotten texts or emails from both providers mentioning forced arbitration being the only avenue if I continue using my device on their network. Realistically I don't think there are many differences in providers, and I would guess they're all selling every last piece of my data they can to whomever will buy it. So why now? I googled and can't find anything news related that would necessitate changes. This arstechnica link is almost 2 years old.
  14. oh its a Sneaky fucking cougar that somehow got stuck 50 feet up the tree in your fucking yard...... Side note: turns out cougars have learned how to bungee jump as well:
  15. NASA sounds like that may be the end of her 46+ year career: Garbelled 1s and 0's only thats a heck of a run.
  16. Very interesting read. DA was a lazy dick then when he was about to have the case dismissed he indicted him for capitol murder seeking death penalty. https://search.txcourts.gov/SearchMedia.aspx?MediaVersionID=63e3c622-e415-425d-a69e-7d3fcd3e388b&MediaID=dbcfe2d6-7698-428c-a4a2-93707bedc68e&coa=" + this.CurrentWebState.CurrentCourt + @"&DT=Opinion
  17. “You wanna blame us for the 2017 fires? Well how do ya like these apples? https://www.sfchronicle.com/california-wildfires/amp/PG-E-power-shut-off-257-000-Bay-Area-residents-14500945.php
  18. I caught a few episodes of this back during the original run but I'm rewatching now that it's on Prime and I forgot how funny it was. Great show.
  19. The amount of money wasted is mind blowing. I watched the mind boggling waste of DPS taxpayer money after Hurricane Harvey. Eight DPS troopers, parked at an angle on the beach watching me fish. That was like a week in a row. As I saw the assorted news casts of the horrors, two things drift into my mind. The massive number of law enforcement that race to the scene of horrific things like this shooting, simply "to be part of it." Secondly is the cost of a shit ton of law enforcement folks standing around visiting. I am not saying that i do not understand the desire to "race to the scene" or want to "be a part of the biggest thing that happened here." Because I do. But when I see what must have been 4-5 times the law enforcement presence after the fact, as the number of children killed? And today there are like 3 officers, each representing a different agency standing in front of the memorial for the dead kids. I just do not understand it. Today we have lots and lots of police departments showing a presence as schools to make parents and children falsely feel more secure. A presence that will of course dissipate, long before the next actual theat. But damn the money in Payroll and "overtime" is fucking HUGE! Without anything but a pretend feel good moment. Anyhow I have always been a fiscal conservative with taxpayr money and what contribution does the mass police presence at these events do other than generate overtime for folks not doing a fucking thing? I mean we had over 100 officers at the Uvalde mass murder and with all those officers, they could not even get the basic details of the crime accurately to the public.
  20. You will play golf and enjoy hot hors d'oeuvres. My people will have pain and degradation. Your people will have stick shifts. The gods of my tribe have spoken. They have said, "Do not trust the Pilgrims. Especially Sarah Miller."
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