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Several shot during 3rd night of Kenosha riots


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Prosecutor:  "when you were running [towards defendant] did you have your gun out? why?"

Grosskreutz:  "yes ... i had heard multiple gunshots... i had heard 2 shots... i saw huber and the defendant tangle...and then i heard another shot... so yeah"

Prosecutor:  "we have other videos that show you pulled out your gun out before those shots were fired"


LMAO just self-pwnage all day.

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4 minutes ago, Moby Ric said:

Now admits he was pointing his gun at Rittenhouse when he got shot.  This guy is fucking stupid.  Should be charged for perjury and carrying an illegal firearm.

this is the court trial equivalent of "whats your weakness?" "my weakness is that i care too much"

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This is not the prosecutor's fault.  There is just no evidence that Kyle committed any crime that night other than perhaps illegal carrying (and even for that there is apparently an open question of whether the rifle he was carrying was illegal for a 17 year old to carry under the statute at issue due to some ambiguities).

He was rendering medical aid (which he has training in as a certified life guard), putting out fires, and extinguishing graffiti.  Perp 1, who had already threatened to kill him if he caught him alone, ambushed and attacked him.  He was shot reaching for his gun.  Skate guy hit him with his board in the neck area and was shot after he tried to take the gun.  Perp 3 did a fake surrender and then attacked Kyle by pulling out his gun and pointing it at Kyle.

This really should be a directed verdict.  I don't think they have evidence on all the elements of these charges.

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Discusses how there may be a loophole for 16 and 17 year olds to open carry a long gun since the statute is poorly worded.

The judge earlier denied the motion to drop the weapons charge.  But stated that state statutes were “unclear" and that he wanted to review the laws and could revisit the matter later.

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5 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

This is not the prosecutor's fault.  There is just no evidence that Kyle committed any crime that night other than perhaps illegal carrying (and even for that there is apparently an open question of whether the rifle he was carrying was illegal for a 17 year old to carry under the statute at issue due to some ambiguities).

I think it's obvious to anyone paying attention that this was politically motivated. No way the DA could let it go and expect to get reelected. 

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Grosskreutz should legitimately be charged with aggravated assault. He knew Rittenhouse was running to the police. He chases him down.. He pulls his concealed weapon on him and was going to shoot before Kyle shot first. Then tells a friend he wishes he had killed him. These are facts from his own testimony.

At the very least he admitted to: unlawful concealed carry of a firearm, brandishing a weapon, and assault with a deadly weapon.

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9 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

Grosskreutz should legitimately be charged with aggravated assault. He knew Rittenhouse was running to the police. He chases him down.. He pulls his concealed weapon on him and was going to shoot before Kyle shot first. Then tells a friend he wishes he had killed him. These are facts from his own testimony.

At the very least he admitted to: unlawful concealed carry of a firearm, brandishing a weapon, and assault with a deadly weapon.

He won't be because this never was about justice. It is political theater for twatter blue checks.

In fairness, I am not watching the trial but just reading your reports ... I have a respect for Grosskreutz for being honest. I'm naive, but I would assume many witnesses would just lie (in cases where they could not obviously be charged with perjury). Okay ... maybe I should retract that given the "chasing" comment LOL.

Do you think the defense  will put Rittenhouse on the stand? I had heard it said it would, but at this point can it help or only hurt?

Edited by Harrison Bergeron
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8 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

It's all fun and games until the mob comes for you.....as they always do, as history has repeatedly revealed.  

That's why I'm generally not a fan of nationalizing local stories. In a perfect world, our cable news would actually dedicate time to things that actually affect our lives (domestically and especially internationally) as opposed to these stupid stories like this that just inflame already polarized morons.

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4 minutes ago, Harrison Bergeron said:

That's why I'm generally not a fan of nationalizing local stories. In a perfect world, our cable news would actually dedicate time to things that actually affect our lives (domestically and especially internationally) as opposed to these stupid stories like this that just inflame already polarized morons.

Lol...you really did read the CR thread on Rittenhouse.

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So far prosecution's various witnesses have testified that:

  • Rosenbaum had directly threatened Rittenhouse that if he gets him alone that night, he would kill him
  • Rittenhouse was yelling "friendly, friendly, friendly!" as Rosenbaum was chasing him
  • Rosenbaum shouted 'Fuck you!' at Rittenhouse and lunged for his gun as he caught up to him, just before getting shot
  • if they found themselves in the same situation as Kyle - being threatened by Rosenbaum, then getting chased while alone by him, him charging at them to grab the gun away from that, they would then consider that a threat to their life
  • they could not determine if DNA found on various parts of Rittenhouse's rifle could not conclusively be determined whether it belonged to either Rosenbaum or Huber (who have both tried grabbing the rifle before getting shot) or not. And for some reason prosecution let the same expert DNA witness testify that video/photographic evidence does show Huber touching the rifle
  • and just now their star witness (Gaige Grosskreutz) testified that he was concerned about Rittenhouse's safety when he saw Huber and jump kick man hit him in the head, he even expressed concern about head trauma from the hits with the skateboard.
  • And then a little bit later he admitted that Rittenhouse only fired on him after he already had his own pistol pointed directly at Rittenhouse, while advancing on him at extremely close range.
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13 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

So far prosecution's various witnesses have testified that:

  • Rosenbaum had directly threatened Rittenhouse that if he gets him alone that night, he would kill him
  • Rittenhouse was yelling "friendly, friendly, friendly!" as Rosenbaum was chasing him
  • Rosenbaum shouted 'Fuck you!' at Rittenhouse and lunged for his gun as he caught up to him, just before getting shot
  • if they found themselves in the same situation as Kyle - being threatened by Rosenbaum, then getting chased while alone by him, him charging at them to grab the gun away from that, they would then consider that a threat to their life
  • they could not determine if DNA found on various parts of Rittenhouse's rifle could not conclusively be determined whether it belonged to either Rosenbaum or Huber (who have both tried grabbing the rifle before getting shot) or not. And for some reason prosecution let the same expert DNA witness testify that video/photographic evidence does show Huber touching the rifle
  • and just now their star witness (Gaige Grosskreutz) testified that he was concerned about Rittenhouse's safety when he saw Huber and jump kick man hit him in the head, he even expressed concern about head trauma from the hits with the skateboard.
  • And then a little bit later he admitted that Rittenhouse only fired on him after he already had his own pistol pointed directly at Rittenhouse, while advancing on him at extremely close range.

okay, well, that may all be factual, obvious, AND proven in a court of law..... BUT WHAT ABOUT THE PANDEMIC AND THE CAPITAL RIOTS, HUH????

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18 minutes ago, davidg said:

Anyone get the feeling that Heather the firearms forensic girl is a wildcat in bed?  Stiff as a board in the court but get half a bottle of chardonnay in her, turn down the lights and its game on.

As long as she never says a word, I'm fine with it. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard.

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