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Herpa Derpa

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Herpa Derpa

  1. Would not surprise me if he hangs it up at the end of this year. The current state of the program would not win a title. Really depends on his desire to wade into the new SEC.
  2. Drive them mercilessly to their knees and leave only the children to tell the horror of that day.
  3. Who do you think is selling all those flags and decals they turn upside down? Sooners have been a sizable Bellmont income category for years. Whenever I see a crowd shot of opposing fans going apoplectic with the horns down, my first thought is always "Thank you", you just provided the jinx needed. Makes the subsequent victory that much sweeter.
  4. 2 conference titles in 26 years shouldn't have any fanbase freaking out.
  5. So his last post was taking extreme offense to comments made in a thread he started about why no one should ever be offended? Classic. Derka Derka Forever!
  6. plus licensing dollars. Guess they'd rather send money to Austin than pay the weekly 3 piece furniture set bill.
  7. As long as he keeps to himself and leaves a good tip, I don't see the problem. Are you one of those first plate elitists? Bet you're against double dipping too.
  8. Make sure you include the proper language.
  9. Perhaps "white knighting" was a bit of a stretch. But questioning the viability of charges 3 months after conviction by a jury does not lend itself to view the questioner as one engaging in good faith. Particularly when they admit they know no facts of the matter. Or Occam, I suspect the likely underlying motivation for the post based upon the multibannedhandle poster's history of spewing fetid discharge under the disingenuous guise of just asking questions. The "word against word" phrase is the tell.
  10. If you're interested in learning more, start by googling the term cold case. You'll be amazed what can be done these days. But kudos to you at the thinly veiled attempt to white knight a rapist.
  11. Stupid people believe whatever they're told. There are a lot of stupid people.
  12. I believe you should get your ass kicked for posting something like that, man. Watch out for your cornhole, bud.
  13. So where does Scientology rank in the prison gang hierarchy? He'll probably need to get one of them dianetic face tats.
  14. Yeah, but they squeal louder when you sex in the uncomfortable place.
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