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luke duke

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Everything posted by luke duke

  1. Probably Katy. I hear she got $172 for Hornfans.
  2. You’re goddam right! Maybe I can start wearing my asbestos winter coat and snort some lines of talcum powder like my grandpa did! I hear that lead paint chips are quite tasty too. Maybe I’ll start putting those in Junior’s lunch this year.
  3. This is the dumbest thing that I’ve ever heard of. How in the hell are you supposed to Dutch Oven the wife with one of those? Get an Ooler.
  4. Jeez, save some pussy for the rest of us.
  5. All of the stores have the same washers/dryers at the same price. I’m the rare event of a price match, they’ll all price-match.
  6. The cart belonged to the elotes lady. The lady that was selling the worst tamales that I’ve ever had in my life had a cooler and a chair. This was 2004 in front of Fuel City.
  7. Logan’s. I was there on a rally busy night. Maybe NYE. The line for the bathroom wasn’t moving at all. I took the last sip of my beer, whipped it out and filled the mug back up while standing at the bar. I set it on the bar and walked away.
  8. Get 5 or 6 of these and you should be good to go https://www.amazon.com/Portacool-PACJS2601A1-Jetstream-Portable-Evaporative/dp/B01HRTOS54/
  9. Did your wife not know that she was supposed to stop doing drugs while she was pregnant?
  10. I guess you’ve never heard the Aggy War Hymn.
  11. It was. I bought one in ‘96. Only available in white.
  12. Do you own stock in a meat probe company?
  13. Is this a humblebrag? Your wife cooks and cleans up afterward and you’re complaining?
  14. What kind of asshole puts potatoes in a non-potato salet?
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