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luke duke

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Everything posted by luke duke

  1. Klose smokers. I had 3, now I’m down to 2.
  2. Most commercial reactors are not designed to (intentionally) boil water.
  3. That happens to Vic Mackey every time he goes to Galveston.
  4. I’ve had good luck using http://propertytax.io to protest taxes. I’m not sure which counties it’s available in.
  5. You’re lucky she didn’t meld any coins to your tire.
  6. A properly smoked turkey breasticle is awesome. It also helps you not feel like ass if you mix a little in with the standard meats. Eating a pound of moist brisket is great, but my stomach and toilet pay for it later.
  7. One of the guys on The Howard Stern Show told a story about going into a port-a-potty at the Belmont. The shit was above the rim and there was an imprint of someone’s butt cheeks in the shit.
  8. What do the stains taste like?
  9. Make sure the old lady is done with the hot flashes before moving.
  10. I’m glad to see that you are finding peace. What you went through would have permanently broken most people.
  11. Your Amazon wife has a small cock.
  12. I’m guessing that you’ll pay more. I’d try and get them to throw in a dealer add on like tint or curb feelers.
  13. RJ enters one BBQ contest and now he’s raffling off some que.
  14. You sure you have a trust? $1500 sounds pretty cheap for a trust.
  15. I went the cash route in high school once. The guy signed a notarized document that released me from all future property and medical claims. I don’t know how airtight that document was, but never heard from him again.
  16. Chad Fuck must have signed the spirituality letter.
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