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Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

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Everything posted by Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

  1. If I was forced to bet I'd bet Biden wins the election, Trump goes to jail, and long-term, the level of right-wing violence America's witnessed since the 90s diminishes. But only if I was forced. I'm not in the predict-the-future biz. I am often wrong, and just using the DT perv thread of what happens amongst upstanding citizens when the guardrails of society are on as a reference, feel fairly confident shit could get sideways fast once they're off. The point is Hitler was thought to be relegated to history once he got out of prison and Trump hasn't even entered. https://www.cracked.com/personal-experiences-2022-6-awful-things-i-learned-surviving-genocide.html
  2. Yeah. They're still trying. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-illinois-election-pledge-jan-6-b2474938.html Theoretically he could say he could say he wants to be a dictator and there would be people who would imply #bothsides are reacting to equal threats. He did say he wants to be dictator, but he could theoretically too.
  3. Yeah, if I see another truck with a Biden sticker and an AR-15/Punisher decal combo I'm going to lose it.
  4. There are still some, but definitely fewer Trump signs and flags in my area than there were 2015-2020. I noticed earlier this week one property that hadn't had his Trump fence banner up for a while had an estate sale sign out front.
  5. He thinks ditch digging is for migrants.
  6. Nick Fuentes is turning America into a gay bar!!!
  7. Local control. Or, whatever!
  8. I depend on the guy whose lies cost his employer 787 million to tell us the truth!
  9. From Candace Owens' perspective, what is going to be incredible? Has Tucker been working on a new anti-globalist America First cock sucking technique?
  10. It's like Nickelodeon created a News For Kids show.
  11. And fwiw, in my one experience, once you tell the plaintiff's lawyer you'll give a deposition and get it scheduled, there's a good chance they'll call you back and tell you the defense immediately settled upon being informed of this, so no need, and hey, free day off for you.
  12. I don't even get this explanation in refusing to sit for a deposition for two plaintiffs who sued the same hip replacement provider she sued, unless her brand and image was just being being a run-of-the-mill dick.
  13. In the future dystopian hellscape, Cybertuck is impervious to arrows provided arrows hit the stainless steel part of the truck. It is vulnerable to a kid throwing a rock through the windshield or Cybertuck attacking itself with its dank ass wheel covers.
  14. I do like The Beverly Hillbillies crossover early in the trailer.
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