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Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

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Everything posted by Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

  1. Trump has had dinner with him. Marjorie Taylor Greene has spoken at his conference. Paul Gosar has spoken at his conference. Conservative PAC Defend Texas Liberty has held meetings with him. And it's all just unrelated isolated incidents to conservatives who tout the value of common sense.
  2. What would that distinction, hypothetically, mean as far as whether this procedure would be legal or not? I mean, not that it matters, being your position is that the AG's opinion is that it's "legal".
  3. ...which obviously is a job for the state's Attorney General and not the hospital's administration, being by your description of the AG's opinion "legal".
  4. 60's mellow style psych-rock with some tasty jazzy bass licks
  5. If you have MAGA/politically indifferent friends and/or family in your social media circle it would probably be a good idea to drop the latest GOP abomination- particularly as it relates to reproductive freedom- into their hermetically sealed news feed once a week or so-ish from now till next November.
  6. https://www.msn.com/en-US/news/politics/defendant-attempts-to-manufacture-confusion-jack-smith-says-trumps-own-officials-have-no-evidence-of-vote-flipping-in--election/ar-AA1li96r?ocid=sapphireappshare I know this isn't breaking news, but feel it's worthwhile to repeat. And repeat. And repeat. Donald Trump tried to overthrow our country's democracy based on a lie that (has so far) cost Fox News more than three quarter of billion dollars. One hundred percent fact. Zero percent opinion.
  7. At Rice, once the band wound around from the end zone and got underneath the upper deck, the bass drums sounded like cannons.
  8. Best part of my first job working concessions at Rice Stadium was band march in and halftime at Prairie View A&M vs Texas Southern.
  9. Again, people who live to tell others that everyone doesn't get a trophy displaying an infantile ability to deal with any past shortcoming or failure they feel would reflect poorly on them.
  10. Could be worse... https://www.newsweek.com/trump-fire-and-fury-smart-genius-obama-774169
  11. I have no idea. I'm going with Trumpublicans are beta testing the idea that repaying a loan is a vice.
  12. I had to go back in this thread to remember what I was thinking at the time, and evidently I was on the Sark Train. So I got that going for me, which is nice.
  13. It's a neat deal. Coaches out there, having fun.
  14. Can't wait to play Blinndergarten second to last game when we're in the SEC.
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