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Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

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Everything posted by Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

  1. Reminds me of Bloom County's take on the air traffic controllers' strike.
  2. "Do you want the USA to move in the right direction?" Yes: 48% No: 45% Not sure: 5% Potato: 2%
  3. Oh they got weirder. They were fun. Musically pretty much punk rock. One of those bands that put on a physical sweat of a show but with a campy glam sense of humor. Chatted with them after about the Sun Studio tour in Memphis that they had gone on. Nice kids.
  4. Lord Friday The 13th letting their freak flag fly at Hotel Vegas Anniversary show. Not really sxsw but I always associate it with the start.
  5. The just-woke-up-from-a-nap eyelids really hammers home the mania of evil. "Durh...fuck your world, and such... Uh... Where are my keys?... Why is that on fire? I dunnowhattimeisit ... "
  6. The "first domino in all of this" was Donald Trump trying to overturn a free and fair election. This trial doesn't exist without that action on his part.
  7. Hotel California is the slow-motion crumbling of the American empire in stereo.
  8. Getting down into the granular 3 figs. "I was wrong, yet my irrelevant accusations are too. SQUIRREL!!!"
  9. Don't care. Hotel California is probably the greatest concept album ever. Fight me.
  10. I'll probably be at Hotel Vegas tomorrow for their anniversary show while the sun's up if ya wanna Wonder Twins tap. Prob be back again during daylight hours the following Thursday and Friday I guess. It's the most wonderful time of the year.
  11. Looks like the main point here isn't a former governor explicitly stating he declined a job due to right-wing terrorism, but that Fani hired her boyfriend, as priorities should be.
  12. Are you suggesting Barnes is lying? This conspiracy is getting bigger and bigger.
  13. If you are MAGA, it's not a matter if you are getting thrown under the bus, it's a matter of when. You think you're safe. You're not.
  14. Have fun fighting Russians in Europe!
  15. No, but you will be required to come up with with a dope ass rap.
  16. "I lived with bodyguards for 4 years and didn't like it, and I wasn't going to live with bodyguards for the rest of my life" But any one else can take the case if Fani is removed.
  17. Hollywood taught me Abbott needs to Nordberg'd. And if Crane Kick done right, no can defend.
  18. Gilbert, Booger, eventually Ogre in later sequels...
  19. Guys, if the nerds can win the frat Olympics, Dems can sweep Texas state-wide races. It's like y'all learned nothing from Hollywood.
  20. I generally liked E Hogan but it's nice not having to hear his non-sports takes on things like Elon and golf.
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