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Everything posted by DoobieWah

  1. I didn't even hear about the Dome tour, but no way would I have gone and I certainly wouldn't have waited four hours to get in. Seriously, had you never been there before? You know, when it had seats and shit? Why did it take so long to get in? Was there only one door and everyone had to go through a strip search? And do I understand they did the same thing a few years ago with the same delays? WTF? I loved the Dome when it was a going concern, and I hope they find a good use for it. Over the years they've talked about turning it into: a parking lot, convention space, a multi-story golf driving range, a hotel, and a pile of rubble. They left it moldering so long I was afraid the Dome was doomed. FWIW, I'm old and have seen dozens of events at the Dome including the rodeo, Pink Floyd and the Stones, Astros, Oilers, Gamblers, Cougars, Bluebonnet Bowls, even the OTC, (they used to set up full sized oil rigs on the floor). I guess it would worth it if you'd never been but I'm afraid it would just be kind of sad if you had.
  2. 1 Pitch, 1 Out. 1 Strikeout. 2 Outs. Strikeout # 2 and we're at bat. Morton looks pretty good so far.
  3. I guarantee that I'd be willing to screw up like that for a LOT less money than those guys.
  4. So people would quit calling him "Gattis".
  5. Let me introduce you to Blame It On Rio.
  6. action Raiders teen angst Pretty in Pink soundtrack by Kenny loggins movie Top Gun teen rom com About Last Night military action Apocalypse Now (Close enough) Police action Naked Gun comedy Blues Brothers must do ____ to save ______ genre Buckaroo Banzai sports Field of Dreams Hottest 80's actress Shauna Grant Best SNL cast member comedy Blues Brothers Animation American Pop
  7. In memory of my late buddy Jimmy: "He's throwin' meatballs out there."
  8. I think that's my Impala down there next to the Scoobywagon. I'm cereal.
  9. There has never been a more perfect use of this gif in the history of the world wide web.
  10. And that's why no one has mentioned LBJ. (I keed I keed)
  11. Nolan Ryan Barbara Jordan Armybrat J Frank Dobie Tommy Lee Jones Sheldon Cooper
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