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Gut Wagon

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Everything posted by Gut Wagon

  1. Next someone will argue it was "defensive indifference." Or maybe every steal of home because the defense is asleep we now should call a "fielder's choice." I hope Tucker now gets 10 HRs and 10 steals in October to give the pundits a 40-40 to further quibble about.
  2. You of course have to account for all the bases advanced. Clearly it began as a hit. Nobody committed an error by the usual definition. Can't call it a fielder's choice with the bases empty. No can we say he stole home. Thus, it has to be ruled a 4-base hit...so give him #30. I doubt anyone would be making a big deal over it if it had happened in May.
  3. I can't argue with your premise. It's always a long road to a title. But on the surface, it's pretty hard to spin finishing the regular season 16 games worse than a year ago as a banner season. We're pretty fortunate to have overcome all the injuries and other obstacles and be in the position we're in. Of course, what lies ahead will ultimately define how we see 2023.
  4. I don't see the Yankees, Red Sox or Mariners on here, so I guess they won their divisions.
  5. Brooks is a solid RB running well-schemed plays. Not sure I see the sheer talent our high draft picks at the position have had. I think he's Malcolm Brown behind a much better OL. If so, that's pretty good.
  6. When the feed shows a guy hitting a leadoff triple and then scoring on the same play, without any error indicated, one has to wonder what sort of creativity is being employed by the official scorer.
  7. Rangers being Rangers is always helpful.
  8. Come on. A Little League HR should still be a homer.
  9. Every time aggy claims B/CS is the obvious place for small-school prospects to play college ball, I think of guys like Brooks. He seems to have adjusted to the bright lights just fine.
  10. Those Mariners tears are tasty. Puget Sound adds a little extra salt.
  11. If we somehow find ourselves "needing" to lose, I fully expect Dusty to march out the death lineup.
  12. Abreu is a roller coaster. Queasiness abounds.
  13. Meanwhile, Maldy's play is an abortion.
  14. Tucker getting to 30/30 in the 9th would be OK with me. But first things first.
  15. Neris has been a rock for awhile now. We'd be in way bigger trouble without him.
  16. Treacherous waters ahead. Grab those lifejackets.
  17. Seems like another SB by Tucker would have come in handy there.
  18. Those slackjaws are just whistling through the graveyard. They see what's coming, and some of them are as nervous as they should be.
  19. Bert Auburn scares you to death. Even on a PAT.
  20. Two years ago, week after week the second half was agony. Now that's when we get in stride. Depth, an OL and defense sort of matter.
  21. Methinks better pressure on the QB would help.
  22. We're OK. Not great, but OK. If we clean up our play in and around the red zone we'll win this by double digits.
  23. As hard as they're biting on the WR screen, I assume Sark will fake it before long.
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