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Everything posted by berlinerbaer

  1. The Cal offense is getting me excited for next season. It's been a few years since I could say that.
  2. Those numbers aren't earth-shattering for a third party candidate in a presidential election and they are not why Clinton lost. It's moot anyway in the case of Michigan, where sore loser laws would prevent Tulsi from appearing on the ballot as an independent.
  3. Someone who was polling around 2% of the likely Dem primary vote isn't going to play spoiler as an independent, even if Biden is the nominee. She'd be another Jill Stein, at best. Ralph Nader farts in her general direction. Her only political future is as a Republican in some weird district with a preternatural enrichment of young, disaffected, white males. That said, I expect her to go into media and have a diminutive, but dedicated following of aforementioned incels. She has the looks, but totally lacks the charisma to make it very far.
  4. Cenk is a meathead, but a highly entertaining one. He belongs right where he is: in media, not in public office. Ana should be the one running for this House seat.
  5. Rick Miller (R) of Sugar Land isn't seeking reelection in the TX House 26th district following comments on his primary opponents largely seen as racist. Yes, this was in the Republican Party thread, but it belongs here, because this will be a very competitive district in 2020 and one that the Dems really ought to flip if they are going to take control of the State House. https://www.texastribune.org/2019/12/03/greg-abbott-rescinds-endorsement-texas-republican-rick-miller/ Miller was a very strong candidate so his exit is a real blow to the Texas GOP. He mopped the floor with his Dem opponent, Sarah Demerchant, by 15 points in 2016 but won by less than 5 points in their 2018 rematch. Demerchant is running again but is likely going to get beat in the Dem primary by Rish Oberoi, who is killing it in fundraising and a better fit for the district (he's of South Asian descent, ahem). He'll gladly take your $20 if you want to flip the House next year.
  6. Just to make another analogy, this reminds me of the Belotti to Kelly transfer at Oregon a decade ago. Belotti was pretty good in his own right but encountered a few rough seasons near the end before promoting an up-and-comer. I recall he also took an administrative role in the AD for a few years.
  7. Yeah, two whole decades. Most Cal fans don't even bother asking anymore. At least UCLA at the university level is receptive toward a winning football program. It will happen again eventually.
  8. Woah, a win down in So Cal. Hook that up to my veins. God knows they don't happen every year.
  9. I think you're on the right track. The MA groups will hydrolyze in the body raising the polarity of the polymer overall. This helps make it more biocompatible, minimizing adverse reaction by the immune system. Also, as the polymer slowly breaks down, the fragments will be soluble, allowing it to be cleared more effectively.
  10. If file sharing didn't kill the music industry then they should be able to shrug this off easily.
  11. Only one of those points leads, even indirectly, to Texas winning games, and that point is pure speculation.
  12. Some stories rumors about Chip leaving Westwood at season's end to be a coordinator in the NFL. https://www.profootballnetwork.com/chip-kelly-ucla-parting-ways-tony-pauline/
  13. I couldn't do it myself. I would have had to write her info down or flag it in the block walking app, then remember to notify HQ when I got back. People forget it is more convenient for one to remove themselves from a mailing or call list than have someone else do it.
  14. District elections were held Sunday in Hong Kong and the pro-democracy parties handed the pro-Beijing party its ass on a platter. The Dems won 90% of races, tripling their seats amid record-breaking turnout. What's funny is that the CCP didn't see it coming. https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/11/25/hong-kong-election-beijing-media-delusions-victory/
  15. I walked for two campaigns in 2018. I was never threatened with anything approaching violence. My interactions with Republicans was usually polite and short. Here are some of the more interesting things I heard. "My wife and I are big Cruz supporters but both of our daughters are Democrats and are probably doing the same thing you are. That's cool. Good luck!" "We're both Republican but I'm voting Beto because I don't like Cruz. My wife is asleep right now and I don't want her to hear this, so you best be on your way. No, don't take my phone number." "I'm a Republican but enough is enough. Blue wave, baby!" The most shit I got was from a frazzled Democrat who was pissed that Beto seemed to be going easy on Ted and not flooding the tubes with attack ads. She told me I was wasting my time and wanted me to take her off all mailing and call lists. I didn't.
  16. I agree. Trump's appearances really do have a net positive outcome for Republicans, but all it amounts to is just a partial negation of the heavy Dem lean. Replace Trump with some other Republican and there wouldn't be a post-rally R voter spike, but there also wouldn't be the need to hold rallies in the first place. Republicans should be thankful he at least has the self awareness to try to clean up his own goddamn mess.
  17. At Texas? Aim higher. Wilcox still has lots to prove at Cal, such as if he is capable of recruiting at an average level. The team has no depth. The drop-off between the starters and their backups is massive. This has historically been the case. Wilcox will be the next victim unless he can consistently improve recruiting.
  18. Nice quarter, Garbers. See you next season...
  19. I haven't had much (good) cajun food, I'll admit, but what I've had was waaaaay too salty.
  20. Seriously. The presidential race should play second fiddle in TX in 2020. Flipping the TX State House is doable, would be fantastic, and should be priority #1 for all Texas Democrats and liberal/progressive voters. Lots of people will be out canvassing and phone banking for the eventual Dem presidential nominee. My real hope is that all of them also put forth their time and energy into the campaign of at least one Dem candidate down ballot.
  21. All of this. It is beyond an underachievement for Tulsi to be polling at or below 3% despite occupying a lane all to herself. The high stakes of removing Trump have driven normally sane democratic voters out of their goddamned minds. I know because I am one of them sometimes. Oh yes it is. If it wasn't for her, this thread wouldn't exist and instead the Tulsi thread on page 3 would have been bumped once or twice after the debate and then sent back to page 3.
  22. I bumped this thread from page 4. Tells you all you need to know about the league this season. 1) Oregon - Indisputable 2) Utah - Current leader in the South 3) USC - Helton keeps his job at this rate 4) ASU - They seem good, just young 5) Washington - Three conference losses? Maybe fifth place is generous... 6) WSU - Too much love early, too much hate late 7) UCLA - Streak-breaking wins are worth extra in this ranking 8 ) Arizona - Respectable season if Tate stays healthy 9) Stanford - I don't think it's just injuries... 10) OSU - Beavers have bottomed out and are turning the corner 11) Colorado - Depth, or lack thereof, rears its ugly head in nasty 3-week bender 12) Cal - See #11
  23. Congrats, Bruins. This is a wonderful reminder that all streaks end. Eventually. I get you, but that campus isn't exactly a fish out of water in the South Bay. Santa Clara County has the whole So Cal enclave feel to it. Not cool. We enjoyed our visit to Austin.
  24. Tulsi flopped in the last debate and she was likely on her way to being an afterthought in the primary. Instead, fucking Hillary has given her ammunition for her next 20 Fox News appearances. Not that anyone who watches Fox News matters in the Democratic primary, but there goes any chance of Tulsi going away quietly. With that said, she isn't a Russian agent. Any American supporting a draw down of our global military engagement is naturally going to align with the interests of any of our adversaries. The Russians are actively supporting her because Republicans have ensured that they can, rather than because she asked them. She IS an attention whore, a trait she shares with Hillary.
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