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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by DaysOff

  1. Lolz at the thought of Trump endorsing some crippled whose dick doesn't work. Not happening.
  2. @Chopper Would this Lock and leave be in Monte Sereno? We looked there, but there's no way I can swing it or stomach the commute to one of our hubs until retirement. Loved Santa Fe.
  3. Other than a small penis why would you have that? Nobody's gonna step to you snoop dog. You guys always bring up mental health, but the only mental health problem is the sick obsession with owning an arsenal like yours. No other civilized society on the planet would think that's sane.
  4. Starting to think this administration is as stupid as the last.
  5. I just want to be good at football again.
  6. Zero sick days? I realize this is American capitalism and all but that seems harsh. I need to call in sick 6 weeks a year to zero out my account before retirement. On sick call right now for the lolz.
  7. Garland has until spring of 23 otherwise it looks like meddling in the 24 election.
  8. Yep. There's better ones out there. Fucking In Search of...did a better job in 1979.
  9. I've got two 25 hour Anchorage layovers in August. I'm usually anti work, but will do these willingly.
  10. There's other studies but WebMD was first hit. https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20220707/each-covid-19-reinfection-increases-health-risks#:~:text=Researchers%20saw%20worse%20health%20effects,or%20contributes%20additional%20health%20risks.
  11. Jesus. Do they even spend time bunting in spring training anymore?
  12. Go get this fucking guy Dusty
  13. Let's jerk off the dodgers and yankees for a change.
  14. I hate that bald headed carpetbagger.
  15. The problem is with each subsequent infection your odds of long covid rise. This isn't exactly strengthening your immune system contrary to popular belief.
  16. Me lately looking at the big league roster
  17. Cabell made the final out in the 1980 NLCS against PHL. I blamed him for the series loss as a child and still do today.
  18. Maybe we should have a capacity market like people were screaming for post snowpocalypse. Or maybe connect to the rest of the Union, but SOCIALISM.
  19. We're in Santa Fe visiting friends right now for the first time. I'm sold. Has a somewhat mountain town vibe without the punishing winter of a Colorado mountain town.
  20. We're driving to Santa Fe today and very few windmills are turning. Good luck surly.
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