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Everything posted by HouTex

  1. I believe this was one of the early cases of someone criminally charged with disrupting a flight. It was around 1993-95 on a flight to or from Houston/Cancun, IIRC, and a guy had a few too many and wouldn't obey instructions from the flight attendant. IIRC, he wasn't directly hurting or threatening anyone. It was something like he wouldn't turn down his boom box (do we still have those?). A federal judge in Houston gave him a several month prison sentence. Some guys in our mail room knew the guy and swore he was a good guy but that he just made a poor decision. They were asking for lawyers to join in writing a letter to the judge to reduce the sentence. It didn't work.
  2. HouTex


    This. Prudomme talks about this in his original cookbook. He strives for a black roux which is hard to do without burning it. He also says that your color is perfectly fine for a good gumbo. I find that sometimes if I get it too dark that I have a hard incorporating the roux into the stock. Bottom line is that I get it to your color and then add the trinity as SA says.
  3. I wonder how much workers' comp insurance costs for a BBQ joint? They apparently could afford it when they got the back-dated policy. I can't imagine workers' comp for a BBQ joint is very expensive. Unless they are operating a deli slicer, and those seem fairly safe these days, we are talking about minor cuts and slip and falls.
  4. Among possibly other things, the application requires specific disclosures of known claims. So the insurance company asked the question and, if the allegations are true, they lied. That said, it does seem odd to back date coverage date.
  5. Joe Doggett of the Houston Chronicle said he would slay them in Breas Bayou on flies made with coffee beans. Look like June Bugs.
  6. This generation of Muellers seems to have a hard time obeying the law.
  7. More rain in 77057. Almost an inch in the last 24 hours.
  8. Jimmy wasn’t mean? What they did to Howard was really mean. The other scams also were mean.
  9. Check the hatch green chile thread. I posted my recipe there in the last week or so.
  10. Not meant to be. This rain really screwed up my weekend golf plans. We need a water pipeline to get water to the Texas Hill Country from SE Texas.
  11. 77057 has received about 6 inches of rain in the last 11 days. And it’s still raining and more is forecast about every day for the next week. Still a little behind but not by much.
  12. Soccer nerds would be the second most annoying. So, yes.
  13. I'm 60 and born and raised in Texas. It's been doing this as long as I can remember.
  14. A soccer expert can weigh in but I believe they do this quite often. The risk is that they move too late and the ball is already kicked and the guy is left unguarded for a possible shot on goal. The self proclaimed soccer experts I know claim that if the offside rule is modified or eliminated then scoring would be too easy.
  15. Fuck the thieves. Booby traps should be legal.
  16. Worst rule in any sport. I might watch soccer if they did away with it. At least have a blue line.
  17. Well done. Add mustard and onions and it’s perfect.
  18. Good advice here. My first lawyer boss loved to say that raising kids is the most important job you can have and it doesn’t require a license, there’s no training for it and any moron can do it. A lot of people should not have kids.
  19. Well in this fantasy world the other inmates love and respect him for being Saul and getting their friends/relatives (or other criminals) off or with reduced terms.
  20. Subsidized? Sweetheart contract? Sounds like he locked in what ended up being a good deal. It could have gone the other way if energy prices had moved differently. Good for him for how it turned out.
  21. Propane burns hotter than natural gas--a good thing for cooking. But maybe the design of the indoor range will compensate--not sure. I can say that my Bull natural gas outdoor grill did not get nearly as hot as my propane grill.
  22. As shocking as it is to most on this board, many people still like BB ice cream.
  23. Makes sense. So flashing her old bar card was yet another misrepresentation.
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