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Everything posted by HouTex

  1. I could have worded it differently. Shortly after it appeared on cable I tried to watch it. I couldn’t get 20 minutes into the film. Maybe I’ll give it another try.
  2. I and then II. Casablanca beats them both. I’ll never watch III.
  3. Lalo was a great character but I hated that evil fuck. I wanted to actually see him get shot.
  4. That, or maybe he just wanted to get into the laundromat to get the proof of the lab and Gus winding up there was a bonus.
  5. Did Lalo actually think that Kim or Jimmy would get access to Gus, much less shoot him? I can't imagine he did.
  6. Apparently they let the mask mandate expire in February. So five months. That was my point.
  7. Not sure when they changed, but Pitkin County had mask mandates in late January 2022 when we were skiing. Many restaurants even required proof of vaccination before we would be seated. We didn't see many masks last week--I noticed a few at the food market, and no one asked to see proof of vaccination.
  8. Even Aspen, Colorado no longer has a mask requirement.
  9. Re: CYA levels, I was a disciple of TFP when I had my pool. I had a SWG and loved it. Growing up my family had a pool with a sand filter and we always used chlorine pucks and we never had issues. Frequent back washing and enough rain kept the CYA in check. With cartridge filter pools, because you don’t backwash, unless there’s enough rain to dilute the CYA, I would think those pool owners eventually will have a problem.
  10. I actually like the part of the spare rib that’s removed to make the STL cut. I like that flap of meat on the underside as well. It’s the first thing I eat.
  11. HouTex

    Getting old sucks

    Sandman, glad he made it. One of my friends died in his sleep and the other two basically died instantly. One was on a date and dropped dead and the other was driving with his wife and he slumped over and was gone. Luckily, she wasn’t injured. They all were otherwise healthy with no known issues and did their routine physicals and generally took care of themselves. When your number is up, it’s up.
  12. HouTex

    Getting old sucks

    Sounds like the widow maker heart attack. Often no warning and it’s very hard to detect even with scans, stress tests, etc. I’ve just had my third friend die from one.
  13. This. I finally got it last week. Everyone reacts differently to being sick, but for the vast majority of healthy people it’s a light cold now. The main negative for me was the isolation.
  14. I agree that mashed potatoes are better with brown gravy.
  15. I miss the CFS (and many other dishes) from The Avenue Grill on Houston Ave. near the police station and Knapp Chevrolet. CFS was served cafeteria style but always fresh. Sad that it closed. Someone bought it and tried to turn it into a sit down restaurant. It never really took off and that was pre-Covid. Back in the day you’d see a crowd of downtown lawyers, judges, jurors, reporters and police people. It was known as the HAG. Wednesday fried chicken and Thursday turkey and dressing stood out as well. Sucks that I haven’t had a CFS downtown for lunch in over 7 years.
  16. I'm 5 days after testing positive and now pretty much back to normal. I've had allergy spells that have been worse, but it is strange that yesterday (day 5) I finally lost my sense of smell and taste.. I contacted my doctor the day after testing positive and told him I had mild symptoms. He just told me to take large doses of vitamins D3, C, quercetin, and Zinc (immunity boosters), and to take OTC cold/cough medication as needed, and acetaminophen or ibuprofen to reduce any fever.
  17. IMO, not bad for a Covid recovery smoke.
  18. The flat always looks DAF but it wasn’t. Turned out very good. The point was amazing. I separate the point and flat after the smoke. I placed the point over the flat for the picture.
  19. Been battling Covid (a lite case) the last 5 days and I had to smoke a brisket and ribs today. I started to lose my taste and smell this morning. I could barely taste a pale ale this afternoon so I poured it out. I just pulled the brisket after probing like butter and I’m letting it rest. I tried a piece and even with reduced senses it was amazing. I’ll try to post pics later.
  20. Not even close to that number by most experts. They really can’t agree on any number more than the less than 100 that died from the explosion and immediate aftermath. From the wiki: Fewer than 100 deaths directly attributed to the accident. Varying estimates of increased mortality over subsequent decades (see Deaths due to the disaster)
  21. That, or the French/English would have easily defeated him.
  22. I like cream and brown gravy so I get CFS half covered with cream gravy and the other half covered with brown gravy. I also give each bite a light dip in ketchup. The acidity brings everything together.
  23. Maybe poor in spirit at times. But that’s a blessing—mine is the kingdom of heaven.
  24. Yep. Which contains turmeric and other things for color.
  25. It’s either food coloring or a bit of turmeric. Saffron would do it but it would be too expensive.
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