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Everything posted by HouTex

  1. Same. It’s wasn’t a big deal. Like allergies.
  2. Same here with my third shot in late November as well. I'll consider a fourth shot if it's strain specific. I had Covid last month and it wasn't a big deal. On dcbc's anecdote about the unvaxxed co-worker, I know several people who were never vaxxed and still had light symptoms with the current strain. Who fucking knows at this point.
  3. Unless I missed it, I can't believe this guy hasn't been mentioned. Foxy Lady is another one.
  4. As for London, if you and your daughter like tennis, go when Wimbledon is being played (late June-early July). Go on day 1, 2, or 3 of the tournament and do the queue. If you don't mind spending $$$ get debentures online for Centre Court or Court 1 (also a stadium court). Court 1 is less expensive and you still will see some top players on days 1-3. You are guaranteed three matches in either stadium and you can also watch any other match on the grounds. Make sure you go to the Churchill War Rooms (yes, avatar checks out). Find a half day private walking guide online or get a recommendation from the hotel concierge--they are not too expensive, and walk the St. James/Buckingham Palace/Whitehall areas. I recommend the Dukes hotel in St. James. Great location and not horribly expensive. And check out St. Paul's.
  5. I loved season 1 and made it through seasons 2 and 3 but was disappointed with both seasons. I’ve been watching season 4 but it’s just not doing it for me. I’ve really just been hoping for more naked shots of Dolores and Maeve but I suspect that’s over. I may try to pick it back up in a binge watch when the season is over.
  6. So when did they get the Sandpiper money? Maybe it happened quickly but if it was big bucks I wouldn’t be living in an apartment/condo for very long.
  7. I keep checking in on this thread hoping to see an announcement that we will be in the SEC beginning with the 2023, or even 2024, season. What’s the consensus on when the move will happen? I really don’t see it happening early.
  8. Either I had a shitty doctor or the procedure or drugs are better since the mid 90’s. Mine was extremely uncomfortable and so were the 2-3 days post procedure. Still, glad I had it done.
  9. Good points. But the question remains whether Gus/Mike would think she has become a loose end--and no half measures . . .
  10. Can Kim really leave? Is she a loose end now? She may need to see the vacuum cleaner guy. Maybe that is assumed.
  11. HouTex

    Getting old sucks

    Make sure you get Propofol--the best drug ever. For most, the actual procedure is a non-event.
  12. I suppose it’s different when even your estranged husband dies, but Howard’s widow showed zero love for him in the earlier episode with the coffee/breakfast. She seemed a little too grief stricken. Also, while it added to Kim’s story line, I was surprised Saul and Kim engaged the widow at all. There would be no evidence leading back to them. The less said the better. They could have deflected her insinuations without another lie told in public.
  13. OP, Korea wasn’t a tie. The UN (mostly US) successfully repelled the invading forces. The goal was never to gain territory in North Korea.
  14. I did this as well and had very good results. Evaporation is an issue, but, as I understand it, it’s the evaporation process that lowers the water temp.
  15. HouTex

    Getting old sucks

    This. I battled tennis elbow for 20 months before it finally healed. I had three cortisone shots spread over many months and the relief was only temporary. I did PT, Graston (hurt like hell), message, heat therapy, and electro. Not sure if any of those really worked or it just healed with time. I almost had surgery but the second opinion surgeon, who is also an acquaintance, talked me out of it. Tendinitis is self limiting. It will heal eventually.
  16. This right here. Spieth already has had an amazing career. What Tiger and Jack have done is amazing.
  17. There’s a cord cutter’s thread in the help forum that covers everything pretty well.
  18. On letting Saul and Kim go, I assumed Gus sees Saul as being useful (which he ended up being for a time), and while it may be hard to pin anything back to Gus, it might raise some red flags if Howard, Saul and Kim--three lawyers in a relatively small legal market, all go missing around the same time.
  19. I love to do blind tastings. The last time I blind tasted Weller SR, W12 and Weller Antique it was clear which was the Antique because of the alcohol content. But I could not tell the SR and the W12 apart. So I no longer seek out W12 and I wouldn’t pay a premium for it. Hell, SR is often hard to find. On the issue of a high quality whisky for an OF, I just use a good quality rye or bourbon I like. So long as it’s not shitty whisky, the bitters and sugar defeat the nuances I might notice in a high priced whisky. Same concept for a margarita. Top shelf tequila margaritas are crazy, but restaurants love to serve them.
  20. On the taste and smell thing, as I posted above, my symptoms were mild for the first three days. Two days after my light fever went away and I felt fine, then I lost my smell/taste for two more days. I couldn’t taste my bourbon and that sucked.
  21. I was taking extra vitamin D but the rest were new to me. Who knows if they helped because the illness wasn’t a big deal anyway.
  22. I had it last month. I've had worse allergies. If Covid wasn't a thing I wouldn't given it much thought. It started with a scratchy throat and developed into a very light fever for a few days easily treated with ibuprofen or tylenol. Never even felt like laying down during the day. Doctor told me to take a bunch of immunity boosters (vitamin D, C, Zinc, and quercetin and Alka Seltzer Cold for cold/flu symptoms), which I did, and said I didn't need the newish anti-viral meds. My wife got it a few days after I did and her symptoms were even lighter than mine. Usually she's a complete lightweight when it comes to being sick--a paper cut ruins her day. Many of my friends and coworkers and their spouses have had it over the last month or so and all have had very light symptoms.
  23. Same here. I could even tell that he only had two shots. I assumed he shot his six and just kept pulling the trigger to make sure the gun was empty.
  24. Every time I see this thread I wonder if they surrendered again. Note that I’m about a quarter French by heritage.
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