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Everything posted by HouTex

  1. WT 101 is getting it done right now. Still widely available and always solid.
  2. I don’t have a recipe but back in the 70’s my mother made some great grape jelly with ripe wild Texas grapes. I’m guessing any grape jelly recipe from the internet would work.
  3. HouTex


    Yes on the Propofol. I’m actually looking forward to my next one in two years.
  4. Well done. I'm at 33 years with the same woman and my parents would have celebrated their 66th yesterday, but my father passed last summer. Yesterday was a tough day for my mother.
  5. Not sure, but I don’t see why not. There is a putting course near the club house/restaurant for the New Course that might be fun. And the 1/2 mile or so walk from town to the New Course clubhouse/restaurant is cool. You walk across holes 1 and 18 on a paved path to get there. Of course, if you know someone, or get lucky and meet them, that belongs to the R&A or the New Golf Club (over 120 years old) see if they’ll treat you to a cocktail in the clubhouse.
  6. Does not sound like you play, but golf is a must-do in St. Andrews. It’s where the game started. There are 5 or 6 courses in or around town. Check out the University of St. Andrews. There are a couple of good restaurants in town. I forget the name, but the one that basically sits on the beach is very good.
  7. I've advised clients that they can start collection efforts, but don't spend whatever money/property they obtain just in case they lose the appeal.
  8. Is that unique to Virginia? In Texas you can still appeal without a bond, it’s just that enforcement of the judgment is not stayed.
  9. My favorites are already listed, but this one deserves a mention. Near the 2:00 mark. The sax solo in the album version is better.
  10. This. As a kid I didn’t trust carnies. If they had teeth, they were green. Don’t trust the bungee guys either. Hugh downside for a few moments of excitement.
  11. This, sort of. It was late in his career, but we loved Arnold Palmer and couldn’t stand that Nicklaus took his place. In the last 20 years or so I’ve grown to like Nicklaus a little more. He’s still too cocky and arrogant at times.
  12. HouTex

    Getting old sucks

    How long ago was that? The new double-dose shingles vaccine (Shingrix, I think) is for people over 50. The old one was for people over 60, IIRC, and it wasn’t very effective anyway. For people scared of a little fever for a day or two after a shot, that’s way better than some of the possible complications you can get from shingles. And you can get shingles over and over again (usually in the same area of your body) unless you get the shots. After getting shingles before the new vaccine was approved, I got the new vaccines as soon as they were available.
  13. HouTex

    Getting old sucks

    + 4 on the shingles shots. Both laid me out. I got shingles about a year before the new vaccine was approved for people over 50. I was too young for the old, less effective vaccine. It wasn’t fun but I had a fairly mild cast—but in an unfortunate place—where the Sun doesn’t shine. I know a guy who may have permanent vision loss in one eye because of shingles. Get the shots when you are eligible.
  14. The final interview on the Golf Channel with the head coach was fantastic.
  15. Lost the signal for about 90 minutes.
  16. Hook’em! Two Kinkaid kids and a Second Baptist kid on the final five. Very close.
  17. I intended it as a slight criticism. BoB is one of the greatest series ever made and I watch all episodes every Memorial Day weekend. It should be required viewing in public high schools. So should the first two episodes of John Adams to instruct our youth on the founding principles and the inherent nature of our rights.
  18. I agree with the Blythe episode. They also got it wrong with Blythe. He fully recovered and died much later in life.
  19. Dr. Denton Cooley would often say that except for smoking, it’s all about your genes. Smoking will kill you.
  20. My PIs are solos and I talk to them and no one else. Been doing that for 30+ years. While I’m not requesting anything illegal, when I’m using a PI it’s for something very sensitive and secretive. I also don’t push the discussions down to an associate unless the associate and the PI are well connected.
  21. I recall that. Switching a phone number wouldn’t work because the lawyer knows the PI and he wouldn’t do anything without actually talking to his long time trusted PI.
  22. My practice is not unlike Howard’s and I have several PI’s that I would go to. No way he would do a cold call. If nothing else, someone at HHM would have a dependable PI to recommend. No matter though, it’s still fun TV.
  23. I hope Lalo is tortured for about 12 hours before he is killed. He's one evil SOB.
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