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Everything posted by 77horn

  1. My grandmother was born in 1898. About 50 years ago she wrote down stories about growing up in north Texas at the turn of the century. In one story, she, her older sister, and her father were taking the wagon into town for supplies. On the way, they met her cousin, her uncle, and the sheriff on the way to get a local boy for a shotgun wedding. She wrote that her sister explained to her what had happened.
  2. That article is just brutal....brutally honest.
  3. Well, I called the damn number, full expecting a pitch for a donation or something. They want damn near $300 for the damn directory. Told them no about 7 times before they gave up. Then they sent an email with a link to verify online the information I had to call to verify. Fuck them.
  4. Back in the late 90s and early 00s I worked a lot of BBQ based fundraisers for college scholarships, scout troops, etc. Back then, all briskets were 8 lbers. Never saw a 10 lb. Now they are all 12+ lb
  5. Not my father (he was in Germany), but his 1st cousin was in the Lost Battalion and spent years in a Japanese POW camps. He was in one about 100 miles from Nagasaki on August 9th. From that camp he saw the mushroom cloud. Didn't know what it was, but knew it was a good sign. His oral history is in the University of North Texas at the Willis Library. And yeah, what those guys did in the pacific was incredible.
  6. What's stopping you from scheduling 0U every year? Texas played 0U for years as a non-conference game?
  7. Since you are touring coal country, maybe you can take a trip to Centralia. Or maybe not..
  8. In my ignorance, I decided to listen to the song, before I decided. And I'm on board. It's a nice song, uplifting. The version I heard was 4½ minutes, so they may have to cut a verse or two. But I'm OK with this.
  9. It doesn't matter what I think, but those simpletons who started the Chaz thought they would have a city state as long as they possibly could. (all states want to last as long as can) They had their own armed strong men security, etc. But, yeah, from your evil anarchist, revisionist history perspective, they were a utopia. Maybe you should start a go-fund-me to erect some statues for thses failed rebels.
  10. Do what it takes to knock that shit off, then just re-season it. Wire brush, whatever.
  11. This. They are just like aggy and their fucking wooping. They just can't get through their heads that there are places where wooping is not appropriate or welcome.
  12. Problem with this is that in BB, Saul doesn't know Gus. But he "knows a guy, who knows a guy"
  13. Get a copy of the document you are to sign. Leak it anonymously to the local TV/newspaper.
  14. China's sole responsibility has nothing to do with fucked up timelines. To the extent the Vox video is right, China outlawed those Wet markets after the last outbreak, but let them reopen because powerful Chinese wanted to eat wild animals, even though they knew this would likely happen. This is on China and China alone.
  15. I think kids today are at a disadvantage over prior generations when it comes to have sense about money. My parents ("greatest generation") rarely wrote checks, they paid cash, so they had a sense of when funds were running low. I wrote checks for everything, but had to balance my check book and (reconcile) with the bank statement. Having to do that forced you to review where your money was going. Kids today have debit cards, rarely write a check, and the up to date balance is available 24/7. But they've lost the sense of knowing where their money is going, or even see money the same way we old timers did.
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