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Everything posted by BrickHorn

  1. I generally focus on the music and don’t pay attention to lyrics. My wife is the opposite. It makes it nearly impossible for either of us to help the other identify a song.
  2. There are a lot more than that, when you consider that Bitcoin mines are just big batteries that constantly burn energy but don’t store any for later use. Dammit. @Captainant beat me to it.
  3. I ditched the GOP a bit sooner than you did, but am ashamed to admit that I voted for Dole in 96 and W in 2000. It was mostly momentum from growing up in a conservative / GOP loyalist family with an extreme pro-life bent. The Iraq War and the Republican-backed christofascist war on science pushed me firmly away from the right. Everything since only confirms that I made the correct choice, and that I should have made it much earlier.
  4. So the idea is to bombard Mars with asteroids until it has sufficient gravity? Mars has 11% the mass of Earth. You’d have to crash 8 Marses worth of asteroids into it to create an Earth-sized rocky planet. What does that do to the planet? And is the result just a pile of loose rubble or do the collisions result in seismic and volcanic activity of the type necessary to create a stable crust? And we need to make sure there’s enough water in those asteroids to create oceans. Which would in any event be freshwater for the next few billion years or so. And none of that addresses the absence of a magnetic field (creating problems in both the short and long term) and the difference in sunlight intensity. So… what’s easier: building thousands of rockets to propel asteroids into Mars, resulting — at some point in the far future — in at best a shitty imitation of Earth that won’t last long without the protection of a magnetosphere, or shutting down fossil fuel use here on Earth for a short period while we ramp up renewables? Terraforming is fun to think about as an engineering project, but that exercise reveals just how silly the Mars bugout plan is.
  5. Yep, that issue is massive as well. It’s why the idea that we’ll escape climate change by colonizing Mars is so dumb. How do you terraform a planet with virtually no water, no magnetic field, less sunlight, and only a fraction of Earth’s gravity?
  6. Facts like this put into perspective the practicality of humans colonizing another habitable planet. In the time it took for all of its designers to die, Voyager traveled 0.0025 light years from Earth. The nearest potentially habitable planet is 4 light years away - or 1,600x as far as Voyager has gotten so far. Even allowing for continued acceleration, you’re still looking at a journey that would last thousands of years and hundreds of generations - just to get to a potentially viable planet. Unless we discover some new physics that allows for near light speed travel, it will never make sense to send human beings on a planet colonizing mission.
  7. Oh shit. Knowledge Fight covered that episode and debated whether that was actually Elon or just an imitator. Alex sure as shit acted like it was Elon, falling all over himself to kiss “Adrian’s” ass. It was as weird as you’d expect. Jones is such a pathetic worm.
  8. No, we understood it. We just don’t agree that collective punishment is justifiable.
  9. Like “war is hell,” ”these two religions have always hated each other” is a thought-terminating cliche. It’s useless, both for understanding the reasons for a given conflict and for identifying solutions.
  10. There are different kinds of war and not all combatants are on equal moral footing. Just saying “War is hell, shit happens” doesn’t address the issue. It’s a thought-terminating cliche at best.
  11. I posted that. And you really missed the point. And yes, Europeans were fucking wrong to steal the natives’ land. Is that even a question?
  12. What a fucked up shitty perspective.
  13. The point of my question was not whether it would be reasonable to criticize Israel’s actions in Gaza, but rather to understand what makes you believe many (much less all) are critical of those actions.
  14. For fuck’s sake. It’s not a thousand year old problem. Some of y'all need to stop watching Fox News and The 700 Club and start reading some history books.
  15. Define “no one.”
  16. I don’t like your jerk-off name. I don’t like your jerk-off face. I don’t like your jerk-off behavior. And I don’t like you, jerk off.
  17. BrickHorn


    Weird how the same psychoactive molecule has the same effect on you even when you’re in different states.
  18. Good news: you don’t actually have to do that shit.
  19. “The cops should beat up left wing protestors because they destroy public property!”
  20. Which one of my dumbass uncles are you FB friends with?
  21. Shocking that the Free Market Cult can only find free market solutions. Which of course aren’t solutions, but instead merely compound the harms. Crypto mines burning energy for useless shit = batteries. Ha. Fucking morons.
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