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Everything posted by BrickHorn

  1. I’m rooting for Spain. I love their style of soccer. After Spain’s last group stage game, the TV analysts were sure that England was going to stomp Spain. They couldn’t really elaborate any reasons for it and frankly one of them sounded like she had brain damage.
  2. Our species sucks so fucking bad. Not all of us, for sure. But on balance, I can’t help but root for plague, famine, climate change, and giant asteroids. The universe would be better off without us.
  3. Agreed. I only noticed one shot of horses in the trailer, but they were just running in the background. All the sequences of fighting, hunting, and scouting had the Comanches on foot. Which is like making a movie about the British Empire where they don’t have any boats.
  4. It’s a smokescreen, like Alex Jones claiming to be “above the left-right paradigm.” Dersh is a trial lawyer. He’s a persuader. He’s just employing an old credibility-boosting trick, feigning loyalty to one side to nullify the presumption of bias in his rabid defense of the other side.
  5. Of course it is. All these rightwing jackasses exploit liberal ideals to shield their bullshit from criticism. They’ve become masters at misapplying concepts like freedom of speech or free exercise of religion to deflect blame at those who criticize the right’s disgusting ideas. And dummies eat that shit up, either because it’s a convenient tack or they don’t actually understand the ideals they suddenly hold so dear.
  6. Every once in a while, Alex comes up with a decent idea.
  7. I like that. “M.A.G.A.” Has a catchy ring to it.
  8. “Christians”: We defend the ONE TRUE GOD, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! Me: What about Jesus? Isn’t he a god? ”Christians”: Shut up, libtard.
  9. I was told crypto is doing that, somehow.
  10. I turned our thermostat up to 79. You’re welcome.
  11. The point is that deregulation of utilities increases the risk of shit breaking during or capacity being inadequate for extreme situations. And the amount of regulation to apply to utilities is most certainly a partisan issue. The market incentivizes just enough investment to be maximally profitable in expected conditions. It does not incentivize investing for unexpected contingencies. So if electric generation and distribution is purely unregulated, you will have a grid that is not capable of providing electricity when it is needed most: to keep people warm when temperatures are dangerously low and keep people cool when they are dangerously hot. Whether Texans would ever implement regulations to prevent such circumstances is an open question. I’m sure there are regulations on these issues, but they’re obviously inadequate for the modern climate reality. But it’s at least possible that regulations could result in a more robust grid, whereas the chances that the invisible hand guides market competitors to spend money on excess capacity and wider temperature tolerances is vanishingly small. Such investments would put providers at a competitive disadvantage for most of the year and yield very little advantage during emergencies.
  12. Americans are literally the worst. So wasteful and self-centered. “It’s a hassle to be responsible, so fuck it!” should be printed on our currency.
  13. England-Norway just started. This should be a good one.
  14. Not quite as high quality of play in the Austria-Northern Ireland game. Frankly, these two teams suck.
  15. Yeah, the sound hole does make it easier.
  16. Attacking Nazis does a disservice to caring Hitler Youth troop leaders.
  17. Why the fuck would you encourage lunatics to breed?
  18. I wonder if science will ever unlock the mystery of why Vic Mackey’s social media friends, of all people, are more prone to health issues. It’s a real puzzler!
  19. I cannot think of a single Republican platform position that is not idiotic, reckless, irresponsible, greedy, and/or vile. Not. A. Single. One.
  20. If you think DalTx looks like a fucking idiot in this thread, you should see the stupid shit he nominated for best guitar-driven song.
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