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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. Hong Kong, Ukraine, India, Korea, Middle East......all at play if/when some bad actors want to make a move. We have largely diminished our negotiating power, our trust, and our alliances. We still have the most powerful military but that wasn't our real power around the globe, it was our values and partnerships that kept us up top. With all that eroded, who really will stop China from going after Hong Kong? Or Russia into the Ukraine? Added bit of fun, if we do not get COVID under control, how strong is our military really?
  2. https://www.kqed.org/arts/13849625/pandoras-new-corporate-parents-gave-millions-to-trump-gop Pandora Media shareholders voted Tuesday to approve its $3.5 billion acquisition by satellite radio company Sirius XM, adding the struggling webcaster and one of Oakland's largest employers to the portfolio of major Donald Trump and Republican Party donors at parent company Liberty Media. ... The deal consolidates Pandora and Sirius XM under the control of Liberty Media, a Colorado company owned and run by conservative donors, at a time when music industry political giving and tech ties to the Trump administration are increasingly scrutinized. Policy experts also say the merger empowers a company that’s aggressively fought to suppress royalty payments for artists and copyright holders.
  3. I wish they would also include the handing over of bases in the Middle East to Russia. Seems a lifetime ago.
  4. Bad grammar. Wonder what would happen if this was a black man.
  5. Perfect example of why defund the police needs to be implemented at some level. These police officers did nothing wrong at all and super patient (wonder what would happen if this was a black man), but there needs to be a mental health professional there to manage the situation with one officer giving lots of space in case something goes sideways. Someone with mental illness will just escalate when they get surrounded by authorities with weapons.
  6. Ahhhhhh, this: https://www.thecut.com/2019/03/stacey-abrams-whats-next.html Yep, just like Trump and all the others out there that are running a grift through politics. She decided to look at things holistically and try to find answers that balance the impact as much as possible. What a worthless striver. Her aversion to class politics in favor of identity politics is outlined better here: https://www.foreignaffairs.com/print/node/1123763 She seems like someone who has thought thru this pretty deeply and I think would serve her well if ascending to President. But you are probably right, just a face who wants to be wealthy.
  7. Yeah, but who from each side will want to hang out in lines for hours during a pandemic? The side who thinks its a mild flu and refuses to wear masks or the ones who know the risks and do everything they can to mitigate that risk? I know I will willingly stand in line all day with a mask but who else will? Especially if they think that Biden will win big due to how poll numbers are looking (2016 anyone?).
  8. Team Ranch water with sotol or oaxacan old fashioned
  9. Is it bad that there is so much Trump chaos that I forgot he assassinated a top Iranian general? But was it really the IC who ordered the hit?
  10. Bump for all things IC based hand waving
  11. Cool. So it was all handed off to the FBI and was done so on the premise that they blindly accept it as truth and they prosecuted a bunch of people off of it and Trump wrongly lost the election. I totally get your point and why you feel you need to address this over and over and over. It's truly a tragedy of our system, maybe Trump will do something about it.
  12. Sounds like a bunch of conspiracy talk to me. Oh, and potato/potato. https://www.cnn.com/2019/03/25/politics/lindsey-graham-john-mccain-dossier-fbi/index.html And again, let's all focus on Clinton and the bang up job they did stealing the election with Steele and Russia helping them (if that's even the case) when we know what Trump and team has and are doing (or maybe Mueller and fbi and other investigative bodies are all in on it??!! ). But "deep state" and "both sides" and all that.
  13. Lol your "pumping crazy ass conspiracy theories to the FBI" is my "sending potential important information into a system designed to investigate information". Why is the Clinton campaign being viewed in a negative light for doing so? Isn't that the proper channel to funnel shit like that?? And hell, McCain was the one who handed the dossier to the FBI. It's not like they all came out and said, "Russia, if you can do some hacking for us to help us out, that would be great".
  14. Well JFC, Fusion GPS hired Steele, so I'm now lumping Steele with GPS as part of a group for sake of discussion. Apologies for not narrowing down details for you. You can now see how frustrating it is to try and get your point when you talk in hypotheticals and amorphic statements. *But let's point to that tiny discrepancy while deflecting from your assertion (joke, hypothetical, ?) about what if Clinton did something nefarious via Steele.
  15. Say what you mean rather than throwing a bunch of hypotheticals out there and having people trying to guess what you are getting at.
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