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Everything posted by Sandman

  1. I don't care how much any of them make, suits or line workers. Just make a car that isn't a piece of shit for a decent price. I'm not paying $50k for whatever the fuck Ford is putting out there.
  2. Sandman

    Getting old sucks

    I got a tennis elbow strap from amazon last week. Had a tough time finding that sweet spot but I finally did it. Woke up Saturday with almost zero pain, I couldn't believe it! Yeah, I've never been able to find that spot again. I've been trying different spots on my arm with no luck, I feel like a junkie looking for a vein. Fuck this shit!
  3. I'd say that working jobs like that have caused me to be less compassionate because people can be such assholes. I have people that call my office every day and it's basically "I haven't read the forms or the instructions, I can't comprehend anything being said to me, I don't know how to operate a computer and all of that is someone else's fault. I am incapable of fucking up."
  4. I started feeling sick Friday night and was sick through the weekend. Sunday morning my wife asked if I wanted to eat something, I said just some buttered toast. She made it for me and I was grateful. Still sick on Monday and I was home alone. I decided to eat more toast, and I noticed the butter was about 2/3 gone. No need to worry about it, plenty left IMO. I felt better by that evening, so we decided to go to the grocery store. As we walked in the dairy aisle, she exclaimed that she needed to get some more butter. I was confused and said "we still have enough, no biggie". She replied "oh no, that butter is expired. I noticed it Sunday morning." Me: So you noticed it was expired, then used it and fed it to me, then put it back in the fridge? Her: Yes but it wasn't *that* expired. Only a couple of days. Me: Why not just throw it away? I already ate it again! What purpose did it serve to keep expired food??? Her: Well, I don't know. Ugh. I understand that a couple of days isn't a big deal with butter but I hate that shit. I can't tell you how many times I see her go "Oh this sour cream is expired" and she just puts it back on the shelf, to be dealt with another day.
  5. I'm here to turn in my badge. Or apron, undies, whatever. Got up yesterday and felt off. No desire for breakfast, which is highly unusual. Went to costco and came home, still not hungry. But immediately had the shits. Had another bout within 20 mins. Then I was hit with some horrible gut cramps, I couldn't do anything but writhe in my recliner. Went to bed at 9, no relief in sight. Cramps, bloating shitting, I got 40 mins or so of sleep every hour. Around 5am, I thought maybe I had turned a corner. Then as I was laying in bed, I decided to trust a fart. Why? We all know this is a rookie move. I'm blaming the lack of sleep. It was only a nickel or quarter sized spot in my drawers but I'm a man of integrity. To those of you who are still clean in 2023, God speed.
  6. Yeah, getting a new license here is the same. Many of the old DPS sites are closed and you have to get in line at 3-4 AM and wait to get a number...to then go back later to take the exam. So dumb. Glad my kids got their DL before that shit started.
  7. Interesting. Never had an eye test, they would just check the box for "corrective lenses" if you wore glasses. I wonder if there's data out there that shows Oklahoma has more accidents caused by bad vision or elderly drivers.
  8. Does texas not offer online renewal? Even backwards Oklahoma has that. I got my license renewed from the comfort of my filthy hovel, very convenient.
  9. I agree. I don't deserve this at all.
  10. Yes, and if I was single and alone, I'd want to be able to do things on the fly, whatever and whenever I wanted. Not have to say, "Well, first I gotta go home and let the dogs out and feed them. Then maybe I can meet you at XYZ later...".
  11. I don't drink coffee, so bear with me, but why does your coffee maker produce so much noise? Is it old? Are the bedrooms right next to the kitchen?
  12. All this talk about how many dogs to get is crazy to me. I have 2 and wish they would go back to their home planet, Pootchie-style. I don't like having to work around them as far as rushing home straight after work to let them out, or making sure we get home in time to feed them on a saturday. Or just making sure they have plenty of time to be out of their crate every day. I currently do all those things, without fail, but I'd rather just do whatever the fuck I wanted, without limits. And before you call me a bastard for having these dogs, my kids wanted dogs after our beloved boxer passed and we got these two idiots. Then my kids got their driver's licenses and jobs and now they moved out and have families and dogs of their own. I got stuck with the farting machines.
  13. Do you really want to trust that the local government and law enforcement know EXACTLY what the laws are and they won't just drag your mom out of there and maybe toss her in jail for a while? How many times have we seen cops or government folks just pull rules and regulations out of their asses and deal with the fallout later? Not a gamble I'd be willing to take.
  14. Sandman

    Getting old sucks

    I actually have a theraband, I got it when I was having issues with my other arm. I have a sleeve as well but it doesn't seem to do anything for this new pain. I'll admit I haven't used the theraband much, I guess I'll get started with that. Thanks for the info!
  15. Sandman

    Getting old sucks

    My tennis elbow in my right arm is so bad, I can't pick up a glass without yelping in pain. I can hardly make a fist. In a cruel twist of fate, it has absolutely no negative effects on my ability to do my job, so I haven't been too motivated to seek medical attention. Maybe I should just go to the doctor but I feel like he'll say there's nothing he can do.
  16. There was a show like this 20 years ago. A bunch of former special ops guys competing to see which team could do certain "missions" the best. It was a bunch of alpha male dick measuring, so dumb. I just looked it up, it was called "Combat Missions" on USA (is that even a network now?)
  17. He claims she's not badgering him to stay home with her 24/7 but the results say otherwise. I think he just doesn't want to hear her cry about how she doesn't have any friends and how she'll be home alone. She had a shitty attitude towards his friends for 25 years and it's hard to keep that from clouding my judgement. He tells us how much she's changed and how better she is about him hanging out but it doesn't seem much different to me. I keep trying though.
  18. 25 years ago, the fence at my former house was shit and needed to be replaced. I went to the neighbor and said I was getting quotes and asked him if he wanted to split it. He hemmed and hawed and said something about how he was planning on replacing it himself but just hadn't had the time right now. My dogs were getting into his yard, so I said this shit can't wait, are you in or out? He got sheepish and said he was out. I had it replaced and ate the whole cost. Never cared for the guy after that. Just a few years ago at my current house, my neighbor came over and said he was going to replace the fence himself and wanted to know if we wanted to chip in on the cost of materials. I cut him a check for half of it right then and there. Had a new fence a few days later. When the fence on the other side needed replaced, me and that neighbor got bids and split everything. No bullshitting around. Always ask them if they want to chip in. Worse case scenario, you get no money but find out your neighbor is kind of a dick and you can ignore him from then on.
  19. My friend has three kids and the youngest is now a senior. Me and our other friend, our kids are all out of school. I thought it would be easier for us to all get together once all the kids were driving and working or had graduated, but my one friend with the 3 kids just can't seem to make it happen. He denies it but we all know his wife keeps him on a short leash, and he doesn't seem willing or able to loosen it up. It's a real shame. A couple of weeks ago, I texted him a meme or something funny, he replied in 5 mins. I then follow up with "hey what are you doing this weekend?" and got nothing.
  20. The last 4-5 years on opening weekend, I always say "Football starts tonight and I'm gonna watch it, regardless of who's playing". I never make it more than a drive or two before I get disinterested and turn it off. Getting old is a bitch.
  21. What puts me in a football mood is when I turn on the TV at 2:30 and the ball is kicked off at 2:35.
  22. College Gameday and NFL Countdown were fine when they were an hour long, and they talked about...football. Not some player's mom that was sick or dad was in prison. Just matchups and who had a better chance to win. Fuck this 3-4 hour bullshit. I haven't seen a pregame show in 10+ years and I don't miss them.
  23. I remember playing at SMU, I think it was the 7 TD game for Rashaun Woods. A student wrote an Op-Ed for the school paper, saying it was time for Pistol Pete to put his guns away. What a joke.
  24. Males over the age of 15 should either keep their fingernails cut or wear gloves 24/7, so nobody has to look at their nasty hands. If your son has fucking gross nails that are an inch or two long, you have failed as a parent.
  25. Over/under on the number of rapes that would take place on this ship? 100? It would make Woodstock 2 look like a live episode of Mister Rogers.
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