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orange dream

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by orange dream

  1. Per the YouTube TV site for DFW zip code these are the local channels that are included. WFAA 8 CBS 11 FOX 4 NBC 5 My27 Telemundo 39 The CW TXA 21
  2. I just canceled Vue (working through Nov 11th) and will most likely sign up for Youtube TV sometime before then. LHN was what was keeping me there, so hopefully a new solution will arise for that.
  3. I mean bravo for boobs, but calling that food she's making tamales is a gotdam abomination. Potato wedges and olives? Are you kidding me?
  4. Awful story. Amazing how a second or two can destroy life so easily.
  5. I've got my money on Tarleton or Sul Ross. To the OP, sorry this happening. Now name the f-ing town before we send out a surly mob looking for you.
  6. At the cash register while holding your change over the tip jar they'd ask if you wanted to patch the hole in the ozone or save the baby seals or something similar. If you paused when ordering they were quick with, "are you gonna stand there all day or order?" Those were some tasty burgers. Was it a victim of real estate development or did college kids stop liking tremendous burgers and abuse?
  7. Very cool. I can't remember if you've said but do you do this travel for work and just add on some long weekends or is all of this pleasure travel? Do you have these meals by yourself or with someone usually? Always jealous when I see this thread updated. Keep it up!!
  8. Dahobbs, what was approximate cost of your project? If the cost includes the kitchen, how much was kitchen vs. the patio and cover. Looks awesome by the way.
  9. Whatever happened to LSU Freek? That dude was a gift.
  10. It's a schedule for human beings...
  11. Awesome stuff. What is the backstory? Somebody is pretty meticulous / anal retentive to individually wrap every bumper sticker, ticket stub and program.
  12. We had our first two kids a couple of years apart when my wife and I were 28-31 range. Then we had a bonus baby when we were 41 & 40 respectively. Once we got past the initial shock it has been pretty amazing having a little one again. He is now 6 and starting 1st grade this week. It has been exhausting having teens and toddlers at the same time. Last year we dropped our oldest at college and the baby at Kindergarten. WOW. We have been more relaxed with this one and let more stuff fall in the "it'll be ok" category while trying to enjoy the journey.
  13. What's your overall change since you started this? if i recall correctly you wanted to lose quite a bit when you started and also had some metabolic issues you were working through. Keep on keepin' on!!
  14. How often do we play Maryland in this future world?
  15. Awesome. I think I've seen you say you are trying to reintroduce some more carbs at this stage. Do you have a target amount of carbs you try to stay under, or do you only have certain carbs for 1 or 2 days a week, or something else entirely? When you were in the "lose...lose...lose" phase of this what was your target carb limit?
  16. BARKLEY DESCRIPTION: There is a great documentary about the Barkley race on Amazon. This is the race director:
  17. 2nd for Amegy via Southwest Bank.
  18. I worked with Steve several years ago on a deal. Good dude, so sad to hear this.
  19. Sounds like an awesome trip. Is your son over there for a Summer exchange program or something else. Spaetzle and a cold beer is the definition of comfort food.
  20. 5 or 6 years ago we took an existing 3 bedrooms and 2 baths and tore out everything to convert them to 2 larger bedrooms and 2 larger bathrooms. We kept the bathroom stuff generally in the same locations so we didn't have to materially relocate supply or drain lines. This was all upstairs in a 2 bedroom house (kid's bedrooms). If memory serves the original estimates were around 100k and we ended up around 120-125k after some modifications during the process. The finishes were mid-grade as it was for kid's bedrooms / bathrooms. This was in Plano.
  21. 1999 = These are coming in 2004 2009 = These are coming in 2014 2019 = These are coming in 2024
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