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orange dream

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by orange dream

  1. Pro tip. Have everyone get a 5 gallon bucket (or provide them yourself) put their names on them. That is the spot for bat, helmet, glove, hat, etc. So much easier than watching them all try to wrestle stuff into those backpacks that are too big for them. they are also relatively easy for the little kids to carry themselves. Tell the parents that your expectation is that the kids will load and carry the buckets to and from practice. Tell them that unless they are batting at the plate or the one the coach is working with on hitting at practice that the bat is supposed to be in the bucket at all times. Glove and hat go in bucket when your team is batting and helmet goes on in the dugout whether it's your turn to bat or not so that when someone ignores your bat in the bucket advice and take a swing in the dugout all of their melons are protected. You can buy the buckets for 3 bucks at Home Depot or on Amazon. I second the "rotate everyone except for 1st base" advice. Only use the 2 or 3 kids who can actually catch the ball (or at least make a decent effort to catch) at 1st base. Pitcher is also spot that probably only has a 2 - 4 person rotation so they don't get hurt. Avoid the temptation to just have the kids circle the bases on the inevitable train of errors that will happen on each and every play. Advance one base per hit unless it is hit to the outfield in which case a double is usually sufficient. The less you let the kids run per hit, the more hitters will get to come to the plate based on whatever your leagues run per inning limit is. Is it strictly T-Ball or are there some coach pitches allowed / required before the tee? if coach pitching is part of the process make sure the players get plenty of practice doing that in the same way they will see it in the game. It really can be a lot of fun!!
  2. Doing this right now with my 6 YO son. Not sure he is as ridiculously smart as your prodigy but we're giving it a shot. He goes 2 or 3 times per week for about an hour at a time. He puts a little headband on and watches a movie (Airbud 3 was the most recent choice). My understanding is if he loses 'focus' that the visual becomes blurry and it only becomes clear when he re-focuses. I kind of picture the ESP scene from Ghostbusters. Honestly, no idea how effective it is or will end up being, but for us it was worth a shot. Our program is more in the $3-5k range though. We are using a place called PeakBrain in Dallas.
  3. I'd find whatever year model / mileage combo Toyota Tacoma fits your budget. Have the older drive it as long as possible (until their sharing is a pain for you and your wife) and then pass it down to the younger one and get your older something a little newer / nicer to take to college (assuming he has been responsible driving the Tacoma).
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6TzAQXVpB8
  5. We bought a Bosch recently that has the timelight feature. It projects on the floor the time remaining in the cycle and the part of the cycle it is in (wash, rinse, dry, etc.). Thing is so quiet that without that it is tough to know if it is on or not.
  6. I have wondered this also. I know 2 families from Dallas who each have 2 kids currently at USC. All four of the kids are relatively smart but nothing out of the ordinary. I have always figured that moderate grades and the ability to write a healthy check would meet the 'stringent' USC admission standards. I have also assumed that being famous, or from a famous family, would go a long way toward admission. That 500k seems like it could have just been legitimately offered to the USC development office with a comment to the USC representative that they have a daughter who has applied and they are really excited for her to attend and it would have been taken care of. Just seems unnecessary to have gone down this path for USC. I'm guessing the girls are dumb as a box of rocks, maybe they just don't test well. ha ha. Even with that, I think they could have easily gotten them accepted with a legitimate gift to USC and a quick conversation.
  7. So OP is saying that UTPhil and Thad gave him a happy ending. Good to know.
  8. Saw some of this over the weekend. The thing that strikes me as a bit odd is that even if she gets in the wrong uber car at 3 am, I think/hope that 99.9% of the population would stop significantly short of murder and dump the body. Really terrible coincidence to get the wrong .01% of the population pulling up at the same time you are expecting your Uber. Very sad for her family.
  9. We adopted a golden retriever a few years back and found out it had worms a few months later. We ended up paying more than you mentioned. I can't remember exact amount but I am thinking 600-800 range. Biggest hassle was there is a window of the treatment where you are supposed to keep the dog calm ( no running / jumping, etc.) so that the worms don't dislodge and cause a stroke or something like that. 3 or 4 years post treatment now and all is A-OK. Good luck!!
  10. That seems like the kind of thing that someone does because they can get away with it. They (agents and studios) have created barriers to entry that they hold the keys to and force people to pay the toll to do business. In a related note, the United Brotherhood of 2nd Key Grip and assistant Best Boy and Gaffers union will be watching this closely I am sure. Will be interesting to see if any kind of real reform happens.
  11. I don't know if the video exists or if it could be accessed but it would be cool to have your dad describe famous plays, or even little known ones, (like in the 1st video) with a split screen of him discussing his recollection of the play on one side and the video of the play on the other side synced to his discussion. Thanks for sharing.
  12. Big whoop, I did a simple google search and found these... where's my prize?
  13. Chick-fil-A waffle fries are terrible. I extol the virtues of the rest of their menu but those fries are trash.
  14. Robert, thank you so much for your timely and relevant contribution. i'd like to reward your effort with this visual stimulation...
  15. Hilton Head was kind of a whip in my opinion. When I go to the beach my preference is for it to be uncrowded. HHI was almost elbow to elbow with our fellow vacationers. Making matters worse was it was a heavy dose of New York, Philly & Boston residents. We were there mid to late July timeframe 6 or 7 years ago. YMMV. I agree that North Myrtle Beach would be preferred over "regular" myrtle beach. Avoid Memorial Day weekend at all cost. Trust me!! Wrightsville Beach, Nags Head and Duck are also worth checking out.
  16. OP, what makes you want to buy the 85 year old house? Location, unique characteristics, or just wanting a fixer upper?
  17. I've seen it mentioned on here a couple of times that carrots are part of the list of OK foods for keto / low-carb. I have always thought of carrots as high carb / high sugar veggies. Kind of in line with Corn. is if offset by fiber in carrots? I really don't even like carrots was just surprised to see them referenced as keto / low-carb. What am I missing?
  18. I like the show. Certainly some holes in the plot, but they do a good job of going back and providing some details while not spoon feeding too much. Secretary/assistant is easy on the eyes, as is the wife. Glad the 2nd season is guaranteed. Biggest beating on the show is aging rocker guy, followed closely by his son.
  19. I guess I didn't really convey my meaning well in my first message. My daughter went through this process last year. Competitive high school in Dallas area, she was in the 15-20% class rank and had good grades and test scores (those are the hurdles I was referencing, NOT the 6% auto admit limit). My wife and her were both convinced she had no chance due to the top 6-7% issue and wanted to go down the pricey college advisor route, etc. Her counselor at school and I both just said focus on the essays and let it ride. She got her acceptance letter into the program of her choice in January 2018 (not business or engineering mind you). I think it was that I had her add "Hook 'em!!" at the end of her essay. She remains convinced it had nothing to do with it. YMMV. Good luck to your daughter and your wallet.
  20. I like the idea of the aptitude testing that might help uncover some programs you might not otherwise consider based on that aptitude more than paying someone to help navigate the murky waters of college admissions. Double that if it the primary goal is just to get into UT. Your daughter will either have the test scores / rank hurdles met or not, the $$$$ to a college guidance service won't influence those factors unless they somehow guarantee National Merit level scores the next time she take the SAT / ACT.
  21. Make sure to hit up Six Flags over Madrid while you're there.
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