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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by HornPhD

  1. Growing up in a small town in Western NY, this was a typical evening activity. We had several spots that offered great throwing lanes and multiple escape routes.
  2. He had an interesting life: “Before playing a fictional tough guy, he played one in real life after enlisting with the Air Force during the Korean War in 1951 where he flew secret missions. During his service, he made time for higher education he studied at institutions in Syracuse, Munich, and Paris before graduating Cum Laude from UCLA where he earned a master’s degree.” Fluent in several languages, he taught classes at the CIA and NSA. He was working on a doctorate when he signed with MGM. He was the last actor to portray the Marlboro Man in TV commercials. Great fight scene in Any Which You Can. More than 300 acting credits in his career.
  3. I didn’t know he removed my backpack until the FA asked who it belonged to as it was in the overhead of the row behind me. I was chillin in my seat reading a book. If I had witnessed him removing my bag, I would have had some words with the guy.
  4. Happened to me once on a redeye from SFO to NYC. Some dude removed my large backpack to make room for his. When it was clear both wouldn’t fit, FA was going to have mine checked until I explained what happened.
  5. Was surprised/pissed there were no shows in the SF Bay Area.
  6. HornPhD

    Lynyrd Skynyrd

    The Lynyrd Skynyrd documentary was pretty, pretty, pretty good.
  7. “I haven’t read the book yet either” Not a strong lead statement for an argument against a book
  8. It’s always dusty in my house at the end of Scrooged when they’re singing Put A Little Love in Your Heart
  9. Same. I also question Ryan curling up in a ball while everyone else is fighting/dying.
  10. Beasties/Run-DMC and Bowie. I was at the Run-DMC show at Fat Tuesday on 6th Street (1999?). It was an extremely small crowd. 50-100 people. As a teen in the 80s, I played Raising Hell over and over. So, seeing them play in that situation was surreal.
  11. The actor is Casey Siemaszko. He played Bowdre in Young Guns. I can see MJF as Jerry Mitchell but only if Charlie Sheen is Buddy Revell (based on his performance in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off).
  12. I thought Charlie Bowdre was a good fit for the protagonist role. Definitely an underrated movie.
  13. I’ve been drinking them (plus beers) since the start and still have to go out for dinner with the fam (I’m in Cali). Also, may hit up a bar with my wife and her sis later.
  14. I only played one year of HS baseball and even I know you have to swing
  15. All I heard was the ball hitting the mitt. “It sounded different.” Fuck you.
  16. Who’s the guy with the wife who is a bisexual, cuckqueen doctor?
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